Understanding job statuses

Job statuses will help you understand the stages of your work.

Compare the color of your datasets to these job processing stages.

  • Grey: The job is queued. Allow this to complete!
  • Yellow: The job is executing. Allow this to complete!
  • Green: The job has completed successfully.
  • Red: The job has failed. Check your inputs and parameters with Help examples and GTN tutorials. Scroll to the bottom of the tool form to find these.
  • Light Blue: The job is paused. This indicates either an input has a problem or that you have exceeded the disk quota set by the administrator of the Galaxy instance you are working on.
  • Grey, Yellow, Grey again: The job is waiting to run due to admin re-run or an automatic fail-over to a longer-running cluster.

galaxy-info Don’t lose your queue placement! It is essential to allow queued jobs to remain queued, and to never interrupt an executing job. If you delete/re-run jobs, they are added back to the end of the queue again.

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