Single Cell Publication - Data Analysis

Author(s) orcid logoHelena Rasche avatar Helena Rasche
Creative Commons License: CC-BY Questions:
Time estimation: 1 hour
Level: Advanced Advanced
Supporting Materials:
Published: Nov 7, 2024
Last modification: Nov 7, 2024
License: Tutorial Content is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The GTN Framework is licensed under MIT
purl PURL:
version Revision: 1

Extracting data from the GTN’s Git history isn’t that difficult, but it requires some internal knowledge of how the GTN’s Jekyll-based codebase works. Here we’ll document what we’ve done!


In this tutorial, we will cover:

  1. Which PRs are Single Cell RPs?
  2. Classifying PR Content
  3. Contributors over time
  4. All contributions over time

Our imports and metadata (all merged github PRs), and the list of all historical names of single-cell tutorial folders.

The author recommends running this code in a ‘Jekyll Console’ context. Jekyll does not natively have support for a console, but there is an open Pull Request to add it. We recommend you install this yourself to most easily run the following code. You can do that by:

Hands On: Installing Jekyll's Console
  1. View the open Pull Request to add it
  2. Download lib/jekyll/commands/console.rb to somewhere on your computer.
  3. Find out where jekyll is installed:

    Code In: Bash
    gem which jekyll
    Code Out

    That means the commands should be in:

    Code In: Bash
    ls /home/user/galaxy/training-material/.direnv/ruby/gems/jekyll-4.3.3/lib/jekyll/commands/
    Code Out
    build.rb  clean.rb  doctor.rb  help.rb  new.rb  new_theme.rb  serve  serve.rb
  4. Copy the console.rb you downloaded to that folder

     cp ~/Downloads/console.rb $(dirname $(gem which jekyll))/jekyll/commands/

    This was written with commands in case folks want to copy paste it, to reduce error.

  5. Launch the console with

    jekyll console

Which PRs are Single Cell RPs?

require 'yaml'
data = YAML.load_file('metadata/github.yml')

Let’s fetch data from within the GTN’s infrastructure. You can see documentation for some of our APIs in the RDoc. E.g. here is how we document TopicFilter.list_materials_structured.

# Obtain all single cell materials
mats = TopicFilter
 .list_materials_structured(site, 'single-cell')
 .map { |k, v| v['materials'] }
 .uniq { |x| x['id'] }

# And flatten them into a useful list of old folder names
@sc ={|x| x['ref_tutorials'].map{|t| t['redirect_from']} + x['ref_slides'].map{|t| t['redirect_from']}}
    .reject{|x| x=~ /\/short\//} # /short/ is a folder of redirects
    .map{|x| x.split('/')[1..-2].join('/')} # Remove the filename.

The site object is currently required for calculating this list of structured materials. This is only available in the Jekyll console, so you’ll need to run this command in a Jekyll console. All of the subsequent steps can be run in a normal Ruby environment, but you might as well keep running it in the Jekyll console anyway.

Let’s go ahead and patch array to let us calculate a mean, because laziness is great actually

class Array
  def mean
    return self.sum / (0.0 + self.length)

Here’s how we’ll define what is or isn’t a single cell tutorial, based on URL:

def is_sc(path)
  p = path.gsub(/-ES/, '_ES').gsub(/-CAT/, '_CAT'); 

  if p =~ /\/single-cell\// then
    return 1

  # If anything in @sc is a prefix for p, then it's a single-cell file.
  if @sc.any?{|sc| p.start_with?(sc)} then
    return 1
  return 0

Now let’s obtain everything that IS a single cell PR. Here we define everything with 50% or more of the files being “single cell” files, as a single cell PR. How did we arrive at 50%? We made some plots and spot-checked individual results to see what made sense.

sc_prs = data
  .reject{|num, pr| pr['author']['login'] == 'github-actions'} # Remove all automation
  .map{|num, pr| 
        .reject{|f| f['path'].split('/')[2] == 'images' && f['path'] !~ /scrna/ }
        .reject{|f| f['path'] =~ /^assets/}
        .map{|f| is_sc(f['path'])}
  .reject{|num, sc| sc < 0.5}
  # Reject NaN
  .select{|num, sc| sc == sc}

Output number 1 done!'dist.txt', 'w') do |f|
  f.puts "num\tdist"
  sc_prs.each do |num, sc|
    f.puts "#{num}\t#{sc}"

Classifying PR Content

Let’s write a classifier for each file type, to enhance our statistics:

def classify(path)
  if path =~ /tutorial[A-Z_]*?\.md/ then
    return 'tutorial'
  elsif path =~ /slides.*\.html/ then
    return 'slides'
  elsif path =~ /faqs.*md/ || path =~ /^snippets/ then
    return 'faq'
  elsif path =~ /metadata.yaml/ || path == 'CONTRIBUTORS.yaml' || path =~ /$/ || path =~ /$/ then
    return 'metadata'
  elsif path =~ /\/workflows\// then
    return 'workflows'
  elsif path =~ /data-(library|manager)/ then
    return 'data-library'
  elsif path =~ /.bib$/ then
    return 'bibliography'
  elsif path =~ /\/images\// then
    return 'image'
  elsif path =~ /tutorials\/.*md/ then
    return 'tutorial'
  elsif path =~ /_plugins/ || path =~ /^bin/ || path =~ /_layouts/ || path =~ /_include/ || path == '_config.yml' || path =~ /assets/ || path =~ /Gemfile/ || path =~/shared/ then
    return 'framework'
  elsif path =~ /metadata\/.*.yaml/ then
    return 'metadata'
  elsif path =~ /metadata\/.*.csv/ || path =~ /Dockerfile/ then
    return 'ignore'
  elsif path =~ /^news/ then
    return 'news'

  # This will raise an exception which will ensure we catch the case where we
  # haven't defined a classification rule for a file yet.
  1/ 0

And now we’ll classify each of the single cell pull requests by their file type:

results = []
results << [
  "num", "path", "class", "additions", "deletions", "createdAt", "mergedAt"
sc_prs.each do |num, _|
  data[num]['files'].reject{|f| f['path'] =~ /test-data/}.each do |f|
    results << [
      num, f['path'], 
      f['additions'], f['deletions'],
      data[num]['createdAt'], data[num]['mergedAt']

Output number 2!

# save to file.csv'sc.tsv', 'w') do |f|
  results.each do |r|
    f.puts r.join("\t")

Preview of that data:

num path class additions deletions createdAt mergedAt
5484 topics/single-cell/faqs/ faq 3 3 2024-10-29T12:24:51Z 2024-10-29T12:47:23Z
5473 topics/single-cell/tutorials/alevin-commandline/ tutorial 48 47 2024-10-25T11:24:40Z 2024-10-28T12:59:16Z
5473 topics/single-cell/tutorials/scrna-case-jupyter_basic-pipeline/ tutorial 3 2 2024-10-25T11:24:40Z 2024-10-28T12:59:16Z
5473 topics/single-cell/tutorials/scrna-case_FilterPlotandExploreRStudio/ tutorial 1 0 2024-10-25T11:24:40Z 2024-10-28T12:59:16Z
5473 topics/single-cell/tutorials/scrna-case_FilterPlotandExplore_SeuratTools/ tutorial 1 0 2024-10-25T11:24:40Z 2024-10-28T12:59:16Z
5473 topics/single-cell/tutorials/scrna-case_JUPYTER-trajectories/ tutorial 6 5 2024-10-25T11:24:40Z 2024-10-28T12:59:16Z
5473 topics/single-cell/tutorials/scrna-case_alevin-combine-datasets/ tutorial 4 4 2024-10-25T11:24:40Z 2024-10-28T12:59:16Z
5473 topics/single-cell/tutorials/scrna-case_alevin/ tutorial 3 2 2024-10-25T11:24:40Z 2024-10-28T12:59:16Z
5473 topics/single-cell/tutorials/scrna-case_basic-pipeline/ tutorial 1 0 2024-10-25T11:24:40Z 2024-10-28T12:59:16Z
5473 topics/single-cell/tutorials/scrna-case_monocle3-rstudio/ tutorial 1 0 2024-10-25T11:24:40Z 2024-10-28T12:59:16Z
5473 topics/single-cell/tutorials/scrna-case_monocle3-trajectories/ tutorial 1 0 2024-10-25T11:24:40Z 2024-10-28T12:59:16Z
5473 topics/single-cell/tutorials/scrna-case_trajectories/ tutorial 1 0 2024-10-25T11:24:40Z 2024-10-28T12:59:16Z
5447 topics/single-cell/tutorials/GO-enrichment/ tutorial 7 3 2024-10-11T11:22:34Z 2024-10-11T13:36:22Z
5445 topics/single-cell/tutorials/scrna-case-cell-annotation/slides.html slides 1 1 2024-10-11T10:52:08Z 2024-10-12T15:44:00Z
5443 topics/single-cell/faqs/ faq 4 2 2024-10-11T10:16:18Z 2024-10-12T15:43:24Z
5416 topics/single-cell/metadata.yaml metadata 4 2 2024-10-07T22:26:36Z 2024-10-12T15:35:11Z
5416 topics/single-cell/tutorials/GO-enrichment/ tutorial 1 0 2024-10-07T22:26:36Z 2024-10-12T15:35:11Z

Contributors over time

Additionally we want to figure out how our contributions and contributors changed over time.

require 'yaml'
require 'date'
require 'pp'

Here are the current classifications of contributors:

KEYS = %w[authorship editing testing ux infrastructure translation data]

Let’s get all the single cell tutorials:

tutorials = Dir.glob("topics/single-cell/tutorials/*/")

We’ll want to get all the timepoints from 2019 (when single cell was added) to 2025, so we’ll setup an empty data structure for this.

NB This is NOT the best solution, this is just a simple brute force solution because the runtime is fine actually.

timepoints = []
(2019..2025).each do |year|
  (1..12).each do |month|
    s = "#{year}-#{month}-01T00:00:00Z"
    timepoints << [
contribs_over_time ={|n, t| [t,{|k| [k, []]}.to_h]}.to_h

Ok, let’s get the history of each tutorial

tutorials.each do |tutorial|
  # if tutorial !~ /bulk/
  #   next
  # end

  git=`git log --follow --name-only --format="GTN_GTN %H %at" #{tutorial}`
  commits = git.split("GTN_GTN ")
  commits.reject!{|c| c.empty?}!{|c| 
    res = c.gsub(/\n+/, "\t").split(/\t/)
    if res.size > 2
      puts "ERROR: #{res}"

    hash = res[0].split(' ')[0]
    time = res[0].split(' ')[1].to_i

    f = res[1]
    contents_at_time = `git show #{hash}:#{f}`
      contents_meta = YAML.load(contents_at_time)

    if contents_meta.nil?

    if contents_meta.key?("contributors")
      c = {
        'authorship' => contents_meta["contributors"],
      c = contents_meta["contributions"]

    squashed_i = DateTime.parse("%Y-%m-01T00:00:00Z")).to_time.to_i

      :hash => hash,
      :time => time,
      :date =>,
      :sqsh => squashed_i, # The time rounded to the month
      :path => res[1],
      :role => c

  # For every commit
  commits.reverse.compact.each do |c|
    KEYS.each do |k|
      # For every role
      if c[:role].key?(k)
        # add to contribs now and at every time point in the future
        now_and_future_keys ={|t| t >= c[:sqsh] }
        now_and_future_keys.each do |t|
          contribs_over_time[t][k] << c[:role][k]

See, terrible, but it works!

contribs_over_time.reject!{|k, v| v.values.all?{|vv| vv.empty?}}
pp contribs_over_time"sc-roles.tsv", "w") do |f|

  KEYS.each do |k|
    f.write({|date, roles| [date, roles[k]]}.map{|date, contribs| "#{"%Y-%m-01")}\t#{k}\t#{contribs.count}\t#{contribs.join(',')}"}.join("\n"))

All contributions over time

The plot of all new items over time was requested, and since the git log approach is so deeply ugly and slow, let’s do something slightly different.

The date that Single Cell Tutorials, FAQ, Video, News, Events were added is requested.

The GTN produces RSS feeds of all new content, as well as feeds subsetted by their area (e.g. the single cell feed or the single cell grouped by month) so we can use that to get a list of all new single cell content over time.

require 'net/http'
require 'date'
require './_plugins/util'
require 'uri'

# Ruby's stdlib for doing web requests is ... not great.
def request(url)
  uri = URI.parse(url)
  request =
  req_options = {
    use_ssl: uri.scheme == 'https',
  Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port, req_options) do |http|

Let’s look though the data we get back:

feed = request('').body
# The body of the feed has structure but it's slightly inconvenient.
# The URLs however...
# <a href=";utm_medium=newsbot&amp;utm_campaign=matrix-news">CelSeq2: Multi Batch (mm10) (February 22, 2019)</a>
# That has everything and a date, can just figure out what 'type' of thing it was by the folder/name.

def classify(url)
  if url =~ /tutorial(_[A-Z_]*)?\.html/
    return 'tutorial'
  elsif url.include? '/events/'
    return 'event'
  elsif url =~ /slides(_[A-Z_]*)?\.html/
    return 'slide'
  elsif url.include? '/faqs/'
    return 'faq'
  elsif url.include? '/workflows/'
    return 'workflow'
  elsif url.include? '/news/'
    return 'news'

  p url


out = []

feed.scan(/<a href="([^"]+)">([^<]+)<\/a>/).each do |url, title|
  next if url.include? 'gtn-standards-rss.html'
  date = title.match(/\(([^)]+)\)$/)[1]
  date = Date.parse(date).to_s
  out << [date, classify(url)]

And that’s almost done! Let’s add in the video data as well:

# Let's add in videos, they're stored in the tutorials. Thankfully these have a
# recording date we can use.
tutos = Dir.glob("topics/single-cell/tutorials/*/")
tutos.each do |tuto|
  meta = safe_load_yaml(tuto)
  next if meta['recordings'].nil? || meta['recordings'].empty?

  meta['recordings'].each do |rec|
    out << [rec['date'], 'video']

and write it out:"single-cell-over-time.tsv", "w") do |f|
  f.puts "date\ttype"
  out.sort_by{|d, t| d}.each do |date, type|
    f.puts "#{date}\t#{type}"

With that, I think we’re done! Ready to plot.

Let us know and we can perhaps generalise this dataset such that you could more easily download it for your own community.