The Latest GTN News

Keep an eye on this page for the latest news around the GTN. New tutorials, GTN features, upcoming training events, and much much more!

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GTA logo including the GTN star and beams behind it in the GTN colors. Additionally the Text: Galaxy Training Academy and GALAXY TRAINING NETWORK and the Galaxy logo.
Galaxy Training Academy 2025 - Register now 🎉
GTA logo including the GTN star and beams behind it in the GTN colors. Additionally the Text: Galaxy Training Academy and GALAXY TRAINING NETWORK and the Galaxy logo.
Call for Trainers and Helpers for the Galaxy Training Academy 2025
GTN logo with a multi-coloured star and the words Galaxy Training Network
BioNT basic curriculum Round Two - Starting in autumn 2024 with the RNA-Seq and Python Workshops
four graphs showing increases over time: training materials including slides and tutorials; contributors; workflows; and other
GTN's Gift for 2024
Wendi Bacon avatar Helena Rasche avatar
19 December 2024
Community Pages
A group of people standing along a staircase holding up the Vulcan salute for SPOC: 'Live long and prosper'. They look relatively happy. Taken at 2024 Galaxy Community Conference.
đŸ––đŸŸGalaxy SPOC Community: Year in Review
GTN logo with a multi-coloured star and the words Galaxy Training Network
The GTN joined the BioNT Community Event & CarpentryConnect - Heidelberg 2024
A laptop displaying shapes resembling a statistical plot with a program from Galaxy Training Academy. Surrounding the laptop, there are DNA strands as well as a pen displayed.
Organizing GTA2025: Give us feedback and your availability!
swirled cluster dots surround a circle of people all holding hands, looking towards the bright center (future)
SPOC CoFest 2024: How did it go?
Wendi Bacon avatar
6 December 2024
First SPOC CoFest
Analysis Pipeline for Tracking Mitochonria and Capturing Mitoflashes.
logo for the Galaxy Academy event consisting of a laptop surrounded by illustrations of DNA molecules
Massive open online education party: The Galaxy Training Academy
Analysis Pipeline with SnapATAC2
GTN logo with a multi-coloured star and the words Galaxy Training Network
New Galaxy training: Building an amplicon sequence variant (ASV) table from 16S data using DADA2
GTN logo with a multi-coloured star and the words Galaxy Training Network
Standards compliantℱ training news via RSS/Atom
Helena Rasche avatar
4 June 2024
A screenshot of a GTN event page showing the program tab. It looks very similar to GTN topic pages.
GTN logo with a multi-coloured star and the words Galaxy Training Network
Open Galaxy Position at Galaxy Europe Team, University of Freiburg
Björn GrĂŒning avatar Anika Erxleben avatar Sebastian Schaaf avatar
15 May 2024
FAIR TRaining Learning Pathway By ELIXIR fellows funded by the ELIXIR UK DASH project
cropped picture of a mobile phone interface showing a terminal with Galaxy log outputs.
đŸȘđŸ“Č Hosting Galaxy at the Edge: Directly in Your Pocket!
GTN logo with a multi-coloured star and the words Galaxy Training Network
FAIR Data management in single cell analysis
GTN logo with a multi-coloured star and the words Galaxy Training Network
Update: Workflow List now searches, advanced query syntax
Helena Rasche avatar
20 November 2023
GTN logo with a multi-coloured star and the words Galaxy Training Network
AI4Life teams up with GTN to enhance training resources
Schematic of an isoform switch and detection pipeline. Data is annotated and a prediction is made for isoform switch consequences
New Galaxy training: Genome-wide alternative splicing analysis
Black text on a yellow background. Title card for SmörgÄsbord 2 announcing that it will be 14-18 march in very large text, and the highlights of the course like Single Cell, Proteomics, SARS-CoV-2 and galaxy admin training. A bitly link is included which redirects to this page. There is a watterman butterfly map projection of the earth indicating it is a global event as well as an EU flag and GTN logo of supporters. @gxytraining and @Gallantries_EU's twitter handles are linked
GTN SmörgÄsbord 2: Tapas Edition
Adversitement for the survey. Written: Got a minute? Did you use Galaxy for training / teaching? Have your say... Take our survey. We appreciate your feedback. Logos: Galaxy Project and Galaxy Training Network
Got a minute? Take our survey about Galaxy for training and have your say!
Screenshot of the top of the feedback page with the titles and 2 graphs: the cumulative number of feedback answers over month for all topics, and a barplot with number of answers for different scores
New Feature: a feedback page to aggregate and display feedback answers
GTN logo with a multi-coloured star and the words Galaxy Training Network
Galaxy Community Conference 2021
GTN Logo on a spiral galaxy background with text 'galaxy admin training'