Creating a GTN FAQ

If you have a snippet of knowledge that is reusable, we recommend you to share with the GTN community, and we encourage you to create an FAQ for it!

If you have a snippet of knowledge that is reusable, we recommend you to share with the GTN community, and we encourage you to create an FAQ for it!

Creating the FAQ: The Easy Way

Fill out this Google Form. Every day our bot will import the FAQs submitted via this Google Form, and we will process them, perhaps requesting small changes, so we recommend that you have a GitHub account already.

For Advanced Users

Have a look at the existing FAQs in the faqs/galaxy/ folder of the GTN repository for some examples.

A news post is a markdown file that looks as follows:

title: Finding Datasets
area: datasets
box_type: tip
layout: faq
contributors: [jennaj, Melkeb]

- To review all active Datasets in your account, go to **User > Datasets**.

- Logging out of Galaxy while the Upload tool is still loading data can cause uploads to abort. This is most likely to occur when a dataset is loaded by browsing local files.
- If you have more than one browser window open, each with a different Galaxy History loaded, the Upload tool will load data into the most recently used history.
- Click on refresh icon {% icon galaxy-refresh %} at the top of the History panel to display the current active History with the datasets.
Persistent URL
Resource purlPURL:
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