William Durand
The following list includes only slides and tutorials where the individual or organisation has been added to the contributor list. This may not include the sum total of their contributions to the training materials (e.g. GTN css or design, tutorial datasets, workflow development, etc.) unless described by a news post.
- Development in Galaxy / Galaxy Webhooks 🧐
- Development in Galaxy / Data source integration 🧐
- Development in Galaxy / Generic plugins 🧐
- Development in Galaxy / JavaScript plugins 🧐
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / Tools, Data, and Workflows for tutorials 🧐
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / Creating content in Markdown 🧐
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / Creating Interactive Galaxy Tours 🧐
- Genome Annotation / Genome Annotation 🧐
- Sequence analysis / Quality Control 🧐
- Sequence analysis / Mapping 🧐
- Epigenetics / Identification of the binding sites of the T-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia protein 1 (TAL1) 🧐
- Epigenetics / DNA Methylation data analysis 🧐
- Transcriptomics / Reference-based RNAseq data analysis (long) 🧐
- Transcriptomics / De novo transcriptome reconstruction with RNA-Seq 🧐
- Transcriptomics / Differential abundance testing of small RNAs 🧐
- Transcriptomics / Reference-based RNA-Seq data analysis 🧐
- Using Galaxy and Managing your Data / Using dataset collections 🧐
- Using Galaxy and Managing your Data / Understanding Galaxy history system 🧐
- Proteomics / Protein FASTA Database Handling 🧐
- Proteomics / Detection and quantitation of N-termini (degradomics) via N-TAILS 🧐
- Proteomics / Peptide and Protein Quantification via Stable Isotope Labelling (SIL) 🧐
- Proteomics / Secretome Prediction 🧐
- Proteomics / Peptide and Protein ID using SearchGUI and PeptideShaker 🧐
- Assembly / Unicycler Assembly 🧐
- Assembly / An Introduction to Genome Assembly 🧐
- Assembly / De Bruijn Graph Assembly 🧐
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / Galaxy Basics for genomics 🧐
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / From peaks to genes 🧐
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / NGS data logistics 🧐
- Microbiome / Analyses of metagenomics data - The global picture 🧐
- Microbiome / 16S Microbial Analysis with mothur (extended) 🧐
- Variant Analysis / Calling very rare variants 🧐
- Variant Analysis / Calling variants in non-diploid systems 🧐
- Variant Analysis / Calling variants in diploid systems 🧐
- Ecology / RAD-Seq de-novo data analysis 🧐
- Ecology / RAD-Seq Reference-based data analysis 🧐
- Ecology / RAD-Seq to construct genetic maps 🧐
- Development in Galaxy / Galaxy from a developer point of view 🧐
- Development in Galaxy / Tool Dependencies and Conda 🧐
- Development in Galaxy / Galaxy Code Architecture 🧐
- Development in Galaxy / Galaxy Webhooks 🧐
- Development in Galaxy / Tool development and integration into Galaxy 🧐
- Development in Galaxy / Galaxy Interactive Tours 🧐
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / Contributing with GitHub via command-line 🧐
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / Overview of the Galaxy Training Material 🧐
- Sequence analysis / Quality Control 🧐
- Sequence analysis / Mapping 🧐
- Epigenetics / Introduction to ChIP-Seq data analysis 🧐
- Epigenetics / Introduction to DNA Methylation data analysis 🧐
- Transcriptomics / Introduction to Transcriptomics 🧐
- Using Galaxy and Managing your Data / Getting data into Galaxy 🧐
- Assembly / Unicycler Assembly 🧐
- Assembly / An Introduction to Genome Assembly 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Advanced customisation of a Galaxy instance 🧐
- Galaxy Server administration / Galaxy from an administrator's point of view 🧐
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / Options for using Galaxy 🧐
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / Introduction to Galaxy 🧐
- Microbiome / Introduction to Microbiome Analysis 🧐
- Variant Analysis / Introduction to Variant analysis 🧐
GitHub Activity
github Issues Reported
20 Merged Pull Requests
See all of the github Pull Requests and github Commits by William Durand.
Update Gemfile.lock
Add constraints on travis-ci
Add files to setup a Heroku app
Add dropdown for help, share logic across pages
Reorder topic tables
Reviewed 41 PRs
We love our community reviewing each other's work!
LICENSE update: Add MIT license for infrastructure / scripts
review-needed -
Add non translation of words
template-and-toolsbiohackathon -
Add a back/up button to slides
template-and-tools -
Add expandable/collapsing boxes (for solution and more info) with Markdown inside
Added schema.org annotations for training materials