Development in Galaxy

Galaxy is an open-source project. Everyone can contribute to its development with core Galaxy development, integration of softwares in Galaxy environment, …

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These are the core, foundational topics for Galaxy development.

Lesson Slides Hands-on Recordings
Contributing a New Feature to Galaxy Core
Debugging Galaxy
Galaxy Code Architecture
Writing Automated Tests for Galaxy


Interacting with the Galaxy API

Lesson Slides Hands-on Recordings
Contributing to BioBlend as a developer
Scripting Galaxy using the API and BioBlend


These topics include information on how dependencies work in Galaxy and how to construct them.

Lesson Slides Hands-on Recordings
Prerequisites for building software/conda packages
Tool Dependencies and Conda
Tool Dependencies and Containers

Tool Development

Here you can learn everything about tool development in the Galaxy Ecosystem

Lesson Slides Hands-on Recordings
Adding and updating best practice metadata for Galaxy tools using the registry
Creating Galaxy tools from Conda Through Deployment
Galaxy Interactive Tools
Tool Shed: sharing Galaxy tools
Tool development and integration into Galaxy
ToolFactory: Generating Tools From More Complex Scripts
ToolFactory: Generating Tools From Simple Scripts


Visualizations in Galaxy give you the ability to implement Javascript apps into Galaxy to analyse and visualise data.

Lesson Slides Hands-on Recordings
Generic plugins
JavaScript plugins

Advanced Features

These are more advanced features of Galaxy which you might want to develop for as they greatly expand the abilities of Galaxy.

Lesson Slides Hands-on Recordings
Data source integration
Galaxy Interactive Tours
Galaxy Webhooks
Setting up a dev Onedata instance

Frequently Asked Questions

Common questions regarding this topic have been collected on a dedicated FAQ page . Common questions related to specific tutorials can be accessed from the tutorials themselves.

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