How to update account preferences?

  1. Log in to Galaxy
  2. Navigate to User -> Preferences on the top menu bar
  3. Here you can update various preferences, such as:
    • pref-info Manage Information (change your registered email addresses or public name)
    • pref-password Change Password (change your login credentials)
    • pref-permissions Set Dataset Permissions for New Histories (grant others default access to newly created histories)
    • pref-toolboxfilters Manage Toolbox Filters (customize your Toolbox by displaying or omitting sets of Tools)
    • pref-apikey Manage API Key (access your current API key or create a new one)
    • pref-notifications Manage Notifications (allow push and tab notifcations on job completion)
    • pref-cloud Manage Cloud Authorization (grants Galaxy to access your cloud-based resources)
    • pref-identities Manage Third-Party Identities (connect or disconnect access to your third-party identities)
    • pref-custombuilds Manage Custom Builds (custom databases based on fasta datasets)
    • pref-list Manage Activity Bar (a bonus navigation bar)
    • pref-palette Pick a Color Theme (interface color theme)
    • pref-dataprivate Make All Data Private (disable all data sharing)
    • pref-delete Delete Account (on this Galaxy server)
    • pref-signout Sign out of Galaxy (signs you out of all sessions)
Persistent URL
Resource purlPURL:
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