New Tutorials: Genome assembly of a MRSA genome

new tutorial assembly mrsa amr nanopore illumina

Posted on: 24 March 2021 purlPURL:

Two new assembly tutorials have been added to the GTN! These tutorials walk you through the process of assembling MRSA strains from real-world datasets. MRSA stands for “Methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus, it is resistance to several antibiotics and is a common source of hospital-acquired infections and outbreaks. In this tutorial you will assess the quality of your data, perform an assembly and assess its quality, analyze your data for the presence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) genes, and annotate the genome using Prokka and JBrowse.

The two tutorials are related; in one you perform this analysis on Nanopore MinION data, and in the other you perform a similar analysis on Illlumina-sequenced datasets.

Click on one of the buttons below to view the tutorials!

Nanopore Tutorial

Illumina Tutorial

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