Different dataset icons and their usage

Icons provide a visual experience for objects, actions, and ideas

Dataset icons and their usage:

  • galaxy-eye “Eye icon”: Display dataset contents.
  • galaxy-pencil “Pencil icon”: Edit attributes of dataset metadata: labels, datatype, database.
  • galaxy-delete “Trash icon”: Delete the dataset.
  • galaxy-save “Disc icon”: Download the dataset.
  • galaxy-link “Copy link”: Copy link URL to the dataset.
  • galaxy-info “Info icon”: Dataset details and job runtime information: inputs, parameters, logs.
  • galaxy-refresh “Refresh/Rerun icon”: Run this (selected) job again or examine original submitted form.
  • galaxy-barchart “Visualize icon”: External display links (UCSC, IGV, NPL, PV); Charts and graphing; Editor (manually edit text).
  • galaxy-dataset-map “Dataset Map icon”: Filter the history for related Input/Output Datasets. Click again to clear the filter.
  • galaxy-bug “Bug icon”: Review subset of logs (review all under galaxy-info), and optionally submit a bug report.
Persistent URL
Resource purlPURL: https://gxy.io/GTN:F00037
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