GTN Materials Search

We are testing a new search experience. It does not do semantic ranking of results, but it's maybe a nicer and faster interface. In the future we might bring back the ranking of results. If you wish to access the old search interface, it will remain available here.

Tell us what you think!

Identifier Type Title Topic Level Length
purlGTN:N00095 News Galaxy Administrator Time Burden and Technology Usage
purlGTN:N00092 News Simplifying GTN contribution with Google Forms
gtn infrastructurenew featureautomation
purlGTN:N00094 News New Tutorial: Single-cell ATAC-seq standard processing with SnapATAC2
new tutorialsingle-cellepigenetics
purlGTN:N00093 News Registration Open for BioNT Community Event & CarpentryConnect Heidelberg
purlGTN:N00091 News So many new features! GTN 2023-2024 Updates
gccgtn infrastructure
purlGTN:N00090 News 4th Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex NGS made easy
purlGTN:N00089 News GTN Video Library 2.0: 107 hours of learning across 154 videos
purlGTN:N00088 News Phylogenetics tutorial takes researchers back to basics!
PhylogeneticsTutorialGTNAustralian BioCommons
purlGTN:N00087 News From GTN Intern to Tutorial Author to Bioinformatician
purlGTN:N00086 News Open Call for Trainers for the Galaxy Training Academy
purlGTN:N00085 News New Galaxy training: Building an amplicon sequence variant (ASV) table from 16S data using DADA2
new tutorial
purlGTN:N00084 News Celebrating the Milestone: 400 Tutorials on the Galaxy Training Network!
purlGTN:N00083 News Integrating the Galaxy Training Network into the Tool Form
gtnnew featurealready-on-hub
purlGTN:N00082 News Standards compliant™ training news via RSS/Atom
gtn infrastructure
purlGTN:N00081 News All GTN training data are now automatically mirrored via Onedata
purlGTN:N00080 News Introducing GTN Event Pages
gtn infrastructurenew featureevents
purlGTN:N00079 News Open Galaxy Position at Galaxy Europe Team, University of Freiburg
purlGTN:N00078 News Perfectly FAIR Training!
gtn infrastructure
purlGTN:N00077 News Open Galaxy Positions at Melbourne Bioinformatics
purlGTN:N00076 News Learn to use MINERVA Platform's COVID-19 Disease Map with Galaxy
by-covidpathwaysminervagtn infrastructurenew feature
purlGTN:N00075 News New Learning Pathway for FAIR Data Management developed by ELIXIR-UK Data Stewardship Fellows and Experts
fairdmpdata stewardshipdata managementnew learning pathway
purlGTN:N00074 News Cool URLs Don't Change, GTN URLs don't either.
gtn infrastructurenew feature
purlGTN:N00073 News Lost in a topic? Try a Learning Pathway!
gtn infrastructurenew feature
purlGTN:N00072 News GTN ❤️ GMOD
new topicnew featuregenome annotation
purlGTN:N00069 News 🪐📲 Hosting Galaxy at the Edge: Directly in Your Pocket!
funsystem administratorsdevelopershumour
purlGTN:N00071 News GTN in Discourse
gtn infrastructurenew featurebeta
purlGTN:N00068 News Simplified GTN News submission via Google Form
gtn infrastructurenew featureautomation
purlGTN:N00070 News FAIR Data management in single cell analysis
single celldata managementdata importfair
purlGTN:N00067 News Galaxy Single-cell Community: Year in Review
purlGTN:N00066 News GTN Helper Bots Connect the Galaxy
purlGTN:N00065 News User story: Where Galaxy meets medicinal chemistry
computational chemistryuser storygtn
purlGTN:N00064 News Tutorial Feature: Easier launching of WorkflowHub & Dockstore Workflows
feature updategtntutorials
purlGTN:N00063 News Feedback: Easy slide recordings
purlGTN:N00062 News GTN has left Twitter/X as of October
purlGTN:N00061 News Update: Workflow List now searches, advanced query syntax
feature updategtn
purlGTN:N00060 News Single cell subdomain re-launch: Unified and feedback-driven
purlGTN:N00059 News New Feature: Embeddable GTN Tutorial Lists and UseGalaxy Workflow List Widgets
new featuregtn
purlGTN:N00058 News New Feature: GTN User Preferences
new featuregtn
purlGTN:N00057 News AI4Life teams up with GTN to enhance training resources
new topicnew community
purlGTN:N00056 News ELIXIR-UK Fellow Launches New FAIR Data Management Training
new topicnew tutorial
purlGTN:N00055 News New Feature: Pan-Galactic Tool Search
new featuregtn
purlGTN:N00054 News GTN Celebrates Pride Month: Alan Hart & M. Tuberculosis
purlGTN:N00053 News New Galaxy training: Genome-wide alternative splicing analysis
new tutorial
purlGTN:N00052 News BY-COVID and RO-Crate collaboration brings new topic: FAIR Data, Workflows & More
new topicnew feature
purlGTN:N00051 News New Feature:
new featuregtn
purlGTN:N00050 News New Feature: Persistent URLs (PURLs) / Shortlinks
new featuregtn
purlGTN:N00049 News New Feature: GTN Rdoc
new featuregtn
purlGTN:N00048 News New Feature: Click-to-run Workflows
new featuregtn
purlGTN:N00047 News New Feature: Learning Pathways!
new feature
purlGTN:N00046 News New Feature: Trainer Directory! (Add yourself today!)
new featurecommunity buildingcapacity building
purlGTN:N00045 News What are the most used tools in the GTN?
new featuregtn
purlGTN:N00044 News GTN Celebrates Black History Month
purlGTN:N00043 News New Tutorial: Pathogen detection from (direct Nanopore) sequencing data using Galaxy - Foodborne Edition
new tutorial
purlGTN:N00042 News New Feature: Prometheus Metrics endpoint
new featuregtn
purlGTN:N00041 News New GTN Feature Tag-based Topics enables new SARS-CoV-2 topic
new topicnew feature
purlGTN:N00040 News New GTN paper: "Galaxy Training: A powerful framework for teaching!"
purlGTN:N00039 News New Tutorial Suite: Deconvolution with MuSiC, from public data to disease interrogation!
new tutorialsingle-celltranscriptomics
purlGTN:N00038 News New Topic: Single Cell Analysis!
new topicsingle-cellnew feature
purlGTN:N00037 News New Tutorial: Data Manipulation
new tutorial
purlGTN:N00036 News New Tutorial: Workflow Reports
new tutorialGalaxy Tips & Tricks
purlGTN:N00035 News GTN Metadata Schemas
new feature
purlGTN:N00034 News New Tutorial Feature: Choose Your Own Tutorial
gtn infrastructurenew featuretutorial authors
purlGTN:N00033 News New Tutorial: VGP assembly pipeline
new tutorialassemblypacbiovgp
purlGTN:N00032 News New Feature: Automatic RMarkdown
gtn infrastructurenew feature
purlGTN:N00031 News GTN Smörgåsbord 2: Tapas Edition
purlGTN:N00030 News Support for annotating Funding Agencies
purlGTN:N00029 News New Tutorials: PacBio data QC and Genome Assembly, and Genome Annotation with Funannotate
new tutorialassemblygenome-annotation
purlGTN:N00028 News New FAQs: How does the GTN stay FAIR and Collaborative
purlGTN:N00027 News New Feature: GTN Video Library
gtn infrastructurenew feature
purlGTN:N00026 News New Feature: GTN API with OpenAPI 3 specification
gtn infrastructurenew feature
purlGTN:N00025 News Attention Contributors: GTN Performance Enhancements
purlGTN:N00024 News New Topic: Data Science Survival Kit
gtn infrastructurenew topic
purlGTN:N00023 News Got a minute? Take our survey about Galaxy for training and have your say!
purlGTN:N00022 News New Feature: Automatic Jupyter Notebooks
gtn infrastructurenew feature
purlGTN:N00021 News New Feature: a feedback page to aggregate and display feedback answers
new featurecontributors
purlGTN:N00020 News Accessibility Improvements
new feature
purlGTN:N00019 News New Tutorial: Mutation calling, viral genome reconstruction and lineage/clade assignment from SARS-CoV-2 sequencing data
new tutorialvariant-analysiscovid-19
purlGTN:N00018 News New Tutorial: Visualization of RNA-Seq results with Volcano Plot in R
new tutorialvisualization
purlGTN:N00017 News New Tutorial: GitPod for contributing to the GTN
new tutorialcontributors
purlGTN:N00016 News New Tutorial: Genome Annotation with Apollo
new tutorialgenome-annotation
purlGTN:N00015 News Oh no, it changed! Quick, to the archive menu.
new feature
purlGTN:N00014 News Contributing to BioBlend as a developer
new tutorial
purlGTN:N00013 News New Feature: Easy Abbreviation
new feature
purlGTN:N00012 News ¿Hablas español?: The first curated tutorial in Spanish!
new tutorialespañol
purlGTN:N00011 News New Tutorials: Whole transcriptome analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana
new tutorialtranscriptomicsplantsmirna
purlGTN:N00010 News New Feature: Video Player
gtn infrastructurevideonew feature
purlGTN:N00009 News New Tutorial: Downstream Single-cell RNA Plant analysis with ScanPy
new tutorialsingle-cellplant
purlGTN:N00008 News New Tutorials: Genome assembly of a MRSA genome
new tutorialassemblymrsaamrnanoporeillumina
purlGTN:N00007 News New Feature: FAQs
gtn infrastructurecontributorsinstructorsnew feature
purlGTN:N00006 News New Tutorial: Object tracking using CellProfiler
new tutorialimaging
purlGTN:N00005 News Next GTN CoFest May 20, 2021
purlGTN:N00004 News Galaxy Community Conference 2021
purlGTN:N00003 News Report on the GTN Smörgåsbord event
purlGTN:N00002 News Galaxy 21.01 released!
purlGTN:N00001 News New Feature: Automatic Slides-to-video conversion
new featurevideosgtnpandemicremote-teaching
purlGTN:N00000 News Galaxy Admin Training Success
TBA FAQs Can this tutorial be adapted to other instructional development platforms?
Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material
TBA FAQs Can the FAIR-by-Design Methodology be used for FAIR development of other types of resources?
Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material
TBA FAQs Is there a certification available for the FAIR-by-Design Methodology?
Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material
purlGTN:F00282 FAQs Do I need to create collections to run MaxQuant analysis or can I use single sample inputs?
purlGTN:F00283 FAQs Including custom modifications into MaxQuant in Galaxy?
purlGTN:F00284 FAQs Which isobaric labeled quantification methods does MaxQuant in Galaxy support?
purlGTN:F00137 FAQs How does the GTN ensure accessibility?
purlGTN:F00002 FAQs How do I create an account on a public Galaxy instance?
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00253 FAQs It says I already have an account when registering for
purlGTN:F00003 FAQs Can I create multiple Galaxy accounts?
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00004 FAQs How can I reduce quota usage while still retaining prior work (data, tools, methods)?
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00005 FAQs How to update account preferences?
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00392 FAQs How to enable the Activity Bar
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00254 FAQs Automatically trim adapters (without providing custom sequences)
purlGTN:F00376 FAQs How can I adapt this tutorial to my own data?
purlGTN:F00379 FAQs How can I adapt this tutorial to my own data?
purlGTN:F00184 FAQs Operating system compatibility
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:F00280 FAQs What advantages does a Chromatogram Library have over a DDA-generated library or predicted spectral library?
purlGTN:F00320 FAQs Why is Alevin is not working?
Single Cell
purlGTN:F00321 FAQs Why is Alevin is not working?
Single Cell
purlGTN:F00306 FAQs Is it possible to replace the existing alignment tools such as HISAT and Freebayes with other tools?
purlGTN:F00234 FAQs Is it possible to use alternative tools to those proposed in the tutorial?
purlGTN:F00225 FAQs Why is amplification more of an issue in scRNA-seq than RNA-seq?
Single Cell
purlGTN:F00006 FAQs Adding a custom database/build (dbkey)
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00174 FAQs Pick the right Concatenate tool
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00007 FAQs Beware of Cuts
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00008 FAQs Extended Help for Differential Expression Analysis Tools
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00362 FAQs How can I do analysis X? - Getting help
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00009 FAQs Will my jobs keep running?
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00010 FAQs My jobs aren't running!
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00011 FAQs Regular Expressions 101
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00012 FAQs Reporting usage problems, security issues, and bugs
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00013 FAQs Results may vary
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00014 FAQs Troubleshooting errors
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00015 FAQs What information should I include when reporting a problem?
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00216 FAQs I can’t find the “Analyze Data” button
Introduction to Galaxy Analyses
purlGTN:F00325 FAQs AnnData Import/ AnnData Manipulate not working?
Single Cell
purlGTN:F00185 FAQs Variable connection
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:F00186 FAQs Define once, reference many times
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:F00187 FAQs What if you forget `--diff`?
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:F00188 FAQs Error: "skipping: no hosts matched"
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:F00189 FAQs Running Ansible on your remote machine
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:F00190 FAQs What is the difference between the roles with `role:` prefix and without?
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:F00191 FAQs How do I know what I can do with a role? What variables are available?
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:F00192 FAQs How do I see what variables are set for a host?
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:F00193 FAQs Is YAML sensitive to True/true/False/false
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:F00236 FAQs Why does my assembly graph in Bandage look different to the one pictured in the tutorial?
purlGTN:F00243 FAQs The folder `recipes/belerophon/` and the file `meta.yaml` already exist in bioconda?
Development in Galaxy
purlGTN:F00255 FAQs In bowtie 2 parameters, in place of 1000 for other experiments, should we mention the median fragment length observed in our library?
purlGTN:F00285 FAQs What is the advantage of breaking down protein to peptides before mass spec?
purlGTN:F00277 FAQs The Build tissue-specific expression dataset tool (step one) exits with an error code.
purlGTN:F00194 FAQs Opening a split screen in byobu
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:F00427 FAQs Can I use a public Galaxy for my private data?
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00307 FAQs Why do we change the chromosome names in the Ensembl GTF to match the UCSC genome reference?
purlGTN:F00259 FAQs Do you have resources to help me get started working in the cloud?
Using Galaxy and Managing your Data
purlGTN:F00138 FAQs How does the GTN implement the "Ten simple rules for collaborative lesson development"
purlGTN:F00016 FAQs Adding a tag to a collection
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00017 FAQs Creating a dataset collection
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00018 FAQs Creating a paired collection
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00182 FAQs Changing the datatype of a collection
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00183 FAQs Converting the datatype of a collection
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00019 FAQs Renaming a collection
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00245 FAQs I want to use a collection for outputs but it always passes the test even when the script fails. Why?
Development in Galaxy
purlGTN:F00296 FAQs How does one compare metaproteomics measurements from two experimental conditions?
purlGTN:F00382 FAQs After sequencing with MinKNOW software, we get many fastq files, do these files need to be combined into one file before uploading or is it possible to upload them all at once?
purlGTN:F00286 FAQs Do we need a contaminant FASTA for MQ in galaxy?
purlGTN:F00214 FAQs How to Contribute to Galaxy
Development in Galaxy
purlGTN:F00212 FAQs Contributing a Jupyter Notebook to the GTN
Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material
purlGTN:F00139 FAQs Thanks!
purlGTN:F00140 FAQs How can I get started with contributing?
purlGTN:F00141 FAQs How can I contribute in "advanced" mode?
purlGTN:F00142 FAQs How can I fix mistakes or expand an existing tutorial using the GitHub interface?
purlGTN:F00143 FAQs How can I give feedback?
purlGTN:F00144 FAQs What can I do to help the project?
purlGTN:F00145 FAQs How can I report mistakes or errors?
purlGTN:F00146 FAQs How can I test an Interactive Tour?
purlGTN:F00147 FAQs How can I create new content without dealing with git?
purlGTN:F00297 FAQs How does one convert RAW files to MGF peak lists within Galaxy?
purlGTN:F00298 FAQs I have FASTQ files from metagenomics or metatranscriptomics datasets? How can I convert them into a protein FASTA file for metaproteomics searches?
purlGTN:F00233 FAQs Customising the welcome page
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:F00391 FAQs Using data source tools with Pulsar
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:F00195 FAQs Database Issues
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:F00020 FAQs Incomplete Dataset Download
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00021 FAQs How to find and correct tool errors related to Metadata?
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00365 FAQs Upload fasta datasets via links
purlGTN:F00366 FAQs Upload fastqsanger datasets via links
purlGTN:F00023 FAQs Finding BAM dataset identifiers
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00024 FAQs Directly obtaining UCSC sourced *genome* identifiers
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00025 FAQs Adding a tag
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00026 FAQs Changing the datatype
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00128 FAQs Cambiar el tipo de datos
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00177 FAQs Changer le type de données
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00027 FAQs Changing database/build (dbkey)
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00028 FAQs Mismatched Chromosome identifiers and how to avoid them
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00029 FAQs Converting the file format
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00030 FAQs Creating a new file
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00031 FAQs How to set Data Privacy Features?
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00403 FAQs How to delete datasets?
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00032 FAQs Detecting the datatype (file format)
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00033 FAQs Downloading datasets
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00034 FAQs Downloading datasets using command line
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00035 FAQs Finding Datasets
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00036 FAQs How to hide datasets?
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00037 FAQs Different dataset icons and their usage
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00038 FAQs Importing data from a data library
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00039 FAQs Importing data from remote files
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00040 FAQs Importing via links
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00129 FAQs Importación por medio de enlaces
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00178 FAQs Importer via un lien
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00041 FAQs Understanding job statuses
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00042 FAQs Moving datasets between Galaxy servers
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00404 FAQs Manipulating multiple history datasets
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00043 FAQs Datasets not downloading at all
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00044 FAQs Purging datasets
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00045 FAQs Quotas for datasets and histories
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00046 FAQs Renaming a dataset
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00405 FAQs How to un-delete datasets?
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00406 FAQs How to un-hide datasets?
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00047 FAQs Upload few files (1-10)
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00363 FAQs Upload datasets from GenomeArk
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00048 FAQs Upload many files (>10) via FTP
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00049 FAQs Working with deleted datasets
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00050 FAQs Working with very large fasta datasets
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00051 FAQs Working with very large fastq datasets
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00052 FAQs Working with GFF GFT GTF2 GFF3 reference annotation
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00053 FAQs Using compressed fastq data as tool inputs
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00054 FAQs Best practices for loading fastq data into Galaxy
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00055 FAQs How do `fastq.gz` datasets relate to the `.fastqsanger` datatype metadata assignment?
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00056 FAQs Compressed FASTQ files, (`*.gz`)
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00057 FAQs How to format fastq data for tools that require .fastqsanger format?
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00058 FAQs FASTQ files: `fastq` vs `fastqsanger` vs ..
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00059 FAQs Identifying and formatting Tabular Datasets
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00060 FAQs Understanding Datatypes
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00061 FAQs How can I upload data using EBI-SRA?
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00062 FAQs Data retrieval with “NCBI SRA Tools” (fastq-dump)
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00063 FAQs NCBI SRA sourced fastq data
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00333 FAQs The tutorial uses the normalised count table for visualisation. What about using VST normalised counts or rlog normalised counts?
purlGTN:F00299 FAQs What software tools are available to determine taxonomic composition from mass spectrometry data?
purlGTN:F00331 FAQs Could I use a different p-adj value for filtering differentially expressed genes?
purlGTN:F00329 FAQs I get a different number of transcripts with a significant change in gene expression between the G1E and megakaryocyte cellular states. Why?
purlGTN:F00196 FAQs How to read a Diff
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:F00226 FAQs Why do we do dimension reduction and then clustering? Why not just cluster on the actual data?
Single Cell
purlGTN:F00278 FAQs What is the principle of an enrichment analysis?
purlGTN:F00246 FAQs My Rscript tool generates a strange R error on STDOUT about an invalid operation on a closure called 'args' ?
Development in Galaxy
purlGTN:F00247 FAQs `docker-compose up` fails with error `/usr/bin/ line 133: /galaxy/.venv/bin/uwsgi: No such file or directory`
Development in Galaxy
purlGTN:F00260 FAQs Where can I find example queries for use in the cloud and elsewhere?
Using Galaxy and Managing your Data
purlGTN:F00148 FAQs How does the GTN ensure our training materials are FAIR?
purlGTN:F00224 FAQs FASTQ format
Sequence analysis
purlGTN:F00372 FAQs Why do we use FASTQ interlacer and not the FASTQ joiner?
purlGTN:F00064 FAQs Using the Window Manager to view multiple datasets
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00130 FAQs Uso del cuaderno de apuntes para ver varios conjuntos de datos
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00217 FAQs UCSC - I fetched data from a remote website but now I’m logged out of Galaxy and my data is gone?
Introduction to Galaxy Analyses
purlGTN:F00322 FAQs My Scanpy FindMarkers step is giving me an empty table
Single Cell
purlGTN:F00215 FAQs Flatten a list of list of paired datasets into a list of paired datasets
Using Galaxy and Managing your Data
purlGTN:F00248 FAQs What file/data formats are defined for I/O in Galaxy?
Development in Galaxy
purlGTN:F00300 FAQs Why do we do dimension reduction and then clustering? Why not just cluster on the actual data?
purlGTN:F00317 FAQs Where can I read more about Quality Control of data?
Sequence analysis
purlGTN:F00197 FAQs Blank page or no CSS/JavaScript
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:F00198 FAQs How many mules?
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:F00199 FAQs Debugging tool errors
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:F00200 FAQs Debugging tool memory errors
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:F00201 FAQs Tool missing from Galaxy
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:F00202 FAQs Galaxy UI is slow
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:F00357 FAQs Updating from 22.01 to 23.0 with Ansible
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:F00218 FAQs My Galaxy looks different than in the tutorial/video
Introduction to Galaxy Analyses
purlGTN:F00149 FAQs Are there any upcoming events focused on Galaxy Training?
purlGTN:F00180 FAQs Compatible Versions of Galaxy
purlGTN:F00150 FAQs Ways to use Galaxy
purlGTN:F00151 FAQs What is Galaxy?
purlGTN:F00279 FAQs What is Gene Ontology (GO)?
purlGTN:F00227 FAQs What exactly is a ‘Gene profile’?
Single Cell
purlGTN:F00152 FAQs How can I load data?
purlGTN:F00244 FAQs Where can I get planemo?
Development in Galaxy
purlGTN:F00203 FAQs Using Git With Ansible Vaults
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:F00204 FAQs Time to git commit
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:F00205 FAQs Galaxy Admin Training Path
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:F00417 FAQs What's the Galaxy Community Board?
Galaxy Community Building
purlGTN:F00418 FAQs How do I join the Galaxy Community Board?
Galaxy Community Building
purlGTN:F00419 FAQs What is the Galaxy Governance Structure?
Galaxy Community Building
purlGTN:F00422 FAQs Using tutorial mode and the Case Study suite
Single Cell
purlGTN:F00153 FAQs What is this website?
purlGTN:F00154 FAQs How can I advertise the training materials on my posters?
purlGTN:F00155 FAQs What audiences are the tutorials for?
purlGTN:F00156 FAQs How can I cite the GTN?
purlGTN:F00399 FAQs Creating a GTN Event
purlGTN:F00398 FAQs Using Answer Key Histories
purlGTN:F00402 FAQs Creating a GTN FAQ
purlGTN:F00157 FAQs How is the content licensed?
purlGTN:F00352 FAQs What licenses are used in the GTN?
purlGTN:F00158 FAQs Creating a GTN News post
purlGTN:F00159 FAQs GTN Stats
purlGTN:F00160 FAQs Sustainability of the training-material and metadata
purlGTN:F00161 FAQs What are the tutorials for?
purlGTN:F00162 FAQs Adding workflow tests with Planemo
purlGTN:F00256 FAQs Changing the heatmap colours
purlGTN:F00407 FAQs History annotation
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00065 FAQs Copy a dataset between histories
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00066 FAQs Creating a new history
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00131 FAQs Para la creación de un historial nuevo
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00179 FAQs Créer un nouvel history
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00408 FAQs Dataset colors
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00409 FAQs Dataset snippet
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00410 FAQs Datasets versus collections
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00067 FAQs Downloading histories
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00068 FAQs Find all Histories and purge (aka permanently delete)
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00069 FAQs Finding Histories
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00070 FAQs Importing a history
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00393 FAQs View a list of all histories
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00411 FAQs History options
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00071 FAQs Renaming a history
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00132 FAQs Cambiando el nombre de un historial
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00072 FAQs Searching your history
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00073 FAQs Finding and working with "Histories shared with me"
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00074 FAQs Sharing your History
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00133 FAQs Compartiendo un historial
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00394 FAQs View histories side-by-side
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00412 FAQs Switching to an existing history
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00413 FAQs History tagging
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00414 FAQs Top level history controls
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00075 FAQs Transfer entire histories from one Galaxy server to another
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00076 FAQs Undeleting history
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00077 FAQs Unsharing unwanted histories
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00383 FAQs What does `^.*Gallus|Homo|Bos.*$` mean?
purlGTN:F00384 FAQs For preprocessing part with host removal: Where do you find the abbreviations for each host species available (e.g. bos is cow, homo is human..)?
purlGTN:F00211 FAQs Most tools seem to have options for assembly using long and short reads, what are the pros and cons of the different tools?
purlGTN:F00239 FAQs Which icons are available to use in my tutorial?
Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material
purlGTN:F00385 FAQs From where can I import other genomes?
purlGTN:F00334 FAQs When is the "infer experiment" tool used in practice?
purlGTN:F00424 FAQs Input Histories & Answer Keys
Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material
purlGTN:F00377 FAQs The input for a tool is not listed in the dropdown
purlGTN:F00380 FAQs The input for a tool is not listed in the dropdown
purlGTN:F00206 FAQs Install tools via the Admin UI
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:F00164 FAQs What are the best practices for teaching with Galaxy?
purlGTN:F00165 FAQs What Galaxy instance should I use for my training?
purlGTN:F00166 FAQs How do I get help?
purlGTN:F00167 FAQs Where do I start?
purlGTN:F00079 FAQs Launch JupyterLab
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00080 FAQs Open a Terminal in Jupyter
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00081 FAQs Open interactive tool
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00082 FAQs Knitting RMarkdown documents in RStudio
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00083 FAQs Launch RStudio
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00084 FAQs Learning with RMarkdown in RStudio
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00085 FAQs Stop RStudio
Galaxy FAQ
TBA Slides Galaxy from a developer point of view
Development in Galaxy
TBA Slides Introduction to Muon Spectroscopy
Materials Science
TBA Slides Introduction to Synthetic Biology
Synthetic Biology
purlGTN:F00315 FAQs JBrowse is taking a long time to complete?
Sequence analysis
purlGTN:F00249 FAQs First job I submitted remains grey or running for a long time - is it broken?
Development in Galaxy
purlGTN:F00386 FAQs Is there a way to filter on the Kalimari database?
purlGTN:F00338 FAQs TB Variant Report crashes (with an error about KeyError: 'protein')
Variant Analysis
purlGTN:F00370 FAQs Kraken2 and the k-mer approach for taxonomy classification
purlGTN:F00169 FAQs How can I get help?
purlGTN:F00170 FAQs Where do I start?
purlGTN:F00171 FAQs Where can I run the hands-on tutorials?
purlGTN:F00172 FAQs How do I use this material?
purlGTN:F00213 FAQs Defining a Learning Pathway
Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material
purlGTN:F00207 FAQs Library Permission Issues
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:F00250 FAQs Why do I need that big (~5GB!) complicated Docker thing - can I just install the ToolFactory into our local galaxy server from the toolshed?
Development in Galaxy
purlGTN:F00219 FAQs My jobs are not running / I cannot see the history overview menu
Introduction to Galaxy Analyses
purlGTN:F00208 FAQs Failing all jobs from a specific user
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:F00209 FAQs Mapping Jobs to Specific Storage By User
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:F00287 FAQs When can you use (or cannot use) Match between runs in MaxQuant?
purlGTN:F00420 FAQs How can I plan meetings across timezones?
Galaxy Community Building
purlGTN:F00288 FAQs Do you need to merge the databases? Because you can select multiple fasta files in MaxQuant.
purlGTN:F00261 FAQs Where can I find the full listing and description of the columns in each metadata table?
Using Galaxy and Managing your Data
purlGTN:F00210 FAQs Got lost along the way?
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:F00378 FAQs Where can I read more about this analysis?
purlGTN:F00381 FAQs Where can I read more about this analysis?
purlGTN:F00289 FAQs If you use a mqpar file, can you include modifications that are not in the Galaxy version? For instance, propionamide (Cys alkylation by acrylamide).
purlGTN:F00373 FAQs Can we use the ASaiM-MT workflow on multiple input files at the same time?
purlGTN:F00318 FAQs MultiQC error for your FastQC reports?
Sequence analysis
purlGTN:F00313 FAQs In the MVP platform, is it possible to view the genomic location of all the peptides?
purlGTN:F00369 FAQs What is
purlGTN:F00425 FAQs Using the new Contributions Annotation framework
Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material
purlGTN:F00241 FAQs I cannot run client tests because yarn is not installed.
Development in Galaxy
purlGTN:F00290 FAQs What does it mean to normalize the LFQ intensities?
purlGTN:F00355 FAQs Notebook-based tutorials can give different outputs
Single Cell
purlGTN:F00262 FAQs When will aligned read objects be available for other data types?
Using Galaxy and Managing your Data
purlGTN:F00291 FAQs Does MaxQuant give as output possibility the PSMs and PEPs?
purlGTN:F00319 FAQs When I get a warning for base per sequence content, what should I do?
Sequence analysis
purlGTN:F00237 FAQs Running more than one round of Pilon polishing
purlGTN:F00251 FAQs Only one Planemo test runs at a time. Why doesn't the server allow more than one at once?
Development in Galaxy
purlGTN:F00323 FAQs On Scanpy PlotEmbed, the tool is failing
Single Cell
purlGTN:F00324 FAQs On the Scanpy PlotEmbed step, my object doesn’t have Il2ra or Cd8b1 or Cd8a etc.
Single Cell
purlGTN:F00238 FAQs Can we polish the assembly with long reads too?
purlGTN:F00086 FAQs Getting your API key
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00308 FAQs Example histories for the proteogenomics tutorials
purlGTN:F00309 FAQs Can I use these workflows on datasets generated from our laboratory?
purlGTN:F00310 FAQs The workflows contain several Query tabular for text manipulation, is there a tutorial for that?
purlGTN:F00311 FAQs What kind of variants are seen in the output?
purlGTN:F00327 FAQs How do I know what protocol my data was sequenced with?
Single Cell
purlGTN:F00351 FAQs Debugging Memory Leaks
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:F00263 FAQs Why don't the aligned read files have quality scores?
Using Galaxy and Managing your Data
purlGTN:F00350 FAQs Quality Scores
Sequence analysis
purlGTN:F00332 FAQs Can I use alternative tools for the Quantification step?
purlGTN:F00292 FAQs For the “quantitation method” what is the default if I just leave it as “None”? Label free?
purlGTN:F00266 FAQs Why does the query `SRR11772204 OR SRR11597145 OR SRR11667145` in the Run Selector not return any results?
Introduction to Galaxy Analyses
purlGTN:F00328 FAQs Are Barcodes always on R1 and Sequence data on R2?
Single Cell
purlGTN:F00400 FAQs Adding your recording to a tutorial or slide deck
purlGTN:F00401 FAQs Recording a video tutorial
purlGTN:F00087 FAQs How to use Custom Reference Genomes?
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00088 FAQs Sorting Reference Genome
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00089 FAQs Troubleshooting Custom Genome fasta
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00387 FAQs Isn't it awkward to find so many humans sequences there, since we filter for them before?
purlGTN:F00358 FAQs Preparing materials for asynchronous learning: CYOA
Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material
purlGTN:F00359 FAQs Preparing materials for asynchronous learning: FAQs
Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material
purlGTN:F00360 FAQs Preparing materials for asynchronous learning: Self-Study
Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material
purlGTN:F00361 FAQs Preparing materials for asynchronous learning: Tips
Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material
purlGTN:F00252 FAQs Is the ToolFactory a complete replacement for manual tool building?
Development in Galaxy
purlGTN:F00395 FAQs Making an element collapsible in a report
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00396 FAQs Enhancing tabular dataset previews in reports/pages
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00223 FAQs Additional resources to learn more about proteomic data analysis
purlGTN:F00301 FAQs Can I use these workflows on datasets generated from our laboratory?
purlGTN:F00335 FAQs Is it possible to visualize the RNA STAR bam file using the JBrowse tool?
purlGTN:F00336 FAQs RNAstar: Why do we set 36 for 'Length of the genomic sequence around annotated junctions'?
purlGTN:F00339 FAQs My snippy is running for a very long time. Is this normal?
Variant Analysis
purlGTN:F00265 FAQs What should I do special if on
Using Galaxy and Managing your Data
purlGTN:F00421 FAQs Why is my tool erroring as 'Above error raised while reading key '/layers' of type from /.'
Single Cell
purlGTN:F00302 FAQs Which search algorithms are recommended for searching the metaproteomics data?
purlGTN:F00314 FAQs How many search engines can you use in SearchGUI?
purlGTN:F00303 FAQs I have a really large search database, what search strategies do you recommend for searching my mass spectrometry dataset?
purlGTN:F00242 FAQs When I try to run a Selenium test, I get an error
Development in Galaxy
purlGTN:F00090 FAQs Illumina MiSeq sequencing
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00091 FAQs Nanopore sequencing
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00415 FAQs Finding a material's PURL or Short URL
purlGTN:F00293 FAQs How many proteins can be identified and quantified in shotgun proteomics?
purlGTN:F00353 FAQs Use our Single Cell Omics Lab
Single Cell
purlGTN:F00374 FAQs Can this ASaiM workflow be used for single-end data?
purlGTN:S00107 Slides Contribute to the BioImage.IO models
bioimageioimage analysis
Image analysis using Deep Learning 10m
purlGTN:S00105 Slides BioImage Model Zoo: Advanced models in one-click
bioimageioimage analysis
Image analysis using Deep Learning 5m
purlGTN:S00106 Slides Welcome to the BioImage Model Zoo
bioimageioimage analysis
Image analysis using Deep Learning 5m
purlGTN:S00080 Slides Introduction to proteomics, protein identification, quantification and statistical modelling
purlGTN:S00003 Slides Galaxy and Celery
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:S00006 Slides Reference Data with CVMFS
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:S00008 Slides Galactic Database
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:S00013 Slides Galaxy Monitoring with gxadmin
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:S00001 Slides Ansible
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:S00000 Slides Advanced customisation of a Galaxy instance
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:S00103 Slides Server Maintenance: Cleanup, Backup, and Restoration
Galaxy Server administration 30m
purlGTN:S00020 Slides Running Jobs on Remote Resources with Pulsar
Galaxy Server administration 60m
purlGTN:S00002 Slides Galaxy Installation with Ansible
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:S00023 Slides Controlling Galaxy with systemd or Supervisor
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:S00027 Slides User, Role, Group, Quota, and Authentication managment
Galaxy Server administration 15m
purlGTN:S00018 Slides Storage Management
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:S00012 Slides Galaxy Monitoring
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:S00010 Slides External Authentication
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:S00007 Slides Storage Management
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:S00122 Slides Galaxy Administrator Time Burden and Technology Usage
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:S00017 Slides Galaxy Monitoring with Telegraf and Grafana
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:S00019 Slides Gearing towards production
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:S00026 Slides Galaxy Troubleshooting
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:S00014 Slides Galaxy Interactive Tools
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:S00025 Slides Galaxy Tool Management with Ephemeris
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:S00004 Slides Galaxy on the Cloud
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:S00011 Slides Docker and Galaxy
Galaxy Server administration 1h
purlGTN:S00015 Slides Galaxy from an administrator's point of view
Galaxy Server administration 20m
purlGTN:S00022 Slides Server: Other
Galaxy Server administration 1h
purlGTN:S00028 Slides uWSGI
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:S00021 Slides Reference Genomes in Galaxy
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:S00009 Slides Empathy
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:S00024 Slides Terraform
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:S00005 Slides Connecting Galaxy to a compute cluster
Galaxy Server administration
purlGTN:S00071 Slides Nucleoli Segmentation
Feature Extraction
using CellProfiler

Imaging 4H
purlGTN:S00030 Slides Genome assembly quality control.
Assembly Introductory
purlGTN:S00032 Slides De Bruijn Graph Assembly
Assembly 2h
purlGTN:S00033 Slides An Introduction to Genome Assembly
Assembly 30m
purlGTN:S00034 Slides An introduction to get started in genome assembly and annotation
Assembly Introductory 1h
purlGTN:S00031 Slides Unicycler assembly of SARS-CoV-2 genome with preprocessing to remove human genome reads
Assembly 4h
purlGTN:S00035 Slides Unicycler Assembly
Assembly 4h
purlGTN:S00029 Slides Deeper look into Genome Assembly algorithms
Assembly Intermediate
purlGTN:S00121 Slides Phylogenetics - Back to Basics - Building Trees
purlGTN:S00116 Slides Phylogenetics - Back to Basics - Introduction
purlGTN:S00120 Slides Phylogenetics - Back to Basics - Terminology
purlGTN:S00117 Slides Phylogenetics - Back to Basics - Estimating trees from alignments
purlGTN:S00119 Slides Phylogenetics - Back to Basics - Phylogenetic Networks
purlGTN:S00118 Slides Phylogenetics - Back to Basics - Multiple Sequence Alignment
purlGTN:S00115 Slides Introduction to metatranscriptomics
purlGTN:S00114 Slides Introduction to Microbiome Analysis
purlGTN:S00046 Slides Prerequisites for building software/conda packages
Development in Galaxy 1h
purlGTN:S00049 Slides Galaxy Interactive Tours
Development in Galaxy 3h
purlGTN:S00045 Slides Tool Dependencies and Conda
Development in Galaxy 75m
purlGTN:S00047 Slides Tool Dependencies and Containers
Development in Galaxy 45m
purlGTN:S00052 Slides Tool Shed: sharing Galaxy tools
Development in Galaxy 3h
purlGTN:S00055 Slides Galaxy Webhooks
Development in Galaxy 1h
purlGTN:S00044 Slides Scripting Galaxy using the API and BioBlend
Development in Galaxy 2h
purlGTN:S00054 Slides Generic plugins
Development in Galaxy 90m
purlGTN:S00051 Slides Tool development and integration into Galaxy
Development in Galaxy 6h
purlGTN:S00043 Slides Galaxy Code Architecture
Development in Galaxy 150m
purlGTN:S00050 Slides Introduction to the ToolFactory tutorial.
Development in Galaxy
purlGTN:S00048 Slides Galaxy Interactive Environments
Development in Galaxy 90m
purlGTN:S00053 Slides Visualizations: JavaScript Plugins
Development in Galaxy 1h
purlGTN:S00041 Slides Contributing with GitHub via command-line
Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material 30m
purlGTN:S00042 Slides Overview of the Galaxy Training Material
Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material
purlGTN:S00040 Slides Creating Slides
Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material
purlGTN:S00102 Slides JBrowse
purlGTN:S00112 Slides Friends Don't Let Friends Make Bad Graphs
purlGTN:S00101 Slides Visualisations in Galaxy
purlGTN:S00100 Slides Circos
purlGTN:S00036 Slides Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator (FATES)
Climate 30m
purlGTN:S00039 Slides The Pangeo ecosystem
Climate 15m
purlGTN:S00038 Slides Pangeo ecosystem 101 for everyone
Climate 15m
purlGTN:S00037 Slides Introduction to climate data
purlGTN:S00060 Slides Introduction to DNA Methylation data analysis
purlGTN:S00057 Slides EWAS Epigenome-Wide Association Studies Introduction
purlGTN:S00056 Slides Introduction to ATAC-Seq data analysis
Epigenetics 30m
purlGTN:S00059 Slides Introduction to ChIP-Seq data analysis
purlGTN:S00058 Slides ChIP-seq data analysis
Epigenetics 15M
purlGTN:S00087 Slides Clustering 3K PBMCs with Scanpy
Single Cell 1H
purlGTN:S00124 Slides GO Enrichment Analysis on Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data
Single Cell 1h
purlGTN:S00110 Slides Automated Cell Annotation
Single Cell
purlGTN:S00123 Slides Single-cell Formats and Resources
Single Cell
purlGTN:S00084 Slides An introduction to scRNA-seq data analysis
Single Cell Intermediate 30m
purlGTN:S00111 Slides Trajectory analysis
Single Cell
purlGTN:S00086 Slides Dealing with Cross-Contamination in Fixed Barcode Protocols
Single Cell 1h
purlGTN:S00085 Slides Plates, Batches, and Barcodes
Single Cell 1h
purlGTN:S00098 Slides Visualization of RNA-Seq results with CummeRbund
Transcriptomics 1h
purlGTN:S00097 Slides Integrate and query local datasets and distant RDF data with AskOmics using Semantic Web technologies
purlGTN:S00096 Slides Network Analysis with Heinz
purlGTN:S00095 Slides Whole transcriptome analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana
purlGTN:S00094 Slides Introduction to Transcriptomics
purlGTN:S00108 Slides Identification of non-canonical ORFs and their potential biological function
purlGTN:S00125 Slides Predicting EI+ mass spectra with QCxMS
purlGTN:S00077 Slides Mass spectrometry: LC-MS preprocessing - advanced
purlGTN:S00076 Slides Introduction to Metabolomics
purlGTN:S00089 Slides Feedforward neural networks (FNN) Deep Learning - Part 1
Statistics and machine learning
purlGTN:S00091 Slides Image classification in Galaxy with fruit 360 dataset
Statistics and machine learning 2H
purlGTN:S00090 Slides Recurrent neural networks (RNN) Deep Learning - Part 2
Statistics and machine learning
purlGTN:S00088 Slides Convolutional neural networks (CNN) Deep Learning - Part 3
Statistics and machine learning
purlGTN:S00075 Slides Options for using Galaxy
Introduction to Galaxy Analyses
purlGTN:S00072 Slides A Short Introduction to Galaxy
Introduction to Galaxy Analyses
purlGTN:S00073 Slides Introduction to Galaxy
Introduction to Galaxy Analyses
purlGTN:S00099 Slides Introduction to Variant analysis
Variant Analysis
purlGTN:S00062 Slides Getting data into Galaxy
Using Galaxy and Managing your Data
purlGTN:S00063 Slides Introduction to SRA Aligned Read Format and Cloud Metadata for SARS-CoV-2
Using Galaxy and Managing your Data 10m
purlGTN:S00061 Slides Galaxy workflows in Dockstore
Using Galaxy and Managing your Data
purlGTN:S00064 Slides Submitting SARS-CoV-2 sequences to ENA
Using Galaxy and Managing your Data 1h
purlGTN:S00067 Slides Introduction to CRISPR screen analysis
Genome Annotation 5m
purlGTN:S00065 Slides Genome annotation with Prokka
Genome Annotation 1h
purlGTN:S00066 Slides Refining Genome Annotations with Apollo
Genome Annotation 5m
purlGTN:S00070 Slides Essential genes detection with Transposon insertion sequencing
bacteriatnseqessential genes
Genome Annotation 7H
purlGTN:S00069 Slides Introduction to Genome Annotation
Genome Annotation Intermediate
purlGTN:S00068 Slides High Performance Computing for Pairwise Genome Comparison
Genome Annotation 2h
purlGTN:S00081 Slides Mapping
Sequence analysis 1h
purlGTN:S00082 Slides Quality Control
Sequence analysis 1h
purlGTN:S00092 Slides Overview of the Galaxy Training Material for Instructors
Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training 10M
purlGTN:S00093 Slides Workshop Kickoff
Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training 30m
purlGTN:S00109 Slides Bioinformatics Data Types and Databases
Foundations of Data Science 1h
purlGTN:S00113 Slides A brief history of modern biology
Foundations of Data Science
TBA Slides Introducción al análisis de datos de scRNA-seq
Single Cell 30m
TBA Slides Una breve introducción a Galaxy
Introduction to Galaxy Analyses
TBA Slides Una introducción al análisis de datos scRNA-seq
Single Cell Intermediate 30m
TBA Slides Una Breve Introducción a Galaxy
Introduction to Galaxy Analyses
purlGTN:F00316 FAQs What is a SNP?
Sequence analysis
purlGTN:F00294 FAQs MSStats: what does ‘compare groups = yes’ mean? And the comparison matrix to define the contrast between the 2 groups?
purlGTN:F00337 FAQs In 'infer experiments' I get unequal numbers, but in the IGV it looks like it is unstranded. What does this mean?
purlGTN:F00304 FAQs What other methods are available to study the functional state of the microbiome within Galaxy?
purlGTN:F00257 FAQs Is it possible to subsample some samples if you have more reads?
purlGTN:F00092 FAQs Where do I get more support?
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00093 FAQs Contacting Galaxy Administrators
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00371 FAQs What is Taxonomy?
purlGTN:F00228 FAQs Can RNA-seq techniques be applied to scRNA-seq?
Single Cell
purlGTN:F00264 FAQs Are these data free to use and download?
Using Galaxy and Managing your Data
purlGTN:F00295 FAQs Does MaxQuant in Galaxy support TMT, iTRAQ, etc.?
purlGTN:F00340 FAQs Do I have to run the tools in the order of the tutorial?
Variant Analysis
purlGTN:F00094 FAQs Changing the tool version
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00095 FAQs Organizing the tool panel
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00096 FAQs Where is the tool help?
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00097 FAQs Viewing tool logs (`stdout` and `stderr`)
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00098 FAQs If a Tool is Missing
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00099 FAQs Re-running a tool
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00135 FAQs Para volver a ejecutar una herramienta
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00100 FAQs Selecting a dataset collection as input
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00101 FAQs Select multiple datasets
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00102 FAQs Multipile similar tools available
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00103 FAQs Sorting Tools
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00104 FAQs Tool doesn't recognize input datasets
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00305 FAQs Which version of SearchGUI and PeptideShaker shall I use for this tutorial?
purlGTN:F00330 FAQs I’m using the same training data, tools, and parameters as the tutorial, but I get a different number of transcripts with a significant change in gene expression between the G1E and megakaryocyte cellular states. Why?
purlGTN:F00416 FAQs Translations within the GTN
purlGTN:F00105 FAQs Understanding 'canceled by admin' or cluster failure error messages
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00106 FAQs Understanding 'exceeds memory allocation' error messages
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00107 FAQs Understanding input error messages
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00108 FAQs Understanding ValueError error messages
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00109 FAQs Understanding walltime error messages
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:T00221 Hands-on Metaproteomics tutorial
Proteomics 2h
purlGTN:T00227 Hands-on Peptide Library Data Analysis
Proteomics Intermediate 20m
purlGTN:T00235 Hands-on Secretome Prediction
Proteomics Intermediate 30m
purlGTN:T00211 Hands-on DIA Analysis using OpenSwathWorkflow
Proteomics Intermediate 2H
purlGTN:T00228 Hands-on Peptide and Protein ID using OpenMS tools
Proteomics Advanced 45m
purlGTN:T00213 Hands-on Biomarker candidate identification
Proteomics 3H
purlGTN:T00224 Hands-on metaQuantome 3: Taxonomy
Proteomics Intermediate 1h
purlGTN:T00218 Hands-on Label-free data analysis using MaxQuant
Proteomics Introductory 1H
purlGTN:T00212 Hands-on Library Generation for DIA Analysis
Proteomics Intermediate 1H
purlGTN:T00210 Hands-on Statistical analysis of DIA data
Proteomics Intermediate 1H
purlGTN:T00414 Hands-on Clinical Metaproteomics 2: Discovery
Proteomics 3H
purlGTN:T00233 Hands-on Proteogenomics 3: Novel peptide analysis
Proteomics Intermediate 30m
purlGTN:T00214 Hands-on Protein FASTA Database Handling
Proteomics Introductory 30m
purlGTN:T00223 Hands-on metaQuantome 2: Function
Proteomics Intermediate 1h
purlGTN:T00219 Hands-on MaxQuant and MSstats for the analysis of label-free data
Proteomics Intermediate 2H
purlGTN:T00220 Hands-on MaxQuant and MSstats for the analysis of TMT data
Proteomics 3H
purlGTN:T00215 Hands-on EncyclopeDIA
Proteomics 6H
purlGTN:T00226 Hands-on Detection and quantitation of N-termini (degradomics) via N-TAILS
Proteomics Intermediate 1h
purlGTN:T00229 Hands-on Peptide and Protein ID using SearchGUI and PeptideShaker
Proteomics Introductory 45m
purlGTN:T00417 Hands-on Clinical Metaproteomics 5: Data Interpretation
Proteomics 3H
purlGTN:T00230 Hands-on Peptide and Protein Quantification via Stable Isotope Labelling (SIL)
Proteomics Advanced 1h
purlGTN:T00232 Hands-on Proteogenomics 2: Database Search
Proteomics Intermediate 15m
purlGTN:T00231 Hands-on Proteogenomics 1: Database Creation
Proteomics Intermediate 30m
purlGTN:T00217 Hands-on Mass spectrometry imaging: Loading and exploring MSI data
Proteomics Introductory 45m
purlGTN:T00413 Hands-on Clinical Metaproteiomics 1: Database-Generation
Proteomics 3H
purlGTN:T00416 Hands-on Clinical Metaproteomics 4: Quantitation
Proteomics 3H
purlGTN:T00234 Hands-on Annotating a protein list identified by LC-MS/MS experiments
Proteomics 1H
purlGTN:T00415 Hands-on Clinical Metaproteomics 3: Verification
Proteomics 3H
purlGTN:T00222 Hands-on metaQuantome 1: Data creation
Proteomics Intermediate 1h
purlGTN:T00225 Hands-on Machine Learning Modeling of Anticancer Peptides
Proteomics Intermediate 30m
purlGTN:T00216 Hands-on Label-free versus Labelled - How to Choose Your Quantitation Method
Proteomics Introductory 15m
purlGTN:T00326 Hands-on Setting up Celery Workers for Galaxy
Galaxy Server administration 1h
purlGTN:T00024 Hands-on Performant Uploads with TUS
Galaxy Server administration 30M
purlGTN:T00003 Hands-on Reference Data with CVMFS
Galaxy Server administration 1h
purlGTN:T00014 Hands-on Managing Galaxy on Kubernetes
Galaxy Server administration Intermediate 30m
purlGTN:T00009 Hands-on Galaxy Monitoring with gxadmin
Galaxy Server administration 30m
purlGTN:T00000 Hands-on Ansible
Galaxy Server administration 60m
purlGTN:T00330 Hands-on Monitoring Galaxy and Pulsar with Sentry
Galaxy Server administration 1h
purlGTN:T00012 Hands-on Mapping Jobs to Destinations using TPV
Galaxy Server administration 2h
purlGTN:T00025 Hands-on Upgrading Galaxy
Galaxy Server administration 1h
purlGTN:T00324 Hands-on Server Maintenance: Cleanup, Backup, and Restoration
Galaxy Server administration 30m
purlGTN:T00017 Hands-on Running Jobs on Remote Resources with Pulsar
Galaxy Server administration 60m
purlGTN:T00001 Hands-on Galaxy Installation with Ansible
Galaxy Server administration 2h30m
purlGTN:T00022 Hands-on Training Infrastructure as a Service (TIaaS)
Galaxy Server administration 30m
purlGTN:T00008 Hands-on Enable upload via FTP
Galaxy Server administration 1h
purlGTN:T00016 Hands-on Distributed Object Storage
Galaxy Server administration 30m
purlGTN:T00007 Hands-on External Authentication
Galaxy Server administration 30m
purlGTN:T00005 Hands-on Data Libraries
Galaxy Server administration 30m
purlGTN:T00020 Hands-on How I learned to stop worrying and love the systemd
Galaxy Server administration 30m
purlGTN:T00015 Hands-on Galaxy Monitoring with Telegraf and Grafana
Galaxy Server administration 2h
purlGTN:T00325 Hands-on Deploying a Beacon v1 in Galaxy
Galaxy Server administration 30m
purlGTN:T00010 Hands-on Galaxy Interactive Tools
Galaxy Server administration 2h
purlGTN:T00027 Hands-on Deploying Tailscale/Headscale for private mesh networking
Galaxy Server administration 60m
purlGTN:T00023 Hands-on Galaxy Tool Management with Ephemeris
Galaxy Server administration 45m
purlGTN:T00004 Hands-on Reference Data with CVMFS without Ansible
Galaxy Server administration 1h
purlGTN:T00026 Hands-on Deploying Wireguard for private mesh networking
Galaxy Server administration 60m
purlGTN:T00013 Hands-on Galaxy Installation on Kubernetes
Galaxy Server administration Intermediate 30m
purlGTN:T00011 Hands-on Automation with Jenkins
Galaxy Server administration 1h
purlGTN:T00329 Hands-on Reference Data with Data Managers
Galaxy Server administration 1h
purlGTN:T00328 Hands-on Customizing the look of Galaxy (Manual)
Galaxy Server administration 45m
purlGTN:T00323 Hands-on Use Apptainer containers for running Galaxy jobs
Galaxy Server administration 1h
purlGTN:T00021 Hands-on Deploying a compute cluster in OpenStack via Terraform
Galaxy Server administration 60m
purlGTN:T00018 Hands-on Galaxy Monitoring with Reports
Galaxy Server administration 30m
purlGTN:T00327 Hands-on Customizing the look of Galaxy
Galaxy Server administration 45m
purlGTN:T00006 Hands-on Galaxy Database schema
Galaxy Server administration 2h
purlGTN:T00002 Hands-on Connecting Galaxy to a compute cluster
Galaxy Server administration 1h
purlGTN:T00334 Hands-on End-to-End Tissue Microarray Image Analysis with Galaxy-ME
Imaging 3H
purlGTN:T00181 Hands-on Introduction to image analysis using Galaxy
Imaging Introductory 1H
purlGTN:T00180 Hands-on Analyse HeLa fluorescence siRNA screen
Imaging Intermediate 1H
purlGTN:T00183 Hands-on Nucleoli segmentation and feature extraction using CellProfiler
Imaging 4H
purlGTN:T00182 Hands-on Object tracking using CellProfiler
Imaging 1H
purlGTN:T00355 Hands-on ERGA post-assembly QC
Assembly 3H
purlGTN:T00039 Hands-on Vertebrate genome assembly using HiFi, Bionano and Hi-C data - Step by Step
Assembly Intermediate 5h
purlGTN:T00028 Hands-on Genome Assembly Quality Control
assemblyquality control
Assembly Intermediate 2h
purlGTN:T00032 Hands-on Making sense of a newly assembled genome
Assembly 4h
purlGTN:T00031 Hands-on De Bruijn Graph Assembly
Assembly Introductory 2h
purlGTN:T00452 Hands-on Decontamination of a genome assembly
Assembly 1H30M
purlGTN:T00034 Hands-on An Introduction to Genome Assembly
Assembly Introductory 30m
purlGTN:T00453 Hands-on Assembly of the mitochondrial genome from PacBio HiFi reads
Assembly 1H
purlGTN:T00331 Hands-on Large genome assembly and polishing
Assembly 2h
purlGTN:T00037 Hands-on Genome Assembly of MRSA from Oxford Nanopore MinION data (and optionally Illumina data)
Assembly Introductory 2h
purlGTN:T00029 Hands-on Unicycler assembly of SARS-CoV-2 genome with preprocessing to remove human genome reads
Assembly Intermediate 4h
purlGTN:T00040 Hands-on Using the VGP workflows to assemble a vertebrate genome with HiFi and Hi-C data
Assembly Intermediate 2h
purlGTN:T00038 Hands-on Unicycler Assembly
Assembly Introductory 4h
purlGTN:T00030 Hands-on Chloroplast genome assembly
Assembly 2h
purlGTN:T00033 Hands-on Genome assembly using PacBio data
Assembly Intermediate 6h
purlGTN:T00036 Hands-on Genome Assembly of a bacterial genome (MRSA) sequenced using Illumina MiSeq Data
Assembly 2h
purlGTN:T00440 Hands-on Phylogenetics - Back to basics
Evolution Intermediate 4H
purlGTN:T00144 Hands-on Tree thinking for tuberculosis evolution and epidemiology
Evolution Introductory 1H
purlGTN:T00145 Hands-on Identifying tuberculosis transmission links: from SNPs to transmission clusters
Evolution Intermediate 2H
purlGTN:T00389 Hands-on Metatranscriptomics analysis using microbiome RNA-seq data (short)
Microbiome Introductory 3H
purlGTN:T00384 Hands-on Identification of the micro-organisms in a beer using Nanopore sequencing
nanoporebeercitizen sciencemetagenomicsmicrogalaxy
Microbiome Introductory 1H
purlGTN:T00394 Hands-on Antibiotic resistance detection
Microbiome 3h
purlGTN:T00392 Hands-on 16S Microbial analysis with Nanopore data
Microbiome 2H
purlGTN:T00395 Hands-on Taxonomic Profiling and Visualization of Metagenomic Data
metagenomicstaxonomic profilingmicrogalaxy
Microbiome Introductory 2H
purlGTN:T00459 Hands-on Identifying Mycorrhizal Fungi from ITS2 sequencing using LotuS2
Microbiome 3H
purlGTN:T00385 Hands-on Analyses of metagenomics data - The global picture
Microbiome 2H30M
purlGTN:T00441 Hands-on Building an amplicon sequence variant (ASV) table from 16S data using DADA2
Microbiome 3H
purlGTN:T00387 Hands-on Binning of metagenomic sequencing data
Microbiome Introductory 2H
purlGTN:T00388 Hands-on Metatranscriptomics analysis using microbiome RNA-seq data
Microbiome Introductory 5H
purlGTN:T00390 Hands-on 16S Microbial Analysis with mothur (extended)
Microbiome 6h
purlGTN:T00391 Hands-on 16S Microbial Analysis with mothur (short)
Microbiome 2h
purlGTN:T00393 Hands-on Pathogen detection from (direct Nanopore) sequencing data using Galaxy - Foodborne Edition
microgalaxyNanopore data analysisPathogens detectionPhylogenetic treeHeatmapcyoa
Microbiome Introductory 4h
purlGTN:T00427 Hands-on QIIME 2 Moving Pictures
metagenomicstaxonomic profilingdiversitymicrogalaxy
Microbiome 10H
purlGTN:T00386 Hands-on Assembly of metagenomic sequencing data
Microbiome Introductory 2H
purlGTN:T00447 Hands-on Calculating α and β diversity from microbiome taxonomic data
Microbiome Introductory 20M
purlGTN:T00412 Hands-on QIIME 2 Cancer Microbiome Intervention
metabarcoding16Staxonomic profilingdiversitymicrogalaxy
Microbiome 10H
purlGTN:T00421 Hands-on Adding and updating best practice metadata for Galaxy tools using the registry
Development in Galaxy Introductory 1H
purlGTN:T00123 Hands-on Writing Automated Tests for Galaxy
Development in Galaxy 3h
purlGTN:T00426 Hands-on Creation of an interactive Galaxy tools table for your community
Development in Galaxy Introductory 1H
purlGTN:T00112 Hands-on Contributing to BioBlend as a developer
Development in Galaxy 3h
purlGTN:T00113 Hands-on Contributing a New Feature to Galaxy Core
Development in Galaxy 3H
purlGTN:T00117 Hands-on Creating Galaxy tools from Conda Through Deployment
Development in Galaxy 3H
purlGTN:T00116 Hands-on Galaxy Interactive Tools
Development in Galaxy 3h
purlGTN:T00122 Hands-on Galaxy Webhooks
Development in Galaxy 1h
purlGTN:T00111 Hands-on Scripting Galaxy using the API and BioBlend
Development in Galaxy Introductory 2h
purlGTN:T00114 Hands-on Data source integration
Development in Galaxy 10M
purlGTN:T00115 Hands-on Debugging Galaxy
Development in Galaxy 4h
purlGTN:T00121 Hands-on Generic plugins
Development in Galaxy 90m
purlGTN:T00118 Hands-on ToolFactory: Generating Tools From Simple Scripts
Development in Galaxy 1H
purlGTN:T00120 Hands-on JavaScript plugins
Development in Galaxy 1h
purlGTN:T00119 Hands-on ToolFactory: Generating Tools From More Complex Scripts
Development in Galaxy 1H
purlGTN:T00048 Hands-on Protein-ligand docking
Computational chemistry Intermediate 3H
purlGTN:T00050 Hands-on High Throughput Molecular Dynamics and Analysis
Computational chemistry Advanced 3H
purlGTN:T00381 Hands-on Data management in Medicinal Chemistry
Computational chemistry Introductory 1H
purlGTN:T00054 Hands-on Protein target prediction of a bioactive ligand with Align-it and ePharmaLib
Computational chemistry Intermediate 2H
purlGTN:T00051 Hands-on Running molecular dynamics simulations using GROMACS
Computational chemistry Intermediate 2H
purlGTN:T00049 Hands-on Virtual screening of the SARS-CoV-2 main protease with rxDock and pose scoring
Computational chemistry Intermediate 2H
purlGTN:T00047 Hands-on Analysis of molecular dynamics simulations
Computational chemistry Intermediate 1H
purlGTN:T00052 Hands-on Running molecular dynamics simulations using NAMD
Computational chemistry Intermediate 3H
purlGTN:T00053 Hands-on Setting up molecular systems
Computational chemistry Intermediate 2H
purlGTN:T00061 Hands-on Creating Interactive Galaxy Tours
Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material 15m
purlGTN:T00065 Hands-on Contributing with GitHub via its interface
Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material 20m
purlGTN:T00063 Hands-on Generating PDF artefacts of the website
Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material 10m
purlGTN:T00064 Hands-on Contributing with GitHub via command-line
Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material 30m
purlGTN:T00060 Hands-on Tools, Data, and Workflows for tutorials
Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material 30m
purlGTN:T00068 Hands-on Teaching Python
Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material 2h
purlGTN:T00057 Hands-on Creating a new tutorial
Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material 15m
purlGTN:T00062 Hands-on Design and plan session, course, materials
Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material 60m
purlGTN:T00070 Hands-on GTN Metadata
Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material 10m
purlGTN:T00066 Hands-on Running the GTN website online using GitPod
Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material 15m
TBA Hands-on FAIR-by-Design methodology
FAIR-by-Design Learning MaterialsFAIR Learning ObjectsFAIR-by-Design Methodologywork-in-progress
Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material Introductory 20M
purlGTN:T00069 Hands-on Running the GTN website locally
Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material 15m
purlGTN:T00071 Hands-on Adding auto-generated video to your slides
Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material 20m
purlGTN:T00056 Hands-on Including a new topic
Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material 30m
purlGTN:T00059 Hands-on Adding Quizzes to your Tutorial
Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material 15m
purlGTN:T00058 Hands-on Creating content in Markdown
Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material 15m
purlGTN:T00067 Hands-on Principles of learning and how they apply to training and teaching
Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material 2h
purlGTN:T00055 Hands-on Updating diffs in admin training
Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material 5m
purlGTN:T00322 Hands-on Genomic Data Visualisation with JBrowse
Visualisation Intermediate 1h
purlGTN:T00373 Hands-on Ploting a Microbial Genome with Circos
Visualisation Intermediate 30m
purlGTN:T00321 Hands-on Visualisation with Circos
Visualisation Intermediate 2h
purlGTN:T00043 Hands-on Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator (FATES) with Galaxy Climate JupyterLab
Climate 6H
purlGTN:T00375 Hands-on Ocean Data View (ODV)
earth-systemoceangeographical information systemODVnetcdf datamapsmarine data
Climate 1H
purlGTN:T00042 Hands-on Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator (FATES)
Climate 4H
purlGTN:T00376 Hands-on Ocean's variables study
earth-systemoceannetcdf data
Climate 1H
purlGTN:T00428 Hands-on Analyse Argo data
Climate 1H
purlGTN:T00457 Hands-on Getting your hands-on earth data
Climate 1H
purlGTN:T00041 Hands-on Getting your hands-on climate data
Climate 1H
purlGTN:T00045 Hands-on Pangeo Notebook in Galaxy - Introduction to Xarray
Climate 1H
purlGTN:T00046 Hands-on Visualize Climate data with Panoply netCDF viewer
Climate 1H
purlGTN:T00044 Hands-on Pangeo ecosystem 101 for everyone - Introduction to Xarray Galaxy Tools
Climate 1H
purlGTN:T00396 Hands-on Sentinel 5P data visualisation
earth-systemvolcanosatellite data
Climate 1H
purlGTN:T00142 Hands-on DNA Methylation data analysis
Epigenetics 3h
purlGTN:T00143 Hands-on Identification of the binding sites of the T-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia protein 1 (TAL1)
Epigenetics 3h
purlGTN:T00138 Hands-on Identification of the binding sites of the Estrogen receptor
Epigenetics 3h
purlGTN:T00139 Hands-on Infinium Human Methylation BeadChip
Epigenetics 1h
purlGTN:T00137 Hands-on ATAC-Seq data analysis
Epigenetics 3h
purlGTN:T00141 Hands-on Hi-C analysis of Drosophila melanogaster cells using HiCExplorer
Epigenetics 1h
purlGTN:T00424 Hands-on CUT&RUN data analysis
Epigenetics 3h
purlGTN:T00140 Hands-on Formation of the Super-Structures on the Inactive X
Epigenetics 3h
purlGTN:T00445 Hands-on Single-cell ATAC-seq standard processing with SnapATAC2
Single Cell Intermediate 4H
purlGTN:T00250 Hands-on Analysis of plant scRNA-Seq Data with Scanpy
Single Cell 2H
purlGTN:T00357 Hands-on Scanpy Parameter Iterator
Single Cell 2H
purlGTN:T00335 Hands-on Pre-processing of 10X Single-Cell ATAC-seq Datasets
Single Cell 1h
purlGTN:T00245 Hands-on Generating a single cell matrix using Alevin
Single Cell 2H
purlGTN:T00336 Hands-on Inferring single cell trajectories with Monocle3 (R)
Single Cell 3H
purlGTN:T00254 Hands-on Clustering 3K PBMCs with Scanpy
Single Cell 8H
purlGTN:T00456 Hands-on GO Enrichment Analysis on Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data
single cellGO enrichment
Single Cell 3H
purlGTN:T00358 Hands-on Filter, plot and explore single-cell RNA-seq data with Scanpy (Python)
Single Cell 3H
purlGTN:T00248 Hands-on Removing the effects of the cell cycle
Single Cell 1H
purlGTN:T00253 Hands-on Downstream Single-cell RNA analysis with RaceID
Single Cell 3H
purlGTN:T00380 Hands-on Converting NCBI Data to the AnnData Format
data managementdata import
Single Cell 1H
purlGTN:T00418 Hands-on Converting between common single cell data formats
data managementdata import
Single Cell 1H
purlGTN:T00252 Hands-on Pre-processing of 10X Single-Cell RNA Datasets
Single Cell 1h
purlGTN:T00256 Hands-on Understanding Barcodes
Single Cell 2h
purlGTN:T00366 Hands-on Filter, plot, and explore single cell RNA-seq data with Seurat (R)
Single Cell 3H
purlGTN:T00244 Hands-on Inferring single cell trajectories with Scanpy (Python)
Single Cell 2H
purlGTN:T00378 Hands-on Generating a single cell matrix using Alevin and combining datasets (bash + R)
Single Cell 2H
purlGTN:T00242 Hands-on Bulk matrix to ESet | Creating the bulk RNA-seq dataset for deconvolution
transcriptomicsdata management
Single Cell 1H
purlGTN:T00247 Hands-on Filter, plot and explore single-cell RNA-seq data with Scanpy
Single Cell 3H
purlGTN:T00379 Hands-on Inferring single cell trajectories with Scanpy
Single Cell 3H
purlGTN:T00240 Hands-on Bulk RNA Deconvolution with MuSiC
Single Cell 2h
purlGTN:T00243 Hands-on Comparing inferred cell compositions using MuSiC deconvolution
Single Cell 1H
purlGTN:T00251 Hands-on Pre-processing of Single-Cell RNA Data
Single Cell 3h
purlGTN:T00255 Hands-on Single-cell quality control with scater
Single Cell 1H
purlGTN:T00246 Hands-on Combining single cell datasets after pre-processing
Single Cell 1H
purlGTN:T00374 Hands-on Importing files from public atlases
data importdata management
Single Cell 15m
purlGTN:T00241 Hands-on Matrix Exchange Format to ESet | Creating a single-cell RNA-seq reference dataset for deconvolution
data management
Single Cell 1H
purlGTN:T00249 Hands-on Inferring single cell trajectories with Monocle3
Single Cell 2H
purlGTN:T00438 Hands-on Filter, plot, and explore single cell RNA-seq data with Seurat
Single Cell 3H
purlGTN:T00290 Hands-on De novo transcriptome assembly, annotation, and differential expression analysis
Transcriptomics 3H
purlGTN:T00295 Hands-on Reference-based RNA-Seq data analysis
Transcriptomics Introductory 8h
purlGTN:T00306 Hands-on Small Non-coding RNA Clustering using BlockClust
Transcriptomics 1H
purlGTN:T00294 Hands-on Reference-based RNAseq data analysis (long)
Transcriptomics 1h
purlGTN:T00346 Hands-on RNA-seq Alignment with STAR
Transcriptomics 90M
purlGTN:T00302 Hands-on Visualization of RNA-Seq results with CummeRbund
Transcriptomics 1h
purlGTN:T00291 Hands-on GO Enrichment Analysis
Transcriptomics 1h
purlGTN:T00298 Hands-on 2: RNA-seq counts to genes
Transcriptomics 2h
purlGTN:T00297 Hands-on RNA-Seq analysis with AskOmics Interactive Tool
Transcriptomics 2H
purlGTN:T00301 Hands-on 1: RNA-Seq reads to counts
Transcriptomics 3h
purlGTN:T00293 Hands-on Network analysis with Heinz
metatranscriptomicsnetwork analysis
Transcriptomics 1h30m
purlGTN:T00292 Hands-on Whole transcriptome analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana
miRNAplantsstress tolerance
Transcriptomics 2H
purlGTN:T00288 Hands-on CLIP-Seq data analysis from pre-processing to motif detection
Transcriptomics 6h
purlGTN:T00305 Hands-on Visualization of RNA-Seq results with Volcano Plot in R
Transcriptomics Intermediate 1H
purlGTN:T00303 Hands-on Visualization of RNA-Seq results with heatmap2
Transcriptomics 1h
purlGTN:T00437 Hands-on Pathway analysis with the MINERVA Platform
Transcriptomics Intermediate 1h
purlGTN:T00300 Hands-on 3: RNA-seq genes to pathways
Transcriptomics 2h
purlGTN:T00304 Hands-on Visualization of RNA-Seq results with Volcano Plot
Transcriptomics Introductory 30m
purlGTN:T00299 Hands-on RNA Seq Counts to Viz in R
Transcriptomics 1H
purlGTN:T00289 Hands-on De novo transcriptome reconstruction with RNA-Seq
Transcriptomics 6h
purlGTN:T00345 Hands-on Genome-wide alternative splicing analysis
alternative splicingisoform switching
Transcriptomics Advanced 3H
purlGTN:T00307 Hands-on Differential abundance testing of small RNAs
Transcriptomics 3h
purlGTN:T00296 Hands-on RNA-RNA interactome data analysis
Transcriptomics 2H
purlGTN:T00199 Hands-on Mass spectrometry imaging: Finding differential analytes
Metabolomics Intermediate 2H
purlGTN:T00458 Hands-on Predicting EI+ mass spectra with QCxMS
Metabolomics Introductory 1H
purlGTN:T00196 Hands-on Mass spectrometry: LC-MS data processing
Metabolomics Introductory 2H
purlGTN:T00194 Hands-on Mass spectrometry : GC-MS analysis with metaMS package
Metabolomics Introductory 2H
purlGTN:T00197 Hands-on Mass spectrometry: LC-MS preprocessing with XCMS
Metabolomics Intermediate 3h
purlGTN:T00195 Hands-on Mass spectrometry: LC-MS analysis
Metabolomics 3h
purlGTN:T00344 Hands-on Mass spectrometry: GC-MS data processing (with XCMS, RAMClustR, RIAssigner, and matchms)
Metabolomics Intermediate 2H
purlGTN:T00198 Hands-on Mass spectrometry imaging: Examining the spatial distribution of analytes
Metabolomics Introductory 1H
purlGTN:T00272 Hands-on Text-mining with the SimText toolset
Statistics and machine learning 1H
purlGTN:T00271 Hands-on Regression in Machine Learning
Statistics and machine learning 2H
purlGTN:T00258 Hands-on Deep Learning (Part 1) - Feedforward neural networks (FNN)
Statistics and machine learning 2H
purlGTN:T00265 Hands-on Image classification in Galaxy with fruit 360 dataset
Statistics and machine learning 2H
purlGTN:T00270 Hands-on Basics of machine learning
Statistics and machine learning 30M
purlGTN:T00264 Hands-on Clustering in Machine Learning
Statistics and machine learning 2H
purlGTN:T00268 Hands-on Introduction to deep learning
Statistics and machine learning 1H
purlGTN:T00442 Hands-on Fine tune large protein model (ProtTrans) using HuggingFace
Statistics and machine learning 1H
purlGTN:T00269 Hands-on Interval-Wise Testing for omics data
Statistics and machine learning 1h
purlGTN:T00260 Hands-on PAPAA PI3K_OG: PanCancer Aberrant Pathway Activity Analysis
Machine learningPan-cancercancer biomarkersoncogenes and tumor suppressor genes
Statistics and machine learning 1H30M
purlGTN:T00259 Hands-on Deep Learning (Part 2) - Recurrent neural networks (RNN)
Statistics and machine learning 2H
purlGTN:T00267 Hands-on Introduction to Machine Learning using R
Statistics and machine learning Intermediate 3H
purlGTN:T00262 Hands-on Classification in Machine Learning
Statistics and machine learning 2H
purlGTN:T00266 Hands-on A Docker-based interactive Jupyterlab powered by GPU for artificial intelligence in Galaxy
Statistics and machine learning 1H
purlGTN:T00263 Hands-on Machine learning: classification and regression
Statistics and machine learning 1H
purlGTN:T00261 Hands-on Age prediction using machine learning
Statistics and machine learning 2H
purlGTN:T00257 Hands-on Deep Learning (Part 3) - Convolutional neural networks (CNN)
Statistics and machine learning 2H
purlGTN:T00337 Hands-on Supervised Learning with Hyperdimensional Computing
Statistics and machine learning Intermediate 30m
purlGTN:T00402 Hands-on Finding the muon stopping site with pymuon-suite in Galaxy
Materials Science Introductory 1H
purlGTN:T00184 Hands-on Data Manipulation Olympics
Introduction to Galaxy Analyses Introductory 1h
purlGTN:T00192 Hands-on How to reproduce published Galaxy analyses
Introduction to Galaxy Analyses Introductory 1H
purlGTN:T00189 Hands-on From peaks to genes
Introduction to Galaxy Analyses Introductory 3H
purlGTN:T00191 Hands-on Introduction to Genomics and Galaxy
Introduction to Galaxy Analyses Introductory 2H30M
purlGTN:T00188 Hands-on NGS data logistics
Introduction to Galaxy Analyses 1H30M
purlGTN:T00187 Hands-on Galaxy Basics for everyone
Introduction to Galaxy Analyses Introductory 1H30M
purlGTN:T00186 Hands-on Galaxy Basics for genomics
Introduction to Galaxy Analyses Introductory 1H
purlGTN:T00436 Hands-on Very Short Introductions: QC
Introduction to Galaxy Analyses 30M
purlGTN:T00190 Hands-on A short introduction to Galaxy
Introduction to Galaxy Analyses Introductory 40m
purlGTN:T00185 Hands-on Upload data to Galaxy
Introduction to Galaxy Analyses Introductory 40m
purlGTN:T00193 Hands-on IGV Introduction
Introduction to Galaxy Analyses 2H
purlGTN:T00311 Hands-on Exome sequencing data analysis for diagnosing a genetic disease
Variant Analysis 5h
purlGTN:T00313 Hands-on Microbial Variant Calling
Variant Analysis 45m
purlGTN:T00347 Hands-on Pox virus genome analysis from tiled-amplicon sequencing data
Variant Analysis Advanced 4H
purlGTN:T00449 Hands-on Working with Beacon V2: A Comprehensive Guide to Creating, Uploading, and Searching for Variants with Beacons
Variant Analysis Advanced 2H
purlGTN:T00309 Hands-on Calling variants in diploid systems
Variant Analysis 3h
purlGTN:T00319 Hands-on M. tuberculosis Variant Analysis
Variant Analysis Intermediate 2h
purlGTN:T00320 Hands-on Trio Analysis using Synthetic Datasets from RD-Connect GPAP
Variant Analysis Advanced 2H
purlGTN:T00316 Hands-on Mutation calling, viral genome reconstruction and lineage/clade assignment from SARS-CoV-2 sequencing data
Variant Analysis Intermediate 3H
purlGTN:T00318 Hands-on Identification of somatic and germline variants from tumor and normal sample pairs
Variant Analysis 7h
purlGTN:T00317 Hands-on Somatic Variant Discovery from WES Data Using Control-FREEC
Variant Analysis 3H
purlGTN:T00315 Hands-on From NCBI's Sequence Read Archive (SRA) to Galaxy: SARS-CoV-2 variant analysis
Variant Analysis 1H
purlGTN:T00308 Hands-on Avian influenza viral strain analysis from gene segment sequencing data
Variant Analysis Intermediate 4H
purlGTN:T00314 Hands-on Calling variants in non-diploid systems
Variant Analysis 1h30m
purlGTN:T00310 Hands-on Calling very rare variants
Variant Analysis 3h
purlGTN:T00312 Hands-on Mapping and molecular identification of phenotype-causing mutations
Variant Analysis 2h
purlGTN:T00448 Hands-on Querying the University of Bradford GDC Beacon Database for Copy Number Variants (CNVs)
Variant Analysis Introductory 30M
purlGTN:T00368 Hands-on Making clinical datasets FAIR
fairopendata stewardship
FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research 1H
purlGTN:T00362 Hands-on FAIR Bioimage Metadata
fairdata managementbioimaging
FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research 15m
purlGTN:T00434 Hands-on Persistent Identifiers
fairdmpdata stewardship
FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research 30M
purlGTN:T00341 Hands-on RO-Crate in Python
FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research 30M
purlGTN:T00349 Hands-on FAIR data management solutions
fairdmpdata stewardship
FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research 10M
purlGTN:T00339 Hands-on Best practices for workflows in GitHub repositories
FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research 30M
purlGTN:T00435 Hands-on FAIRification of an RNAseq dataset
fairdmpdata stewardship
FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research 1H
purlGTN:T00342 Hands-on Submitting workflows to LifeMonitor
FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research 30M
purlGTN:T00343 Hands-on Workflow Run RO-Crate Introduction
FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research 30M
purlGTN:T00431 Hands-on Data Registration
fairdmpdata stewardship
FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research 40M
purlGTN:T00350 Hands-on FAIR Galaxy Training Material
FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research 30M
purlGTN:T00433 Hands-on FAIR and its Origins
fairdmpdata stewardship
FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research 40M
purlGTN:T00432 Hands-on Metadata
fairdmpdata stewardship
FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research 40M
purlGTN:T00369 Hands-on Sequence data submission to ENA
FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research 1H
TBA Hands-on DataPLANT ARCs
plantsfairdata stewardship
FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research 2H
purlGTN:T00340 Hands-on Exporting Workflow Run RO-Crates from Galaxy
FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research 30m
purlGTN:T00454 Hands-on Introduction to Data Management Plan (DMP) for Peatland Research and PeatDataHub
fairopendata management plan
FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research Introductory 30M
purlGTN:T00351 Hands-on FAIR in a nutshell
fairopendata stewardship
FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research 10M
purlGTN:T00348 Hands-on RO-Crate - Introduction
FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research Introductory 30M
purlGTN:T00430 Hands-on Access
fairdmpdata stewardship
FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research 50M
purlGTN:T00361 Hands-on REMBI - Recommended Metadata for Biological Images – metadata guidelines for bioimaging data
fairdata managementbioimaging
FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research 15m
purlGTN:T00275 Hands-on Generating theoretical possible pathways for the production of Lycopene in E.Coli using Retrosynthesis tools
Synthetic Biology 30M
purlGTN:T00273 Hands-on Designing plasmids encoding predicted pathways by using the BASIC assembly method
Synthetic Biology 15M
purlGTN:T00274 Hands-on Evaluating and ranking a set of pathways based on multiple metrics
Synthetic Biology 20M
purlGTN:T00147 Hands-on Downloading and Deleting Data in Galaxy
Using Galaxy and Managing your Data Introductory 20M
purlGTN:T00151 Hands-on Extracting Workflows from Histories
Using Galaxy and Managing your Data 30m
purlGTN:T00152 Hands-on InterMine integration with Galaxy
Using Galaxy and Managing your Data 1h
purlGTN:T00161 Hands-on Rule Based Uploader: Advanced
Using Galaxy and Managing your Data Advanced 20m
purlGTN:T00162 Hands-on Automating Galaxy workflows using the command line
Using Galaxy and Managing your Data 2h
purlGTN:T00155 Hands-on SRA Aligned Read Format to Speed Up SARS-CoV-2 data Analysis
Using Galaxy and Managing your Data 30m
purlGTN:T00150 Hands-on Understanding Galaxy history system
Using Galaxy and Managing your Data Introductory 30m
purlGTN:T00157 Hands-on RStudio in Galaxy
Using Galaxy and Managing your Data 3H
purlGTN:T00149 Hands-on Group tags for complex experimental designs
Using Galaxy and Managing your Data 10m
purlGTN:T00153 Hands-on JupyterLab in Galaxy
Using Galaxy and Managing your Data 1H
purlGTN:T00146 Hands-on Using dataset collections
Using Galaxy and Managing your Data Intermediate 30m
purlGTN:T00158 Hands-on Searching Your History
Using Galaxy and Managing your Data Introductory 5m
purlGTN:T00156 Hands-on Multisample Analysis
Using Galaxy and Managing your Data Advanced 1h
purlGTN:T00163 Hands-on Creating, Editing and Importing Galaxy Workflows
Using Galaxy and Managing your Data Intermediate 30m
purlGTN:T00148 Hands-on Use Jupyter notebooks in Galaxy
Using Galaxy and Managing your Data 30m
purlGTN:T00164 Hands-on Using Workflow Parameters
Using Galaxy and Managing your Data Intermediate 30m
purlGTN:T00160 Hands-on Rule Based Uploader
Using Galaxy and Managing your Data Intermediate 20m
purlGTN:T00165 Hands-on Workflow Reports
Using Galaxy and Managing your Data Intermediate 30m
purlGTN:T00405 Hands-on Creating high resolution images of Galaxy Workflows
Using Galaxy and Managing your Data Introductory 30M
purlGTN:T00159 Hands-on Submitting sequence data to ENA
Using Galaxy and Managing your Data Intermediate 1h
purlGTN:T00154 Hands-on Name tags for following complex histories
Using Galaxy and Managing your Data 20m
purlGTN:T00136 Hands-on Visualization of Climate Data using NetCDF xarray Map Plotting
Ecology Introductory 1H
purlGTN:T00124 Hands-on Metabarcoding/eDNA through Obitools
Genetic composition EBV classCommunity composition EBV classEBV datasetEBV workfloweDNAMetabarcoding
Ecology 1H
purlGTN:T00400 Hands-on From NDVI data with OpenEO to time series visualisation with Holoviews
earth-systemland degradationNDVIcopernicusholoviews
Ecology 1H
purlGTN:T00130 Hands-on RAD-Seq to construct genetic maps
RAD-seqGenetic composition EBV classEBV datasetEBV workflow
Ecology 8h
purlGTN:T00128 Hands-on RAD-Seq de-novo data analysis
RAD-seqGenetic composition EBV classSpecies populations EBV classEBV datasetEBV workflow
Ecology 8h
purlGTN:T00332 Hands-on Obis marine indicators
earth-systemoceanmarine omicsbiodiversity
Ecology 1H
purlGTN:T00129 Hands-on Cleaning GBIF data for the use in Ecology
gbifdata managementdata cleaning
Ecology 0H30M
purlGTN:T00422 Hands-on Creating metadata using Ecological Metadata Language (EML) standard with EML Assembly Line functionalities
MetadataEMLEcologyBiodiversityFAIRData Paper
Ecology 30M
purlGTN:T00333 Hands-on Sentinel 2 biodiversity
Remote sensing
Ecology 48H
purlGTN:T00132 Hands-on Preparing genomic data for phylogeny reconstruction
phylogenydata handlingfunctional annotation
Ecology 3H
purlGTN:T00135 Hands-on Species distribution modeling
interactive-toolsmodelinggbifspecies populations EBV class
Ecology 1h
purlGTN:T00367 Hands-on QGIS Web Feature Services
earth-systemGISGeographical Information SystemWFSSpatial dataMapsOGC
Ecology 0H30M
purlGTN:T00423 Hands-on Checking expected species and contamination in bacterial isolate
Ecology Introductory 1H
purlGTN:T00450 Hands-on Marine Omics identifying biosynthetic gene clusters
earth-systemoceanmarine omics
Ecology 3H
purlGTN:T00133 Hands-on RAD-Seq Reference-based data analysis
RAD-seqGenetic composition EBV classSpecies population EBV classEBV datasetEBV workflow
Ecology 8h
purlGTN:T00134 Hands-on Regional GAM
Species populations EBV classSpecies traits EBV classEBV datasetEBV workflow
Ecology 2h30m
purlGTN:T00126 Hands-on Biodiversity data exploration
taxonomic datadata quality
Ecology 1H
purlGTN:T00399 Hands-on Creating FAIR Quality assessment reports and draft of Data Papers from EML metadata with MetaShRIMPS
MetadataEMLFAIRData Paper
Ecology 30M
purlGTN:T00131 Hands-on Visualize EBV cube data with Panoply netCDF viewer
interactive-toolsEBV cubeData visualization
Ecology 1H
purlGTN:T00125 Hands-on Compute and analyze biodiversity metrics with PAMPA toolsuite
Species population EBV classCommunity composition EBV classEBV datasetEBV workflowmodeling
Ecology 2H
purlGTN:T00455 Hands-on Ecoregionalization workflow tutorial
ecologytaxonomic dataEBV workflowmodelinggbifoceanearth-systeminteractive-tools
Ecology 2H
purlGTN:T00127 Hands-on Champs blocs indicators
Ecosystem EBV classEBV datasetEBV workflowMarine ecosystems
Ecology 1H
purlGTN:T00171 Hands-on CRISPR screen analysis
genome editingCRISPRessential genescell line
Genome Annotation 2H
purlGTN:T00167 Hands-on Genome annotation with Maker (short)
Genome Annotation Intermediate 2h
purlGTN:T00168 Hands-on Genome annotation with Prokka
Genome Annotation Introductory 1h
purlGTN:T00170 Hands-on Refining Genome Annotations with Apollo (eukaryotes)
Genome Annotation Intermediate 3h
purlGTN:T00403 Hands-on Bacterial Genome Annotation
Genome Annotation Introductory 3H
purlGTN:T00177 Hands-on Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) annotation with FEELnc
Genome Annotation Intermediate 2h
purlGTN:T00169 Hands-on Refining Genome Annotations with Apollo (prokaryotes)
Genome Annotation Intermediate 3h
purlGTN:T00166 Hands-on Genome annotation with Maker
Genome Annotation Advanced 4h
purlGTN:T00370 Hands-on Creating an Official Gene Set
Genome Annotation 30M
purlGTN:T00174 Hands-on Comparative gene analysis in unannotated genomes
Genome Annotation 30M
purlGTN:T00172 Hands-on Genome annotation with Funannotate
Genome Annotation Intermediate 8h
purlGTN:T00420 Hands-on Secondary metabolite discovery
Genome Annotation 3H
purlGTN:T00179 Hands-on Essential genes detection with Transposon insertion sequencing
bacteriatnseqessential genesmicrogalaxy
Genome Annotation 7H
purlGTN:T00178 Hands-on Masking repeats with RepeatMasker
Genome Annotation Introductory 1H
purlGTN:T00401 Hands-on Identification of AMR genes in an assembled bacterial genome
Genome Annotation Introductory 2h
purlGTN:T00451 Hands-on Genome annotation with Helixer
Genome Annotation Intermediate 4h
purlGTN:T00173 Hands-on Functional annotation of protein sequences
Genome Annotation Introductory 1h
purlGTN:T00176 Hands-on From small to large-scale genome comparison
Genome Annotation 2H
purlGTN:T00175 Hands-on Genome Annotation
Genome Annotation Introductory 2H
purlGTN:T00444 Hands-on What's a Special Interest Group?
Galaxy Community Building 15m
purlGTN:T00443 Hands-on Creating a Special Interest Group
Galaxy Community Building 30m
purlGTN:T00446 Hands-on Quality and contamination control in bacterial isolate using Illumina MiSeq Data
Sequence analysis Introductory 2H
purlGTN:T00439 Hands-on Screening assembled genomes for contamination using NCBI FCS
Sequence analysis 90M
purlGTN:T00383 Hands-on Clean and manage Sanger sequences from raw files to aligned consensus
Sequence analysis 1H
purlGTN:T00356 Hands-on SARS-CoV-2 Viral Sample Alignment and Variant Visualization
Sequence analysis Introductory 1H
purlGTN:T00237 Hands-on Mapping
Sequence analysis Introductory 1h
purlGTN:T00236 Hands-on Removal of human reads from SARS-CoV-2 sequencing data
Sequence analysis Intermediate 1h
purlGTN:T00239 Hands-on Quality Control
Sequence analysis Introductory 1H30M
purlGTN:T00238 Hands-on NCBI BLAST+ against the MAdLand
Sequence analysis 15m
purlGTN:T00277 Hands-on Teaching experiences
Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training 1h
purlGTN:T00279 Hands-on Hybrid training
Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training 1h
purlGTN:T00284 Hands-on Running a workshop as instructor
Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training 3H
purlGTN:T00282 Hands-on Motivation and Demotivation
Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training 60m
purlGTN:T00280 Hands-on Training techniques to enhance learner participation and engagement
Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training 60m
purlGTN:T00281 Hands-on Live Coding is a Skill
Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training 1h
purlGTN:T00278 Hands-on Galaxy Admin Training
Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training Advanced 60m
purlGTN:T00371 Hands-on Asynchronous training
Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training 1h
purlGTN:T00276 Hands-on Assessment and feedback in training and teachings
Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training 3h30m
purlGTN:T00287 Hands-on Teaching online
Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training 1h
purlGTN:T00285 Hands-on Set up a Galaxy for Training
Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training 2h
purlGTN:T00286 Hands-on Training Infrastructure as a Service
Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training 10m
purlGTN:T00283 Hands-on Organizing a workshop
Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training 3H
purlGTN:T00354 Hands-on Train-the-Trainer: putting it all together
Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training 60m
purlGTN:T00372 Hands-on Course Builder
Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training 10m
purlGTN:T00353 Hands-on Data visualisation Olympics - Visualization in R
Foundations of Data Science Introductory 1h
purlGTN:T00095 Hands-on Python - Multiprocessing
Foundations of Data Science Advanced 30M
purlGTN:T00109 Hands-on SQL with Python
Foundations of Data Science Intermediate 45M
purlGTN:T00081 Hands-on Advanced Python
Foundations of Data Science Intermediate 3H
purlGTN:T00360 Hands-on One protein along the UniProt page
Foundations of Data Science Introductory 1H
purlGTN:T00098 Hands-on Python - Testing
Foundations of Data Science Intermediate 45M
purlGTN:T00101 Hands-on Virtual Environments For Software Development
Foundations of Data Science Intermediate 30M
purlGTN:T00074 Hands-on Advanced CLI in Galaxy
Foundations of Data Science Intermediate 2H
purlGTN:T00087 Hands-on Python - Files & CSV
Foundations of Data Science Introductory 1H30M
purlGTN:T00086 Hands-on Python - Try & Except
Foundations of Data Science Introductory 20M
purlGTN:T00075 Hands-on CLI Educational Game - Bashcrawl
Foundations of Data Science Intermediate 2H
purlGTN:T00105 Hands-on Make & Snakemake
Foundations of Data Science Intermediate 3H
purlGTN:T00425 Hands-on Versioning your code and data with git
Foundations of Data Science 1h
purlGTN:T00094 Hands-on Python - Math
Foundations of Data Science Introductory 30M
purlGTN:T00073 Hands-on Variant Calling Workflow
Foundations of Data Science 50M
purlGTN:T00078 Hands-on Data Manipulation Olympics - SQL
Foundations of Data Science Introductory 1h
purlGTN:T00352 Hands-on Data Manipulation Olympics - JQ
Foundations of Data Science Introductory 1h
purlGTN:T00398 Hands-on Introduction to sequencing with Python (part two)
Foundations of Data Science 1h
purlGTN:T00107 Hands-on Introduction to SQL
Foundations of Data Science Introductory 3H
purlGTN:T00085 Hands-on Conda Environments For Software Development
Foundations of Data Science Intermediate 30M
purlGTN:T00102 Hands-on Advanced R in Galaxy
Foundations of Data Science Intermediate 2H
purlGTN:T00404 Hands-on Introduction to sequencing with Python (part three)
Foundations of Data Science 1h
purlGTN:T00411 Hands-on Introduction to sequencing with Python (part four)
Foundations of Data Science 1h
purlGTN:T00100 Hands-on Python - Type annotations
Foundations of Data Science Intermediate 30M
purlGTN:T00090 Hands-on Python - Globbing
Foundations of Data Science Intermediate 15M
purlGTN:T00084 Hands-on Python - Introductory Graduation
Foundations of Data Science Introductory 1H30M
purlGTN:T00103 Hands-on R basics in Galaxy
Foundations of Data Science Introductory 3H
purlGTN:T00359 Hands-on Learning about one gene across biological resources and formats
Foundations of Data Science Introductory 1H
purlGTN:T00110 Hands-on SQL with R
Foundations of Data Science Intermediate 45M
purlGTN:T00108 Hands-on SQL Educational Game - Murder Mystery
Foundations of Data Science Intermediate 2H
purlGTN:T00093 Hands-on Python - Loops
Foundations of Data Science Introductory 40M
purlGTN:T00079 Hands-on Basics of using Git from the Command Line
Foundations of Data Science 30m
purlGTN:T00091 Hands-on Python - Lists & Strings & Dictionaries
Foundations of Data Science Introductory 1H
purlGTN:T00397 Hands-on Introduction to sequencing with Python (part one)
Foundations of Data Science 1h
purlGTN:T00082 Hands-on Python - Argparse
Foundations of Data Science Intermediate 30M
purlGTN:T00083 Hands-on Introduction to Python
Foundations of Data Science Introductory 5H
purlGTN:T00092 Hands-on Python - Coding Style
Foundations of Data Science Intermediate 30M
purlGTN:T00104 Hands-on dplyr & tidyverse for data processing
Foundations of Data Science Advanced 1H
purlGTN:T00106 Hands-on Advanced SQL
Foundations of Data Science Introductory 3H
purlGTN:T00419 Hands-on Data manipulation with Pandas
Foundations of Data Science 1h
purlGTN:T00088 Hands-on Python - Flow Control
Foundations of Data Science Introductory 40M
purlGTN:T00099 Hands-on Python - Basic Types & Type Conversion
Foundations of Data Science Introductory 30M
purlGTN:T00096 Hands-on Plotting in Python
Foundations of Data Science Intermediate 1H
purlGTN:T00097 Hands-on Python - Subprocess
Foundations of Data Science Intermediate 45M
purlGTN:T00072 Hands-on Version Control with Git
Foundations of Data Science 65M
purlGTN:T00382 Hands-on A (very) brief history of genomics
Foundations of Data Science 1h
purlGTN:T00076 Hands-on CLI basics
Foundations of Data Science Introductory 1H
purlGTN:T00089 Hands-on Python - Functions
Foundations of Data Science Introductory 30M
TBA Hands-on Generación de una matriz de datos de secuenciación de ARN de células únicas utilizando Alevin
Single Cell Advanced 3H
TBA Hands-on Filtrado, representación y exploración de secuenciación de ARN de células únicas
Single Cell Advanced 3H
TBA Hands-on Generación de una matriz de datos de secuenciación de ARN de células únicas utilizando Alevin
Single Cell Advanced 3H
TBA Hands-on Breve introducción a Galaxy - en español
Introduction to Galaxy Analyses Introductory 30m
TBA Hands-on Production d'indicateurs champs de bloc
Ecology 1H
purlGTN:F00240 FAQs How can I create a tutorial skeleton from a Galaxy workflow?
Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material
purlGTN:F00110 FAQs Using tutorial mode
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00220 FAQs I got slightly different numbers than were in the tutorial
Introduction to Galaxy Analyses
purlGTN:F00258 FAQs UCSC import: what should my file look like?
purlGTN:F00326 FAQs The UMAP Plots errors out sometimes?
Single Cell
purlGTN:F00229 FAQs Are UMIs not actually unique?
Single Cell
purlGTN:F00235 FAQs Downloading the files from the NCBI server fails or takes too long.
purlGTN:F00354 FAQs How can I talk with other users?
Single Cell
purlGTN:F00111 FAQs Does your account usage quota seem incorrect?
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00112 FAQs Forgot Password
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00113 FAQs Changing acount email or password
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00230 FAQs Why do we only consider highly variable genes?
Single Cell
purlGTN:F00388 FAQs Can we use snippy pipeline instead for the phylogenetic analysis?
purlGTN:F00312 FAQs Why do we have a variant mapping file when it is not being used in the workflow?
purlGTN:F00423 FAQs Open History files in Integrated Genome Browser (IGB)
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00114 FAQs Using IGV with Galaxy
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00231 FAQs Add genome and annotations to IGV from Galaxy
purlGTN:F00232 FAQs Add Mapped reads track to IGV from Galaxy
purlGTN:F00375 FAQs Why don't we perform the V-Search dereplication step of ASaiM for metatrascriptomic data?
purlGTN:F00356 FAQs What is a Learning Pathway?
purlGTN:F00426 FAQs Annotating Pre-requisites
Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material
purlGTN:F00181 FAQs Why host your materials with the GTN?
purlGTN:F00115 FAQs Why not use Excel?
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00281 FAQs Can EncyclopeDIA be run on a DIA-MS dataset without a spectral library?
purlGTN:F00389 FAQs Can we also use this workflow on Illumina raw reads?
purlGTN:F00390 FAQs Do the pipelines work with both isolates and direct from raw meat? or only isolate?
purlGTN:F00116 FAQs Annotate a workflow
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00397 FAQs Ensuring Workflows meet Best Practices
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00117 FAQs Creating a new workflow
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00118 FAQs Opening the workflow editor
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00119 FAQs Extracting a workflow from your history
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00136 FAQs Extraer un flujo de trabajo de tu historial
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00120 FAQs Hiding intermediate steps
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00121 FAQs Importing a workflow
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00364 FAQs Import workflows from DockStore
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00175 FAQs Import workflows from WorkflowHub
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00122 FAQs Importing a workflow using the search
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00123 FAQs Setting parameters at run-time
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00124 FAQs Make a workflow public
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00125 FAQs Renaming workflow outputs
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00126 FAQs Viewing a workflow report
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00127 FAQs Running a workflow
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00367 FAQs Importing and Launching a Dockstore Workflow
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00176 FAQs Importing and launching a GTN workflow
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:F00368 FAQs Importing and Launching a Workflow
Galaxy FAQ
purlGTN:W00264 Workflow Calling variants in non-diploid systems
Variant Analysis
purlGTN:W00111 Workflow Galaxy Introduction Peaks2Genes - Part 1
Introduction to Galaxy Analyses
purlGTN:W00148 Workflow DIA_analysis_MSstats
purlGTN:W00149 Workflow DIA_analysis_MSstats
purlGTN:W00088 Workflow Genome Annotation with Prokka
Genome Annotation
purlGTN:W00112 Workflow Galaxy Intro Short
Introduction to Galaxy Analyses
purlGTN:W00123 Workflow Amplicon Tutorial
purlGTN:W00124 Workflow WGS Part In "Analyses Of Metagenomics Data - The Global Picture"
purlGTN:W00008 Workflow Intro to Genome Assembly
purlGTN:W00221 Workflow Classification LSVC
Statistics and machine learning
purlGTN:W00222 Workflow Regression GradientBoosting
Statistics and machine learning
purlGTN:W00223 Workflow Clustering in Machine Learning
Statistics and machine learning
purlGTN:W00244 Workflow DEG Part - Ref Based RNA Seq - Transcriptomics - GTN
purlGTN:W00245 Workflow QC + Mapping + Counting (single+paired) - Ref Based RNA Seq - Transcriptomics - GTN
purlGTN:W00246 Workflow QC + Mapping + Counting - Ref Based RNA Seq - Transcriptomics - GTN - subworkflows
purlGTN:W00258 Workflow Du Novo GTN Tutorial - Make Consensus Sequences
Variant Analysis
purlGTN:W00259 Workflow Du Novo GTN Tutorial - Variant Calling
Variant Analysis
purlGTN:W00100 Workflow Essential genes detection with Transposon insertion sequencing
Genome Annotation
purlGTN:W00068 Workflow GTN - ChIP Seq - Formation Of Super Structures On Xi
purlGTN:W00108 Workflow Find exons with the highest number of features
Introduction to Galaxy Analyses
purlGTN:W00160 Workflow Metaproteomics_GTN
purlGTN:W00166 Workflow Copy of PeptideDataAnalysis (imported from uploaded file)
purlGTN:W00177 Workflow Secreted Proteins Via GO Annotation And WoLF PSORT For shCTSB Paper
purlGTN:W00150 Workflow DIA_Analysis_OSW
purlGTN:W00167 Workflow Proteomics: Peptide and Protein ID using OpenMS
purlGTN:W00168 Workflow Peptide And Protein ID Via OMS Using Two Search Engines
purlGTN:W00152 Workflow 'Biomarkers4Paris' Workflow
purlGTN:W00163 Workflow metaquantome-taxonomy-workflow
purlGTN:W00157 Workflow Proteomics: MaxQuant workflow
purlGTN:W00151 Workflow DIA_lib_OSW
purlGTN:W00278 Workflow WF2_Discovery-Workflow
purlGTN:W00174 Workflow GTN Proteogemics3 Novel Peptide Analysis
purlGTN:W00153 Workflow Proteomics: database handling
purlGTN:W00154 Workflow Proteomics: database handling including mycoplasma
purlGTN:W00162 Workflow metaquantome-function-worklow
purlGTN:W00158 Workflow Proteomics: MaxQuant and MSstats LFQ workflow
purlGTN:W00159 Workflow MaxQuant MSstatsTMT Training
purlGTN:W00155 Workflow EncyclopeDIA-GTN
purlGTN:W00165 Workflow Tails Triple Dimethyl OpenMS2.1
purlGTN:W00169 Workflow Peptide And Protein ID Tutorial
purlGTN:W00170 Workflow ProteinID SG PS Tutorial WF datasetCollection
purlGTN:W00281 Workflow WF5_Data_Interpretation_Worklow
purlGTN:W00171 Workflow Proteomics: Peptide and Protein Quantification via stable istobe labeling
purlGTN:W00173 Workflow GTN Proteogemics2 Database Search
purlGTN:W00172 Workflow GTN Proteogenomics1 Database Creation
purlGTN:W00156 Workflow MS Imaging Loading Exploring Data
purlGTN:W00277 Workflow WF1_Database_Generation_Workflow
purlGTN:W00280 Workflow WF4_Quantitation_Workflow
purlGTN:W00175 Workflow 'Proteome Annotation'
purlGTN:W00176 Workflow ProteoRE ProteomeAnnotation Tutorial (release 2.0)
purlGTN:W00161 Workflow metaQuantome_datacreation_workflow
purlGTN:W00164 Workflow PeptideML
purlGTN:W00104 Workflow GTN_Exemplar_002_TMA_workflow
purlGTN:W00103 Workflow Workflow constructed from Tutorial 'Introduction to image analysis using Galaxy'
purlGTN:W00101 Workflow analyze_screen
purlGTN:W00102 Workflow feature_extraction
purlGTN:W00106 Workflow CP_pipeline_IDR_training
purlGTN:W00105 Workflow CP_object_tracking_example
purlGTN:W00000 Workflow Post-assembly workflow
purlGTN:W00021 Workflow VGP assembly: training workflow
purlGTN:W00001 Workflow Genome Assembly Quality Control
purlGTN:W00006 Workflow Ecoli Comparison
purlGTN:W00005 Workflow Debruijn Graph
purlGTN:W00284 Workflow Assembly-decontamination-VGP9
purlGTN:W00285 Workflow Mitogenome-Assembly-VGP0
purlGTN:W00009 Workflow Assembly polishing - upgraded
purlGTN:W00010 Workflow Assembly with Flye - upgraded
purlGTN:W00011 Workflow Assess genome quality - upgraded
purlGTN:W00012 Workflow Combined workflows for large genome assembly - upgraded
purlGTN:W00013 Workflow Data QC - upgraded
purlGTN:W00014 Workflow Racon polish with Illumina reads (R1 only), x2 - upgraded
purlGTN:W00015 Workflow Racon polish with long reads, x4 - upgraded
purlGTN:W00016 Workflow Trim and filter reads - fastp - upgraded
purlGTN:W00017 Workflow kmer counting - meryl - upgraded
purlGTN:W00019 Workflow Genome Assembly of MRSA using Oxford Nanopore MinION (and Illumina data if available)
purlGTN:W00002 Workflow assembly_with_preprocessing
purlGTN:W00003 Workflow assembly_with_preprocessing_and_sra_download
purlGTN:W00020 Workflow Unicycler training
purlGTN:W00004 Workflow Chloroplast-genome-assembly-and-annotation
TBA Workflow Metagenomics assembly tutorial workflow
TBA Workflow workflow-generate-dataset-for-assembly-tutorial
purlGTN:W00007 Workflow Genome Assembly using PacBio data
purlGTN:W00018 Workflow Genome Assembly of MRSA using Illumina MiSeq Data
purlGTN:W00072 Workflow Tree Building (imported from uploaded file)
purlGTN:W00073 Workflow Mtb phylogeny
purlGTN:W00074 Workflow From BAMs to drug resistance prediction with TB-profiler
purlGTN:W00075 Workflow From Fastqs to VCFs and BAMs
purlGTN:W00076 Workflow From VCFs to SNP distance matrix
purlGTN:W00128 Workflow Workflow 1: Preprocessing
purlGTN:W00129 Workflow Workflow 2: Community Profile
purlGTN:W00130 Workflow Workflow 3: Functional Information
purlGTN:W00131 Workflow Workflow 3: Functional Information (quick)
purlGTN:W00121 Workflow Identification of the micro-organisms in a beer using Nanopore sequencing
purlGTN:W00146 Workflow Copy Of GTN Training - Antibiotic Resistance Detection
purlGTN:W00140 Workflow Training: 16S rRNA Analysis with Nanopore Sequencing Reads
purlGTN:W00147 Workflow Taxonomic Profiling and Visualization of Metagenomic Data
purlGTN:W00289 Workflow Workflow for Identifying MF from ITS2 sequencing using LotuS2 - tutorial example run'
TBA Workflow WF2_Discovery-Workflow
purlGTN:W00122 Workflow Building an amplicon sequence variant (ASV) table from 16S data using DADA2
purlGTN:W00127 Workflow Main Metatranscriptomics Analysis
TBA Workflow WF5_Data_Interpretation_Worklow
purlGTN:W00132 Workflow Training: 16S rRNA Sequencing With Mothur: Main Tutorial
TBA Workflow WF1_Database_Generation_Workflow
TBA Workflow WF4_Quantitation_Workflow
purlGTN:W00133 Workflow Workflow 1: Quality Control [Galaxy Training: 16S Microbial Analysis With Mothur]
purlGTN:W00134 Workflow Workflow 2: Data Cleaning And Chimera Removal [Galaxy Training: 16S Microbial Analysis With Mothur]
purlGTN:W00135 Workflow Workflow 3: Classification [Galaxy Training: 16S Microbial Analysis With Mothur]
purlGTN:W00136 Workflow Workflow 4: Mock OTU Clustering [Galaxy Training: 16S Microbial Analysis With Mothur]
purlGTN:W00137 Workflow Workflow 5: OTU Clustering [Galaxy Training: 16S Microbial Analysis With Mothur]
purlGTN:W00138 Workflow Workflow 6: Alpha Diversity [Galaxy Training: 16S Microbial Analysis With Mothur]
purlGTN:W00139 Workflow Workflow7: Beta Diversity [Galaxy Training: 16S Microbial Analysis With Mothur]
purlGTN:W00141 Workflow Allele-based Pathogen Identification
purlGTN:W00142 Workflow Gene-based Pathogen Identification
purlGTN:W00143 Workflow Nanopore Preprocessing
purlGTN:W00144 Workflow Pathogen Detection PathoGFAIR Samples Aggregation and Visualisation
purlGTN:W00145 Workflow Taxonomy Profiling and Visualization with Krona
purlGTN:W00125 Workflow Metagenomics assembly tutorial workflow
purlGTN:W00126 Workflow workflow-generate-dataset-for-assembly-tutorial
purlGTN:W00276 Workflow Calculating diversity from microbiome taxonomic data
purlGTN:W00031 Workflow CTB Workflow
Computational chemistry
purlGTN:W00033 Workflow Workflow constructed from history 'Hsp90-MDAnalysis'
Computational chemistry
purlGTN:W00034 Workflow MD protein-ligand workflow (from PDB structure)
Computational chemistry
purlGTN:W00038 Workflow Data management in Medicinal Chemistry workflow
Computational chemistry
purlGTN:W00039 Workflow Zauberkugel
Computational chemistry
purlGTN:W00035 Workflow GROMACS Training Workflow
Computational chemistry
purlGTN:W00032 Workflow Virtual screening of the SARS-CoV-2 main protease with rDock and pose scoring
Computational chemistry
purlGTN:W00029 Workflow Analysis using MDAnalysis
Computational chemistry
purlGTN:W00030 Workflow Simple Analysis
Computational chemistry
purlGTN:W00036 Workflow MD NAMD
Computational chemistry
purlGTN:W00037 Workflow NAMD MD From CHARMM GUI
Computational chemistry
purlGTN:W00040 Workflow MakeAFakeInput
Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material
purlGTN:W00041 Workflow Retrieve climate data from Copernicus
Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material
purlGTN:W00273 Workflow Circos for E. Coli
purlGTN:W00271 Workflow Circos tutorial
purlGTN:W00272 Workflow Circos: Nature workflow
purlGTN:W00024 Workflow CLM-FATES_ ALP1 simulation (5 years)
purlGTN:W00025 Workflow Ocean's variables 2.0
purlGTN:W00022 Workflow Analyse Argo data
purlGTN:W00023 Workflow Climate 101
purlGTN:W00027 Workflow Pangeo Jupyter Notebook
purlGTN:W00026 Workflow GTN 'Pangeo 101 for everyone - Xarray'
purlGTN:W00028 Workflow Sentinel5 volcanic data
purlGTN:W00070 Workflow Workflow Methylation Seq
purlGTN:W00071 Workflow Identification of the binding sites of the T-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia protein 1 (TAL1)
purlGTN:W00065 Workflow Identification Of The Binding Sites Of The Estrogen Receptor - Chip Seq
purlGTN:W00066 Workflow Identification Of The Binding Sites Of The Estrogen Receptor - Qc Mapping
purlGTN:W00067 Workflow Infinium Human Methylation BeadChip
purlGTN:W00063 Workflow ATAC-seq GTM
purlGTN:W00069 Workflow Galaxy Workflow Galaxy Hi C
purlGTN:W00064 Workflow ATAC-seq GTM
purlGTN:W00274 Workflow Workflow - Standard processing of 10X single cell ATAC-seq data with SnapATAC2
Single Cell
purlGTN:W00207 Workflow scRNA Plant Analysis
Single Cell
purlGTN:W00191 Workflow Scanpy Parameter Iterator workflow full (imported from URL)
Single Cell
purlGTN:W00192 Workflow scATAC-seq Count Matrix Filtering
Single Cell
purlGTN:W00193 Workflow scATAC-seq FASTQ to Count Matrix
Single Cell
purlGTN:W00194 Workflow Generating a single cell matrix using Alevin
Single Cell
purlGTN:W00212 Workflow Clustering 3k PBMC with Scanpy
Single Cell
purlGTN:W00287 Workflow GO Enrichment Workflow
Single Cell
purlGTN:W00198 Workflow Cell Cycle Regression Workflow
Single Cell
purlGTN:W00211 Workflow RaceID Workflow
Single Cell
purlGTN:W00206 Workflow NCBI to Anndata
Single Cell
purlGTN:W00203 Workflow AnnData to Cell Data Set (CDS) conversion
Single Cell
purlGTN:W00204 Workflow AnnData to Seurat conversion
Single Cell
purlGTN:W00205 Workflow AnnData to SingleCellExperiment (SCE) conversion
Single Cell
purlGTN:W00210 Workflow Preprocessing of 10X scRNA-seq data
Single Cell
purlGTN:W00189 Workflow MuSiC-Deconvolution: Data generation | bulk | ESet
Single Cell
purlGTN:W00196 Workflow CS3_Filter, Plot and Explore Single-cell RNA-seq Data
Single Cell
purlGTN:W00197 Workflow Filter, Plot and Explore Single-cell RNA-seq Data updated
Single Cell
purlGTN:W00202 Workflow Inferring Trajectories with Scanpy Tutorial Workflow
Single Cell
purlGTN:W00186 Workflow MuSiC Workflow
Single Cell
purlGTN:W00190 Workflow MuSiC-Deconvolution: Compare
Single Cell
purlGTN:W00208 Workflow CelSeq2: Multi Batch (mm10)
Single Cell
purlGTN:W00209 Workflow CelSeq2: Single Batch (mm10)
Single Cell
purlGTN:W00213 Workflow Scater
Single Cell
purlGTN:W00195 Workflow Combining datasets after pre-processing
Single Cell
purlGTN:W00185 Workflow EBI SCXA to AnnData (Scanpy) or Seurat Object
Single Cell
purlGTN:W00187 Workflow MuSiC-Deconvolution: Data generation | sc | matrix + ESet
Single Cell
purlGTN:W00188 Workflow MuSiC-Deconvolution: Data generation | sc | metadata
Single Cell
purlGTN:W00199 Workflow AnnData object to Monocle input files
Single Cell
purlGTN:W00200 Workflow Monocle3 workflow
Single Cell
purlGTN:W00201 Workflow Trajectory analysis using Monocle3 - full tutorial workflow
Single Cell
purlGTN:W00237 Workflow trinity NG
purlGTN:W00254 Workflow Blockclust 1.1.0 Clustering
purlGTN:W00238 Workflow GO Enrichment Workflow
purlGTN:W00248 Workflow RNA Seq Counts To Genes
purlGTN:W00250 Workflow QC report
purlGTN:W00251 Workflow RNA Seq Reads To Counts
purlGTN:W00243 Workflow Workflow Constructed From History 'Heinz Workflow Trial Sep 11'
purlGTN:W00242 Workflow Plant bulk RNA-Seq workflow
purlGTN:W00234 Workflow Tutorial CLIPseq Explorer Demultiplexed PEAKachu eCLIP Hg38
purlGTN:W00252 Workflow Heatmap2 Workflow
purlGTN:W00239 Workflow BY-COVID: Data Download
purlGTN:W00240 Workflow mRNA-Seq BY-COVID Pipeline: Analysis
purlGTN:W00241 Workflow mRNA-Seq BY-COVID Pipeline: Counts
purlGTN:W00249 Workflow RNA Seq Genes To Pathways (imported from uploaded file)
purlGTN:W00253 Workflow Visualization Of RNA-Seq Results With Volcano Plot
purlGTN:W00235 Workflow De novo transcriptome reconstruction with RNA-Seq
purlGTN:W00236 Workflow GTN_differential_isoform_expression
purlGTN:W00255 Workflow sRNA Seq Step 1: Read Pre Processing And Removal Of Artifacts (no Grooming)
purlGTN:W00256 Workflow sRNA Seq Step 2: Salmon And DESeq2
purlGTN:W00247 Workflow RNA-RNA interactome data analysis - chira v1.4.3
purlGTN:W00120 Workflow MSI Finding Diff Analytes
purlGTN:W00288 Workflow End-to-end EI+ mass spectra prediction workflow using QCxMS
purlGTN:W00118 Workflow Workflow Constructed From History 'imported: testpourGCC'
purlGTN:W00117 Workflow GC MS using XCMS
purlGTN:W00119 Workflow MSI Workflow: spatial distribution
purlGTN:W00230 Workflow Simtext training workflow
Statistics and machine learning
purlGTN:W00229 Workflow ml_regression
Statistics and machine learning
purlGTN:W00215 Workflow Intro_To_FNN_v1_0_10_0
Statistics and machine learning
purlGTN:W00224 Workflow fruit_360
Statistics and machine learning
purlGTN:W00228 Workflow Machine Learning
Statistics and machine learning
purlGTN:W00226 Workflow Intro_To_Deep_Learning
Statistics and machine learning
purlGTN:W00227 Workflow Workflow Constructed From History 'IWTomics Workflow'
Statistics and machine learning
purlGTN:W00217 Workflow papaa@0.1.9_PI3K_OG_model_tutorial
Statistics and machine learning
purlGTN:W00216 Workflow Intro_To_RNN_v1_0_10_0
Statistics and machine learning
purlGTN:W00220 Workflow ml_classification
Statistics and machine learning
purlGTN:W00225 Workflow gpu_jupytool
Statistics and machine learning
purlGTN:W00218 Workflow Age Prediction DNA Methylation
Statistics and machine learning
purlGTN:W00219 Workflow Age Prediction RNA-Seq
Statistics and machine learning
purlGTN:W00214 Workflow Intro_To_CNN_v1.0.11.0
Statistics and machine learning
purlGTN:W00116 Workflow Finding the Muon Stopping Site: pymuon-suite in Galaxy
Materials Science
purlGTN:W00107 Workflow GTN Tutorial: Data manipulation Olympics - all steps and exercises
Introduction to Galaxy Analyses
purlGTN:W00115 Workflow GTN Training: Galaxy 101 For Everyone
Introduction to Galaxy Analyses
purlGTN:W00113 Workflow Galaxy Intro Strands 2
Introduction to Galaxy Analyses
purlGTN:W00114 Workflow Galaxy Intro Strands
Introduction to Galaxy Analyses
purlGTN:W00110 Workflow NGS_tutorial
Introduction to Galaxy Analyses
purlGTN:W00109 Workflow GTN Training: Galaxy 101 For Everyone
Introduction to Galaxy Analyses
purlGTN:W00260 Workflow Exome Seq Training Pre-Mapped W Cached Ref
Variant Analysis
purlGTN:W00261 Workflow Exome Seq Training Full W Cached Ref
Variant Analysis
purlGTN:W00263 Workflow Microbial Variant Calling
Variant Analysis
purlGTN:W00265 Workflow pox-virus-tiled-amplicon-ref-masking
Variant Analysis
purlGTN:W00257 Workflow Diploid
Variant Analysis
purlGTN:W00269 Workflow TB Variant Analysis v1.0
Variant Analysis
purlGTN:W00270 Workflow Trio Analysis Tutorial
Variant Analysis
purlGTN:W00268 Workflow Identification of somatic and germline variants from tumor and normal sample pairs tutorial
Variant Analysis
purlGTN:W00267 Workflow Somatic-Variant-Discovery-from-WES-Data-Using-Control-FREEC
Variant Analysis
purlGTN:W00266 Workflow Simple COVID-19 - PE Variation
Variant Analysis
purlGTN:W00262 Workflow Mapping And Molecular Identification Of Phenotype Causing Mutations
Variant Analysis
TBA Workflow Data management in Medicinal Chemistry workflow
FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research
purlGTN:W00233 Workflow RetroSynthesis
Synthetic Biology
purlGTN:W00231 Workflow Genetic Design (BASIC Assembly)
Synthetic Biology
purlGTN:W00232 Workflow Pathway Analysis
Synthetic Biology
purlGTN:W00077 Workflow Intermine import/export
Using Galaxy and Managing your Data
purlGTN:W00079 Workflow vcf2lineage
Using Galaxy and Managing your Data
purlGTN:W00080 Workflow Tutorial workflow
Using Galaxy and Managing your Data
purlGTN:W00081 Workflow Subworkflow
Using Galaxy and Managing your Data
purlGTN:W00082 Workflow Select First N Lines
Using Galaxy and Managing your Data
purlGTN:W00083 Workflow GTN Training: Workflow Reports - Galaxy 101 For Everyone
Using Galaxy and Managing your Data
purlGTN:W00084 Workflow GTN Training: Workflow Reports
Using Galaxy and Managing your Data
purlGTN:W00078 Workflow GTN_ENA_upload_workflow
Using Galaxy and Managing your Data
purlGTN:W00062 Workflow Xarray_Map_Plotting_Workflow
purlGTN:W00042 Workflow Workflow constructed from history 'Tuto Obitools'
purlGTN:W00050 Workflow NDVI with OpenEO
purlGTN:W00051 Workflow NDVI with OpenEO
purlGTN:W00049 Workflow Genetic Map Rad Seq Workflow
purlGTN:W00047 Workflow de novo Rad Seq
purlGTN:W00052 Workflow Marine Omics visualisation
purlGTN:W00048 Workflow GBIF data Quality check and filtering workflow Feb-2020
purlGTN:W00060 Workflow Sentinel 2 example
purlGTN:W00053 Workflow preparing genomic data for phylogeny recostruction (GTN)
purlGTN:W00061 Workflow Species Distribution Modeling With Wallace From GBIF - Training Material
purlGTN:W00044 Workflow Checking expected species and contamination in bacterial isolate
purlGTN:W00282 Workflow Marine Omics identifying biosynthetic gene clusters
purlGTN:W00054 Workflow Workflow Constructed From History 'STACKS RAD: Population Genomics With Reference Genome'
purlGTN:W00055 Workflow Ref Based Rad Seq
purlGTN:W00056 Workflow Abundance Index "stacked" Visualization Creation
purlGTN:W00057 Workflow Phenology "stacked" Visualization Creation
purlGTN:W00058 Workflow Tutorial regionalGAM Complete Multispecies
purlGTN:W00059 Workflow Regional GAM Workflow
purlGTN:W00045 Workflow Workflow 'Biodiversity data exploration tuto'
purlGTN:W00043 Workflow Compute and analyze biodiversity metrics with PAMPA toolsuite
purlGTN:W00286 Workflow Ecoregionalization workflow
purlGTN:W00046 Workflow Champs blocs indicators
purlGTN:W00091 Workflow Workflow constructed from history 'CRISPR tutorial Kenji'
Genome Annotation
purlGTN:W00087 Workflow Genome annotation with Maker (short)
Genome Annotation
purlGTN:W00090 Workflow Bacterial Genome Annotation
Genome Annotation
purlGTN:W00097 Workflow Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) annotation with FEELnc
Genome Annotation
purlGTN:W00089 Workflow Apollo Load Test
Genome Annotation
purlGTN:W00086 Workflow Genome annotation with Maker
Genome Annotation
purlGTN:W00094 Workflow Comparative gene analysis
Genome Annotation
purlGTN:W00092 Workflow Funannotate
Genome Annotation
purlGTN:W00099 Workflow Gene Cluster Product Similarity Search
Genome Annotation
purlGTN:W00098 Workflow RepeatMasker
Genome Annotation
purlGTN:W00085 Workflow mrsa AMR gene detection
Genome Annotation
purlGTN:W00283 Workflow Training - Helixer
Genome Annotation
purlGTN:W00093 Workflow Functional annotation
Genome Annotation
purlGTN:W00095 Workflow CHROMEISTER chromosome comparison
Genome Annotation
purlGTN:W00096 Workflow GECKO pairwise comparison
Genome Annotation
purlGTN:W00275 Workflow Quality and contamination control in bacterial isolate using Illumina MiSeq Data
Sequence analysis
purlGTN:W00183 Workflow NCBI Foreign Contamination Screen
Sequence analysis
purlGTN:W00178 Workflow Sanger1 : From AB1 to aligned consensus and primers fasta + BLAST
Sequence analysis
purlGTN:W00179 Workflow Training Sanger sequences CHD8
Sequence analysis
purlGTN:W00181 Workflow GTN - Sequence Analyses - Mapping - Jbrowse (imported from uploaded file)
Sequence analysis
purlGTN:W00182 Workflow GTN - Sequence Analyses - Mapping (imported from uploaded file)
Sequence analysis
purlGTN:W00180 Workflow GTN - Sequence Analyses - Removal of human reads from SARS-CoV-2 sequencing data
Sequence analysis
purlGTN:W00184 Workflow GTN - Sequence Analyses - Quality Control (imported from uploaded file)
Sequence analysis
TBA Workflow GTN Tutorial: Data manipulation Olympics - all steps and exercises
Foundations of Data Science