GTN Metadata

Authors: orcid logoHelena Rasche avatar Helena Rasche
Creative Commons License: CC-BY Questions:
  • What metadata is required or possible to set in a Tutorial, Slide, Topic, or FAQ

  • Know where to find all of the available metadata, so you can reference it later.

Time estimation: 10 minutes
Supporting Materials:
Published: Jun 2, 2022
Last modification: Oct 15, 2024
License: Tutorial Content is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The GTN Framework is licensed under MIT
purl PURL:
version Revision: 8

Training Materials

A dictionary/map

(Required) layout
Free Text

This must be set to tutorial_hands_on

Possible Values:

  • tutorial_hands_on


layout: "tutorial_hands_on"

(Required) title
Free Text

Title of the tutorial (it will appear on the tutorial page and the topic page)


title: Clustering in Machine Learning
title: Breve introducción a Galaxy - en español
title: Pangeo ecosystem 101 for everyone - Introduction to Xarray Galaxy Tools

(Required) contributions
A dictionary/map

List of tutorial contributors. Here we break them down into several broad categories to help contributors identify how they contributed to a specific tutorial.


        - shiltemann
        - bebatut
        - hexylena
        - bebatut
        - natefoo
        - bebatut
        - natefoo
        - shiltemann
        - gallantries

List of Items

These entities wrote the bulk of the training material, they may have done the analysis, built the workflow, and wrote the text themselves.

List of Items

These entities provided data for this resource

List of Items

These entities edited the text, either for spelling and grammar, flow, GTN-fit, or other similar editing categories

List of Items

These entities provided funding support for the development of this resource

List of Items

These entities managed and provided infrastructure to the GTN or for training purposes

List of Items

These entities tested the tutorial to ensure it works correctly for students, or reported issues with the tutorial.

List of Items

These entities did translation and localisation work on this resource

List of Items

These entities contributed UX or Design improvements to this tutorial or the GTN as a whole

(Required) time_estimation
Free Text

An estimation of the time needed to complete the hands-on.


time_estimation: 10M
time_estimation: 1H30M

Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression


A dictionary/map

A dictionary of abbreviations and their expansions.


    SQL: Structured Query Language
    API: Application Programming Interface

Free Text

The expansion of the abbreviated term.

List of Items


- - label: ""
  - label: "Older Alevin version"
    date: 2024-01-01

A dictionary/map

(Required) label
Free Text

(Required) history
Free Text

Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression


List of Items

List of tutorial contributors. Please use contributions instead as it provides more detailed accounting of tutorial history.


- hexylena
- shiltemann

Free Text

A copyright attribution string, as required by some licenses.


copyright: © Copyright 2021-2023 University of Technology Sydney, The University of Manchester UK and RO-Crate contributors


true to hide your tutorial from the topic page (optional). This is useful if you need a tutorial for a workshop, but have not finished making it up to GTN standards.

List of Items

A dictionary/map

Any additional variables you want to set on the page

List of Items

list of resources that the reader of the material could follow at the end of the tutorial


- type: internal
  topic_name: statistics
      - age-prediction-with-ml
- type: external
  title: The Unix Shell
  link: ""
- type: none
  title: "A VM with at least 2 vCPUs and 4 GB RAM, preferably running Ubuntu 18.04 - 20.04."

(Required) Sequence Value (List of items)
A dictionary/map

(Required) type
Free Text

the type of link

Possible Values:

  • internal
  • external
  • none


type: "internal"
type: "external"
type: "none"

Free Text

URL of the external resource

Free Text

Title of the external resource

Free Text

[Internal Only] The name of the topic

List of Items

[Internal Only] List of required tutorials inside that topic

Decimal Number

Currently unused.

Free Text

Link to a gitter channel that is more relevant for the tutorial than the default. E.g. a single cell tutorial could use Galaxy-Training-Network/galaxy-single-cell to link to their specific chat room.


gitter: Galaxy-Training-Network/galaxy-single-cell
gitter: galaxy-genome-annotation/Lobby

Free Text

This must be set to external to link to an external tutorial

Possible Values:

  • external


hands_on: "external"

Free Text

link to the external tutorial



List of Items


- input_histories:
    - label: ""
      date: "2021-09-01"

A dictionary/map

(Required) label
Free Text

(Required) history
Free Text

Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression


List of Items

List of take-home messages. This information will appear at the end of the tutorial. These should really be a key point, something that should stick in their mind; what you want them to take home from the tutorial.


- Pangeo ecosystem enables big data analysis in geosciences
- The MiModD suite of tools bundles most of the functionality required to perform mapping-by-sequencing analyses with Galaxy
- It can drastically simplify management of large numbers of VMs

Free Text

The document language.

Possible Values:

  • es
  • en
  • fr


lang: "es"
lang: "en"
lang: "fr"

Free Text

Here give a feeling of what level the material is at.

Possible Values:

  • Introductory
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced


level: "Introductory"
level: "Intermediate"
level: "Advanced"

Free Text

An SPDX identifier for the alternative license that is used for that particular material. This is only relevant for materials which have been imported from an external source and were originally licensed under another license. For new materials we strongly encourage contributors to not use this key as materials are CC-BY, by default.


license: MIT
license: Apache-2.0

A dictionary/map


    language: python
    pyolite: true

    language: python
    snippet: topics/climate/tutorials/pangeo-notebook/

(Required) language
Free Text

Possible Values:

  • python
  • bash
  • r
  • sql


language: "python"
language: "bash"
language: "r"
language: "sql"

List of Items

A list of packages that must be installed before running this tutorial. This value is not currently used, but might be in the future.


- tidyverse


The GTN has support for JupyterLite and the Pyodide kernel which runs Python in the browser via webassembly/javascript. This comes with some restrictions:

  • Python only
  • No filesystem access (so no wget prep steps)
  • Little to no cell magic

However, it means we can run a lot of our Python training directly in the GTN! And in the future, hopefully, we will be able to embed individual cells of the notebook directly in the Python training, so the user doesn’t even need to switch pages.

Enabling this field will enable pyolite links for this notebook.

Free Text

If you have an alternative preamble for your notebook that students should know before following (e.g. they must load X datasets in their history), it can be listed here.

This text will be shown in the GTN tutorial, but it will not be included in the notebook, giving you a bit better control over mixing setup content which is relevant for Galaxy, with notebook content that can be easy to run for students.


snippet: topics/climate/tutorials/pangeo-notebook/

List of Items

list of learning objectives for the tutorial

A learning objective is a single sentence describing what a learner will be able to do once they have done the tutorial. Generally it is best to follow a 2C or 3C learning objective such as:

  • Compute (Skill)
  • multiple whole genome assemblies (Objective)
  • in such a way to develop big data processing skills (Result)


- Understand the basic concepts behind phylogenetic trees, as applied to *Mycobacterium tuberculosis*
- Explore Biodiversity data with taxonomic, temporal and geographical informations
- Generate a DotPlot emulating the original paper using a different analysis tool

Free Text

A custom image to show on the link preview in external applications (e.g. when the URL is pasted into Twitter)


og_image: /assets/images/gat.png

Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression


Integer Number

This field allows ordering tutorials within the tutorial list. Tutorials with lower numbered priority come before tutorials with higher numbers.


List of Items

list of questions that will be addressed in the tutorial


- How does Genome assembly work?
- How do I change Galaxy configs?
- How to detect and quantify differentially abundant proteins in a HEK-Ecoli Benchmark DIA datatset?
- What kinds of data do programs store?

List of Items

A dictionary/map

(Required) date
Free Text

Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression


Free Text

Integer Number

List of Items


Free Text

Free Text

Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression


Free Text

Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression


List of Items

Free Text

Free Text

Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression


List of Items

If a tutorial is renamed to a new location, use this field to list prior locations from which this tutorial was accessible.


- /topics/sequence-analysis/tutorials/de-novo-rad-seq/tutorial

List of Items

List of resources that the reader of the material should be familiar with before starting this training. The structure is identical to follow_up_training.


- type: internal
  topic_name: statistics
      - age-prediction-with-ml
- type: external
  title: The Unix Shell
  link: ""
- type: none
  title: "A VM with at least 2 vCPUs and 4 GB RAM, preferably running Ubuntu 18.04 - 20.04."

(Required) Sequence Value (List of items)
A dictionary/map

(Required) type
Free Text

the type of link

Possible Values:

  • internal
  • external
  • none


type: "internal"
type: "external"
type: "none"

Free Text

URL of the external resource

Free Text

Title of the external resource

Free Text

[Internal Only] The name of the topic

List of Items

[Internal Only] List of required tutorials inside that topic

Free Text

if the topic has multiple subtopics defined, you can assign your tutorial to one of those subtopics here. Without this, the tutorial will appear in the “Other tutorials” section on the topic page.


subtopic: single-cell

List of Items

A free form list of tags that are relevant for your tutorial.


- covid-19
- git-gat

List of Items

If alternative translations of a material are available, then use this key to indicate which languages have been manually translated.


- en

A dictionary/map

For materials which are automatically converted into videos via the available mechanisms, this field declares which voice should be used. If this field is not declared, a random voice will be chosen from a list of the best available voices from AWS Polly.


    id: Lupe
    lang: es-US
    neural: true

(Required) id
Free Text

(Required) lang
Free Text

(Required) neural

Free Text

link on Zenodo to the input data for the tutorial



Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression


A dictionary/map

(Required) layout
Free Text

The layout to use. Generally you should use tutorial_slides and no other value.

Possible Values:

  • tutorial_slides
  • introduction_slides
  • tutorial_slides_ai4life


layout: "tutorial_slides"
layout: "introduction_slides"
layout: "tutorial_slides_ai4life"

(Required) title
Free Text

Title of the slides (it will appear on the slides and the topic listing)


title: Introduction to CRISPR screen analysis
title: High Performance Computing for Pairwise Genome Comparison
title: Circos

(Required) contributions
A dictionary/map

List of slide contributors. Here we break them down into several broad categories to help contributors identify how they contributed to a specific tutorial.


        - shiltemann
        - bebatut
        - hexylena
        - bebatut
        - natefoo
        - bebatut
        - natefoo
        - shiltemann
        - gallantries

List of Items

These entities wrote the bulk of the training material, they may have done the analysis, built the workflow, and wrote the text themselves.

List of Items

These entities provided data for this resource

List of Items

These entities edited the text, either for spelling and grammar, flow, GTN-fit, or other similar editing categories

List of Items

These entities provided funding support for the development of this resource

List of Items

These entities managed and provided infrastructure to the GTN or for training purposes

List of Items

These entities tested the tutorial to ensure it works correctly for students, or reported issues with the tutorial.

List of Items

These entities did translation and localisation work on this resource

List of Items

These entities contributed UX or Design improvements to this tutorial or the GTN as a whole

(Required) logo
Free Text

A logo identifier (e.g. GTN) should be used by default, but may be swapped out for special logos from the assets folder.

Possible Values:

  • GTN
  • assets/images/gat.png
  • assets/images/gga.png
  • assets/images/ncbi.png
  • /assets/images/elixir-uk.png
  • /assets/images/BioNT_Logo.png
  • topics/ai4life/images/AI4Life-logo_giraffe-nodes.png
  • assets/images/genomics_intro.png
  • shared/images/biocommons-utas.png
  • shared/images/dataplant-logo.png


logo: "GTN"
logo: "assets/images/gat.png"
logo: "assets/images/gga.png"
logo: "assets/images/ncbi.png"
logo: "/assets/images/elixir-uk.png"
logo: "/assets/images/BioNT_Logo.png"
logo: "topics/ai4life/images/AI4Life-logo_giraffe-nodes.png"
logo: "assets/images/genomics_intro.png"
logo: "shared/images/biocommons-utas.png"
logo: "shared/images/dataplant-logo.png"

Free Text

A default CSS class applied to slides

List of Items

List of tutorial contributors. Please use contributions instead as it provides more detailed accounting of tutorial history.


- hexylena
- shiltemann

Free Text

A copyright attribution string, as required by some licenses.


copyright: © Copyright 2021-2023 University of Technology Sydney, The University of Manchester UK and RO-Crate contributors


true to hide your tutorial from the topic page (optional). This is useful if you need a tutorial for a workshop, but have not finished making it up to GTN standards.

List of Items

List of Items

list of resources that the reader of the material could follow at the end of the tutorial


- type: internal
  topic_name: statistics
      - age-prediction-with-ml
- type: external
  title: The Unix Shell
  link: ""
- type: none
  title: "A VM with at least 2 vCPUs and 4 GB RAM, preferably running Ubuntu 18.04 - 20.04."

(Required) Sequence Value (List of items)
A dictionary/map

(Required) type
Free Text

the type of link

Possible Values:

  • internal
  • external
  • none


type: "internal"
type: "external"
type: "none"

Free Text

URL of the external resource

Free Text

Title of the external resource

Free Text

[Internal Only] The name of the topic

List of Items

[Internal Only] List of required tutorials inside that topic

Free Text

Possible Values:

  • external


hands_on: "external"

Free Text

List of Items

List of take-home messages. This information will appear at the end of the slides. These should really be a key point, something that should stick in their mind; what you want them to take home from the slides.


- Pangeo is an inclusive community promoting open, reproducible and scalable science.
- Balanced batches and replicates allow bioinformatic batch correction
- Galaxy workflows can download images from the IDR, selecting specific channels, time points, z-stack positions and crop the image in different ways.

Free Text

The document language.

Possible Values:

  • es
  • en


lang: "es"
lang: "en"

Free Text

Here give a feeling of what level the material is at.

Possible Values:

  • Introductory
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced


level: "Introductory"
level: "Intermediate"
level: "Advanced"

Free Text

An SPDX identifier for the alternative license that is used for that particular material. This is only relevant for materials which have been imported from an external source and were originally licensed under another license. For new materials we strongly encourage contributors to not use this key as materials are CC-BY, by default.

List of Items

list of learning objectives for the tutorial

A learning objective is a single sentence describing what a learner will be able to do once they have done the tutorial. Generally it is best to follow a 2C or 3C learning objective such as:

  • Compute (Skill)
  • multiple whole genome assemblies (Objective)
  • in such a way to develop big data processing skills (Result)


- Understand the basic concepts behind phylogenetic trees, as applied to *Mycobacterium tuberculosis*
- Explore Biodiversity data with taxonomic, temporal and geographical informations
- Generate a DotPlot emulating the original paper using a different analysis tool

Free Text

A custom image to show on the link preview in external applications (e.g. when the URL is pasted into Twitter)


og_image: /assets/images/gat.png

Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression


Integer Number

This field allows ordering resources within the topic list. Learning resources with lower numbered priority come before those with higher numbers.


List of Items

list of questions that will be addressed in the slides


- What is ATAC-Seq?
- What are Galaxy Interactive Environments (GIEs)?
- How to visualize your genome after automated annotations have been performed?

List of Items

A dictionary/map

(Required) date
Free Text

Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression


Free Text

Integer Number

List of Items

Free Text

Free Text

Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression


Free Text

Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression


List of Items

Free Text

Free Text

Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression


List of Items

If a tutorial is renamed to a new location, use this field to list prior locations from which this tutorial was accessible.


- /topics/sequence-analysis/tutorials/de-novo-rad-seq/tutorial

List of Items

List of resources that the reader of the material should be familiar with before starting this training. The structure is identical to follow_up_training.


- type: internal
  topic_name: statistics
      - age-prediction-with-ml
- type: external
  title: The Unix Shell
  link: ""
- type: none
  title: "A VM with at least 2 vCPUs and 4 GB RAM, preferably running Ubuntu 18.04 - 20.04."

(Required) Sequence Value (List of items)
A dictionary/map

(Required) type
Free Text

the type of link

Possible Values:

  • internal
  • external
  • none


type: "internal"
type: "external"
type: "none"

Free Text

URL of the external resource

Free Text

Title of the external resource

Free Text

[Internal Only] The name of the topic

List of Items

[Internal Only] List of required tutorials inside that topic

Free Text

if the topic has multiple subtopics defined, you can assign your tutorial to one of those subtopics here. Without this, the tutorial will appear in the “Other tutorials” section on the topic page.


subtopic: single-cell

List of Items

A free form list of tags that are relevant for your tutorial.


- covid-19
- git-gat

Free Text

An estimation of the time needed to complete the hands-on. It should look like 10M or 1H30M

Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression


List of Items

If alternative translations of a material are available, then use this key to indicate which languages have been manually translated.


- en


This enables automatic slide-to-video conversion. See the documentation of that feature for more information about this feature. If enabled, you must provide good speaker notes for every single slide.

A dictionary/map

For materials which are automatically converted into videos via the available mechanisms, this field declares which voice should be used. If this field is not declared, a random voice will be chosen from a list of the best available voices from AWS Polly.


    id: Lupe
    lang: es-US
    neural: true

(Required) id
Free Text

(Required) lang
Free Text

(Required) neural

Decimal Number

Decimal Number

Free Text

link on Zenodo to the input data for the tutorial



GTN Resources

A dictionary/map

(Required) layout
Free Text

This must be set to faq

Possible Values:

  • faq


layout: "faq"

(Required) title
Free Text

Title of the FAQ


title: How does the GTN implement the 'Ten simple rules for collaborative lesson development'
title: How can I give feedback?
title: Ways to use Galaxy

(Required) box_type
Free Text

The type of box that should be used when rendering this FAQ. Use none if it should not be in a box, but just plain text.

Possible Values:

  • tip
  • hands_on
  • question
  • comment
  • warning
  • details
  • none


box_type: "tip"
box_type: "hands_on"
box_type: "question"
box_type: "comment"
box_type: "warning"
box_type: "details"
box_type: "none"

(Required) contributors
List of Items

Who contributed to this FAQ


- shiltemann
- hexylena

Free Text

A text key used for sorting related FAQs together in the visual interface for users.


area: contributors
area: learners
area: features

Free Text

A short, one line description to provide additional context of the FAQ


description: Galaxy may have several reference genomes built-in, but you can also create your own.
description: Quickly learn what the identifiers are in any **BAM** dataset that is the result from mapping
description: Finding and Correcting Metadata

A dictionary/map

A list of _examples that can be used to illustrate the FAQ’s invocation


A very basic included version: {}
A more complex example: {name: "Phages", format: "genbank"}

A dictionary/map

Free Text

Integer Number

An internal ID tracking which form response generated this in the GTN Google Forms. Please do not add this manually.

A dictionary/map

Optional parameters that can enhance the experience of the learner if set correctly


format: the format they should change it to

Free Text

List of Items

If a tutorial is renamed to a new location, use this field to list prior locations from which this tutorial was accessible.


- /topics/sequence-analysis/tutorials/de-novo-rad-seq/tutorial

A dictionary/map

A list of parameters that are required to be set when invoking the FAQ, otherwise the FAQ will not render correctly (e.g. in the FAQ list!)


name: The name of the dataset

Free Text

A dictionary/map

(Required) name
Free Text

The internal identifier for a topic, it should be the same as the folder name.


name: epigenetics
name: sequence-analysis
name: admin

Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression


(Required) type
Free Text

The type of topic, some have subtly different behaviours.

should be used for admin and developer topics that are not scientifically focused.
Only used for galaxy-interface type topics
Topics which are not necessarily Galaxy focused but expand into broader communities
These topics use galaxy for some analysis
Specific to topics related to instruction of Galaxy

Possible Values:

  • admin-dev
  • basics
  • data-science
  • use
  • instructors


type: "admin-dev"
type: "basics"
type: "data-science"
type: "use"
type: "instructors"

(Required) title
Free Text

Title of the topic, this is displayed for users to see.


title: Proteomics
title: Variant Analysis

(Required) summary
Free Text

A longer description of the contents of this topic


summary: Statistical Analyses for omics data and machine learning using Galaxy tools

(Required) editorial_board
List of Items

Free Text

Any custom CSS you might want to apply to a specific topic. This could be overriding e.g. the masthead colour (beware, will potentially conflict with themes.)

This is generally not a recommended property to set on topics, and something that is only used as part of outreach efforts to import content into the GTN.


custom_css: - :root { --brand-color: red; }

Free Text

The image ID for an image which contains all of the tools and data for this topic.




true to hide your tutorial from the topic page (optional). This is useful if you need a tutorial for a workshop, but have not finished making it up to GTN standards.

List of Items

Free Text

Link to a gitter channel that is more relevant for this topic than the default. E.g. a single cell topic, you could use Galaxy-Training-Network/galaxy-single-cell to link to their specific chat room in all of the child tutorials by default.


gitter: Galaxy-Training-Network/galaxy-single-cell
gitter: galaxy-genome-annotation/Lobby

Free Text

The specific learning path you wish to reference as a call-to-action for views who aren’t sure where to get started.

It must be the name of a file in learning-pathways, without the .md suffix. This is not validated so, please make sure it’s correct :)


learning_path_cta: intro-to-galaxy-and-genomics
learning_path_cta: admin-training

Free Text

A logo identifier (e.g. GTN) should be used by default, but may be swapped out for special logos from the assets folder.

Free Text

The alt text for the logo (MANDATORY).

Free Text

A custom image to show on the link preview in external applications (e.g. when the URL is pasted into Twitter)


og_image: /assets/images/gat.png

Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression


List of Items


- - |
    authors: "Vaudel M, et al."
    title: "Shedding light on black boxes in protein identification."
    link: ""
    summary: "An extensive tutorial for peptide and protein identification, available at The material is completely based on freely available and open-source tools."

(Required) Sequence Value (List of items)
A dictionary/map

(Required) authors
Free Text

(Required) title
Free Text

(Required) link
Free Text

Free Text

List of Items

List of resources that the reader of the material should be familiar with before starting this training. The structure is identical to follow_up_training.


- type: internal
  topic_name: statistics
      - age-prediction-with-ml

(Required) Sequence Value (List of items)
A dictionary/map

(Required) type
Free Text

the type of link

Possible Values:

  • internal


type: "internal"

Free Text

The name of the topic

List of Items

List of required tutorials inside that topic

List of Items

For large topics, we can define subtopics and create multiple tutorial lists, which separates the tutorials to help users find content that interests them more quickly.

A dictionary/map

(Required) id
Free Text

Subtopic ID, this should match what is used in tutorials.


id: single-cell

Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression


(Required) title
Free Text

Subtopic title, which is displayed for users to see.


title: Maintaining a Production Galaxy
title: Single-cell RNA-seq

(Required) description
Free Text

A human readable textual description of a subtopic.


description: - "Start here if you are new to RNA-Seq analysis in Galaxy"
- "These tutorials take you from raw sequencing reads to pathway analysis"
- "Tutorials about analysis of single-cell RNA-seq data"
- "Tutorials using a single published single-cell RNA-seq dataset for a variety of analyses"


false to hide your topic from the production GTN. This is useful if you need a topic for a workshop, but have not finished making it up to GTN standards.


If this is a tag based topic (no tutorials of it’s own) then you must set this flag to indicate it as such, otherwise you will find yourself with an empty topic page.

Free Text

These are used to organise the home page tutorials only, not used anywhere else.

Possible Values:

  • technology
  • field


topic_type: "technology"
topic_type: "field"

A dictionary/map

(Required) title
Free Text

Title of the Quiz


title: Diagnostic Assessment
title: SQL Basics Recap

(Required) contributors
List of Items

Who contributed to this FAQ


- shiltemann
- hexylena

(Required) questions
List of Items

The questions that are part of the quiz

A dictionary/map

(Required) title
Free Text

The question title, displayed on the teacher and student screens simultaneously


title: How you could collect information from learners at the beginning of a course or lesson and how you can use it?
title: What keyword do you use to retrieve data in SQL

(Required) timeout
Integer Number

How long the students have to answer the question

(Required) type
Free Text

What type of question to display.

Possible Values:

  • choose-1
  • choose-many
  • free-text
  • poll


type: "choose-1"
type: "choose-many"
type: "free-text"
type: "poll"

List of Items

The possible answers to the question you’ve asked. Consider including common wrong answers, or answers based on common mistakes to help students identify where they went wrong.



The correct answer, it MUST be part of the answers list. It can be a list of correct answers if it is a choose-many question


correct: SELECT
correct: AB

Free Text

Path to an image, if you’d like to include one along with the question. Should be the full path starting with /


image: /training-material/topics/data-science/images/carpentries-sql/sql-join-structure.svg


Used ONLY with the poll type questions to enable displaying the results as they come in. Great for polling audiences for how they’re feeling.

A dictionary/map

(Required) title
Free Text

Title of the pathway


title: Clustering in Machine Learning
title: Breve introducción a Galaxy - en español
title: Pangeo ecosystem 101 for everyone - Introduction to Xarray Galaxy Tools

(Required) description
Free Text

Description of the pathway

(Required) type
Free Text

The type of topic, some have subtly different behaviours.

should be used for admin and developer topics that are not scientifically focused.
Only used for galaxy-interface type topics
Topics which are not necessarily Galaxy focused but expand into broader communities
These topics use galaxy for some analysis
Specific to topics related to instruction of Galaxy

Possible Values:

  • admin-dev
  • basics
  • data-science
  • use
  • instructors


type: "admin-dev"
type: "basics"
type: "data-science"
type: "use"
type: "instructors"

(Required) editorial_board
List of Items

(Required) tags
List of Items

Any relevant tags that would help a user discover this LP

(Required) pathway
List of Items

A dictionary/map

(Required) section
Free Text

Free Text

List of Items

A dictionary/map

(Required) name
Free Text


Free Text

Free Text

Possible Values:

  • admin
  • covid19
  • ai4life
  • assembly
  • climate
  • computational-chemistry
  • contributing
  • data-science
  • dev
  • ecology
  • epigenetics
  • evolution
  • fair
  • galaxy-interface
  • genome-annotation
  • imaging
  • introduction
  • metabolomics
  • microbiome
  • proteomics
  • sequence-analysis
  • single-cell
  • statistics
  • synthetic-biology
  • teaching
  • transcriptomics
  • variant-analysis
  • visualisation


topic: "admin"
topic: "covid19"
topic: "ai4life"
topic: "assembly"
topic: "climate"
topic: "computational-chemistry"
topic: "contributing"
topic: "data-science"
topic: "dev"
topic: "ecology"
topic: "epigenetics"
topic: "evolution"
topic: "fair"
topic: "galaxy-interface"
topic: "genome-annotation"
topic: "imaging"
topic: "introduction"
topic: "metabolomics"
topic: "microbiome"
topic: "proteomics"
topic: "sequence-analysis"
topic: "single-cell"
topic: "statistics"
topic: "synthetic-biology"
topic: "teaching"
topic: "transcriptomics"
topic: "variant-analysis"
topic: "visualisation"

Free Text

Possible Values:

  • hands_on
  • slides


type: "hands_on"
type: "slides"

Free Text

cover image

Free Text

cover image alt text


true to hide your LP from the LP list (optional). This is useful if you need an LP for a workshop, but have not finished making it up to GTN standards.

List of Items

These entities provided funding support for the development of this resource

Free Text

Possible Values:

  • learning-pathway


layout: "learning-pathway"

Integer Number

priority within learning path list

A dictionary/map

(Required) layout
Free Text

Possible Values:

  • news


layout: "news"

(Required) title
Free Text

Title of the news post


title: BY-COVID and RO-Crate collaboration brings new topic: FAIR Data, Workflows & More
title: New Tutorial Feature: Choose Your Own Tutorial

(Required) contributions
A dictionary/map

List of tutorial contributors. Here we break them down into several broad categories to help contributors identify how they contributed to a specific tutorial.


        - shiltemann
        - bebatut
        - hexylena
        - bebatut
        - natefoo
        - bebatut
        - natefoo
        - shiltemann
        - gallantries

List of Items

These entities wrote the bulk of the training material, they may have done the analysis, built the workflow, and wrote the text themselves.

List of Items

These entities provided data for this resource

List of Items

These entities edited the text, either for spelling and grammar, flow, GTN-fit, or other similar editing categories

List of Items

These entities provided funding support for the development of this resource

List of Items

These entities managed and provided infrastructure to the GTN or for training purposes

List of Items

These entities tested the tutorial to ensure it works correctly for students, or reported issues with the tutorial.

List of Items

These entities did translation and localisation work on this resource

List of Items

These entities contributed UX or Design improvements to this tutorial or the GTN as a whole

A dictionary/map

A dictionary of abbreviations and their expansions.


    SQL: Structured Query Language
    API: Application Programming Interface

Free Text

The expansion of the abbreviated term.

List of Items

List of tutorial contributors. Please use contributions instead as it provides more detailed accounting of tutorial history.


- hexylena
- shiltemann

Free Text

link to a picture that will be used as the cover for the article


cover: assets/images/BYCOVID_logo_tagline.png

Free Text

If a cover is provided, then alt text is Mandatory.


coveralt: logo of by covid with subtitle reading beyond covid


Whether clicking on the “read story link” goes directly to another site.

Possible Values:

  • true
  • false


external: true
external: false


A boolean tracking in an automated way if this news post was generated via the GTN’s News Google Form. Please do not add this manually.

Possible Values:

  • true
  • false


from_google_form: true
from_google_form: false

Free Text

Basically an alias for tutorial, except requiring a full URL



List of Items

If a tutorial is renamed to a new location, use this field to list prior locations from which this tutorial was accessible.


- /topics/sequence-analysis/tutorials/de-novo-rad-seq/tutorial

List of Items

A free form list of tags that are relevant for your tutorial.


- new topic
- new tutorial
- new feature
- covid-19
- git-gat

Free Text

Include a link to a specific page as a call to action button at the bottom of the page.


tutorial: topics/sequence-analysis/tutorials/de-novo-rad-seq/tutorial.html

A dictionary/map

(Required) layout
Free Text

This must be set to event

Possible Values:

  • event


layout: "event"

(Required) title
Free Text

Title of the event


title: Smörgåsbord 2023
title: MTS Basics Workshop

(Required) contributions
A dictionary/map

List of tutorial contributors. Here we break them down into several broad categories to help contributors identify how they contributed to a specific tutorial.


        - shiltemann
        - bebatut
        - hexylena
        - bebatut
        - natefoo
        - bebatut
        - natefoo
        - gallantries

List of Items

These entities provided funding support for the development of this resource

List of Items

These entities managed and provided infrastructure to the GTN or for training purposes

List of Items

These entities helped or instructed at the event

List of Items

These entities organised the event

List of Items

These entities tested the tutorial to ensure it works correctly for students, or reported issues with the tutorial.

List of Items

These entities did translation and localisation work on this resource

(Required) description
Free Text

A brief description of the event.

(Required) cost
Free Text

Price of the event. If the event is free, use the word free. If there is a cost, use the currency and amount.


cost: free
cost: 123 EUR
cost: 456 USD

Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression

/(free|\d+ [A-Z]{3})/

(Required) mode
Free Text

The mode of the event. For some reason the markup for this provides three separate axes (online/onsite/blended, synchronous/asynchronous, and full-time/part-time), but we’re just going to use the first axis because there is no way to represent choices from each axis. Why, why‽ If you want to record async/sync please do so in the separate attribute, and we will not record full/part time.

Possible Values:

  • online
  • onsite
  • hybrid


mode: "online"
mode: "onsite"
mode: "hybrid"


true for an asynchronous event. If this is true, we will not display any value for times in the columns of the program

Free Text


audience: This event is intended for PhD students interested in Genomics. A basic knowledge in R is useful but not required.

Free Text

Free Text

link to a picture that will be used as the cover for the article


cover-image: /assets/images/BYCOVID_logo_tagline.png

Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression


Free Text

If a cover is provided, then alt text is Mandatory.


cover-image-alt: logo of by covid with subtitle reading beyond covid

When the event ends


date_end: 2024-04-01

When the event starts


date_start: 2024-04-01


true to hide your event. This is useful if you need a tutorial for a workshop, but have not finished making it up to GTN standards.

A dictionary/map

Link to the feedback form

(Required) link
Free Text

(Required) deadline

A dictionary/map

Link to the feedback form

A dictionary/map

Free Text

Custom markdown formatted text to display. Note that Jekyll things like {% snippet %} or {% include %} will not work here.


Set to true to disable the automatic “register for a galaxy account” card.

List of Items

A dictionary/map

Free Text

A human readable name for the server

Free Text

The URL of the server

Free Text

The TIaaS URL. If you don’t have one officially yet, just set it provisionally (we’ll generate a link which will make it easier to request it!)

A dictionary/map

Free Text

A channel identifier for the platform, instructors can create channels on the GTN slack themselves.

Free Text

Invite link for the platform, GTN slack by default

Free Text

Link to the channel

Free Text

The name of the platform

Possible Values:

  • Slack


platform: "Slack"


Indicate that you will be using TIaaS for this event

A dictionary/map

Physical location of the event, only required for in-person events


  name: Zoom
  name: Bioinf Dept
  address: 42 E Main St.
  city: Reyjkjavik
  country: Iceland

(Required) name
Free Text

Free Text

Free Text

Free Text

A dictionary/map

Decimal Number

Decimal Number

Free Text

Free Text

List of Items

A dictionary/map

(Required) section
Free Text

Free Text


Treat this section as a subsection of the previous item

List of Items

A dictionary/map

Free Text

Free Text

List of Items

A dictionary/map

Free Text

Description of the custom session here, in markdown.

Free Text

Free Text

Free Text

Free Text

Possible Values:

  • custom


type: "custom"

List of Items

If a tutorial is renamed to a new location, use this field to list prior locations from which this tutorial was accessible.


- /topics/sequence-analysis/tutorials/de-novo-rad-seq/tutorial

A dictionary/map

Link to the registration page

(Required) link
Free Text

(Required) deadline


Free Text

The status of the event. wip for work in progress, otherwise, do not set this key.

Possible Values:

  • wip


status: "wip"

List of Items

A free form list of tags that are relevant for your tutorial.


- covid-19
- git-gat

A dictionary/map

(Required) layout
Free Text

This must be set to event-external

Possible Values:

  • event-external


layout: "event-external"

(Required) external
Free Text

URL to the external event

(Required) title
Free Text

Title of the event


title: Smörgåsbord 2023
title: MTS Basics Workshop

(Required) contributions
A dictionary/map

List of tutorial contributors. Here we break them down into several broad categories to help contributors identify how they contributed to a specific tutorial.


        - shiltemann
        - bebatut
        - hexylena
        - bebatut
        - natefoo
        - bebatut
        - natefoo
        - gallantries

List of Items

These entities provided funding support for the development of this resource

List of Items

These entities managed and provided infrastructure to the GTN or for training purposes

List of Items

These entities helped or instructed at the event

List of Items

These entities organised the event

List of Items

These entities tested the tutorial to ensure it works correctly for students, or reported issues with the tutorial.

List of Items

These entities did translation and localisation work on this resource

(Required) description
Free Text

A brief description of the event.

When the event ends


date_end: 2024-04-01

When the event starts


date_start: 2024-04-01


true to hide your event. This is useful if you need a tutorial for a workshop, but have not finished making it up to GTN standards.

Integer Number

An internal ID tracking which form response generated this in the GTN Google Forms. Please do not add this manually.

A dictionary/map

Physical location of the event, only required for in-person events


  name: Zoom
  name: Bioinf Dept
  address: 42 E Main St.
  city: Reyjkjavik
  country: Iceland

(Required) name
Free Text

Free Text

Free Text

Free Text

A dictionary/map

Decimal Number

Decimal Number

Free Text

Free Text


A dictionary/map


    name: Helena
    twitter: hexylena
    bio: I wrote this documentation! I do super cool things.

A dictionary/map

This ideally is your GitHub handle. If you do not have, or do not wish to provide a GitHub username, you may make up another identifier here, but then you must set github: false as described below.

(Required) name
Free Text

Your preferred name. If you prefer an alias or another name, this is welcome, it does not need to be your legal name.


name: 张三
name: Alice
name: Jane Doe
name: Madame Tout-le-Monde
name: Γιάννης Παπαδόπουλος

(Required) joined
Free Text

The year and month in which you joined


joined: 2020-01

Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression


List of Items

A set of organisations or grants your are affiliated with

Free Text

Free Text

A short biography of yourself, if you wish to add additional details or context.


bio: Research at the [South African National Bioinformatics Institute](

Free Text

Your bluesky handle



Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression



Are you open to being contacted for hosting training, or being involved with local training events? Instructors might use this to contact you, if they are looking for regional trainers who can help with their event.

Free Text

The 2 letter code identifying the ELIXIR node to which you are a member or are associated with. If you are from norway, you will need to quote your value, "no", unlike everyone else, due to the Norway Problem with YAML

Possible Values:

  • au
  • be
  • ch
  • cz
  • de
  • dk
  • ee
  • es
  • fi
  • fr
  • gr
  • hu
  • ie
  • il
  • it
  • lu
  • nl
  • no
  • pt
  • se
  • si
  • uk


elixir_node: "au"
elixir_node: "be"
elixir_node: "ch"
elixir_node: "cz"
elixir_node: "de"
elixir_node: "dk"
elixir_node: "ee"
elixir_node: "es"
elixir_node: "fi"
elixir_node: "fr"
elixir_node: "gr"
elixir_node: "hu"
elixir_node: "ie"
elixir_node: "il"
elixir_node: "it"
elixir_node: "lu"
elixir_node: "nl"
elixir_node: "no"
elixir_node: "pt"
elixir_node: "se"
elixir_node: "si"
elixir_node: "uk"

Free Text

Your email address, if you wish to provide it.



Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression


Free Text

The URL to your fediverse profile



Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression


Free Text

The flavor of the fediverse server (used in our webfinger endpoint.)

Possible Values:

  • mastodon
  • akkoma


fediverse_flavor: "mastodon"
fediverse_flavor: "akkoma"

List of Items

A set of organisations you were previously affiliated with


If your identifier in this file is not a GitHub account (or not your account), then this must be set to true, so we do not link to that account.

Free Text

Set this to no if you would like to be excluded from the hall of fame.

Possible Values:

  • no


halloffame: "no"

Free Text

If this community member is deceased, you can use this field to write a small in memoriam section that will display in their Hall of Fame profile.

Free Text

Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression


A dictionary/map

Free Text

The country you work in, ISO-3166-2 code.


country: NL
country: DE

Decimal Number

Latitude in decimal numbers


lat: 4.12

Decimal Number

Longitude in decimal numbers


lon: 55.0

Free Text

Preferred contact method

Free Text

Your matrix identifier and home server



Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression


Free Text

Your identifier at


orcid: 0000-0001-9760-8992

Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression


Free Text

Your twitter handle, without the @


twitter: gxytraining

Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression


A dictionary/map


    name: ELIXIR
    bio: We contribute as an organisation!

A dictionary/map

This ideally is your GitHub handle. If you do not have, or do not wish to provide a GitHub username, you may make up another identifier here, but then you must set github: false as described below.

(Required) name
Free Text

Full name of the organisation (e.g. acronyms expanded).


name: European Bioinformatics Institute
name: University of Freiburg
name: National Institutes of Health

Free Text

Free Text

A short biography of yourself, if you wish to add additional details or context.


bio: Research at the [South African National Bioinformatics Institute](

Free Text

A couple sentences of description about the organisation

Free Text

Your email address, if you wish to provide it.



Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression


Free Text

The URL to your fediverse profile



Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression


Free Text

The flavor of the fediverse server (used in our webfinger endpoint.)

Possible Values:

  • mastodon
  • akkoma


fediverse_flavor: "mastodon"
fediverse_flavor: "akkoma"


If your identifier in this file is not a GitHub account (or not your account), then this must be set to true, so we do not link to that account.

Free Text

The year and month in which you joined


joined: 2020-01

Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression


Free Text

Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression


Free Text

Your matrix identifier and home server



Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression


Free Text

Your identifier at


orcid: 0000-0001-9760-8992

Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression


Free Text

ROR ID from


ror: 019w4f821

Free Text

Name of the organisation, as short as possible (e.g. acronyms)


short_name: EBI
short_name: UFR
short_name: NIH

Free Text

Your twitter handle, without the @


twitter: gxytraining

Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression


Free Text

associated webpage (NOTE, funders only!)



A dictionary/map


    name: Erasmus+
    bio: We funded some of this work!

A dictionary/map

This ideally is your GitHub handle. If you do not have, or do not wish to provide a GitHub username, you may make up another identifier here, but then you must set github: false as described below.

(Required) name
Free Text

The full name for the grant


name: {"Gallantries"=>"Bridging Training Communities in Life Science, Environment and Health"}

(Required) funding_id
Free Text

The short identifier for your grant.


funding_id: 2020-1-NL01-KA203-064717

Free Text

Free Text

A short biography of yourself, if you wish to add additional details or context.


bio: Research at the [South African National Bioinformatics Institute](

Free Text

Your email address, if you wish to provide it.



Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression


Free Text

The end date of the grant


end_date: 2020-01-01

Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression


Free Text

The URL to your fediverse profile



Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression


Free Text

The flavor of the fediverse server (used in our webfinger endpoint.)

Possible Values:

  • mastodon
  • akkoma


fediverse_flavor: "mastodon"
fediverse_flavor: "akkoma"

Free Text

A name for the agency providing the funding.


funder_name: Erasmus+ Programme

Free Text

Automatically link to the grant’s information in the appropriate funding system site.

Possible Values:

  • cordis
  • erasmusplus
  • ukri
  • highergov


funding_database: "cordis"
funding_database: "erasmusplus"
funding_database: "ukri"
funding_database: "highergov"

Free Text

A short statement about the funder, markdown is supported.


funding_statement: This project ([`2020-1-NL01-KA203-064717`]( is funded with the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. Their funding has supported a large number of tutorials within the GTN across a wide array of topics.


If your identifier in this file is not a GitHub account (or not your account), then this must be set to true, so we do not link to that account.

Free Text

The year and month in which you joined


joined: 2020-01

Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression


Free Text

Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression


Free Text

Your matrix identifier and home server



Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression


Free Text

Your identifier at


orcid: 0000-0001-9760-8992

Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression


Free Text

A shorter name, as some grants love to stuff a lot of words into the title


short_name: Gallantries

Free Text

The start date of the grant


start_date: 2020-01-01

Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression


Free Text

Your twitter handle, without the @


twitter: gxytraining

Required Pattern: Must match the following regular expression


Free Text

associated webpage

