How can I plan meetings across timezones?

  1. Go to a timezone website to see equivalent times across the globe.
  2. Select multiple times that capture at least 2/3 of the globe (we recommend three timezones)
  3. Alternate meetings across those timezones to enable global participation.
  4. Share your meeting time by going to this timezone website and inputting your timezone and meeting time. This will give you a URL you can link to any communications that will automatically convert that time to the local time of anyone opening the URL. You can also include your meeting notes link there for ease.

Time-saving tip: If you meet every 2 months, you can set up 3 recurring calendar events for each time chosen to recur every 6 months. It’s automatic, it’s inclusive, and it’s less effort!

Time zone map showing England, California, and eastern Australia timezones, with three circles around times that include 2 of the 3 timezones during working hours

Persistent URL
Resource purlPURL:
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