Wendi Bacon
Senior Lecturer at The Open University
The following list includes only slides and tutorials where the individual or organisation has been added to the contributor list. This may not include the sum total of their contributions to the training materials (e.g. GTN css or design, tutorial datasets, workflow development, etc.) unless described by a news post.
Editorial Roles
This contributor has taken on additional responsibilities as an editor for the following topics. They are responsible for ensuring that the content is up to date, accurate, and follows GTN best practices.
- Galaxy Community Building
- Single Cell
- Applying single-cell RNA-seq analysis
- Building training material in Galaxy
- Bioinformatics Projects: Using deconvolution to get new insights from old bulk RNA-seq data
- Introduction to Galaxy and Single Cell RNA Sequence analysis
- Applying single-cell RNA-seq analysis in Coding Environments
- Development in Galaxy / Adding and updating best practice metadata for Galaxy tools using the bio.tools registry 📝
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / Updating tool versions in a tutorial ✍️ 🧐
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / Creating content in Markdown 🧐
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / Principles of learning and how they apply to training and teaching 🧐
- Single Cell / Generating a single cell matrix using Alevin ✍️ 🧐
- Single Cell / Filter, plot, and explore single cell RNA-seq data with Seurat (R) 📝 🧐
- Single Cell / Inferring single cell trajectories with Monocle3 📝 ⚙️ 🧐
- Single Cell / Inferring single cell trajectories with Scanpy (Python) ✍️ 🧐
- Single Cell / Analysis of plant scRNA-Seq Data with Scanpy 🧐
- Single Cell / Filter, plot and explore single-cell RNA-seq data with Scanpy (Python) ✍️ 🧐
- Single Cell / Combining single cell datasets after pre-processing ✍️ 🧐
- Single Cell / Pre-processing of Single-Cell RNA Data 🧐
- Single Cell / Pre-processing of 10X Single-Cell RNA Datasets 📝 🧐
- Single Cell / Pre-processing of 10X Single-Cell ATAC-seq Datasets 🧐
- Single Cell / Importing files from public atlases ✍️ 🧐
- Single Cell / Generating a single cell matrix using Alevin and combining datasets (bash + R) ✍️ 🧐
- Single Cell / Converting NCBI Data to the AnnData Format 📝 🧐
- Single Cell / Filter, plot and explore single-cell RNA-seq data with Scanpy ✍️ 🧐
- Single Cell / Understanding Barcodes 🧐
- Single Cell / Bulk RNA Deconvolution with MuSiC ✍️ 🧐
- Single Cell / Filter, plot, and explore single cell RNA-seq data with Seurat 🧐
- Single Cell / GO Enrichment Analysis on Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data 📝 🧐
- Single Cell / Single-cell ATAC-seq standard processing with SnapATAC2 🧐
- Single Cell / Removing the effects of the cell cycle 📝 🧐
- Single Cell / Clustering 3K PBMCs with Seurat 🧐
- Single Cell / Matrix Exchange Format to ESet | Creating a single-cell RNA-seq reference dataset for deconvolution ✍️ 🧐
- Single Cell / Inferring single cell trajectories with Monocle3 (R) 📝 🧐
- Single Cell / Evaluating Reference Data for Bulk RNA Deconvolution 🧐
- Single Cell / Converting between common single cell data formats ✍️ 🧐
- Single Cell / Bulk matrix to ESet | Creating the bulk RNA-seq dataset for deconvolution ✍️ 🧐
- Single Cell / Clustering 3K PBMCs with Scanpy 🧐
- Single Cell / Scanpy Parameter Iterator ⚙️ 🧐
- Single Cell / Inferring single cell trajectories with Scanpy ✍️ 🧐
- Single Cell / Comparing inferred cell compositions using MuSiC deconvolution ✍️ 🧐
- Using Galaxy and Managing your Data / JupyterLab in Galaxy 🧐
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / A short introduction to Galaxy 🧐
- FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research / FAIR Galaxy Training Material 🧐
- Galaxy Community Building / Creating a Special Interest Group ✍️ 🧐
- Galaxy Community Building / Creation of an interactive Galaxy tools table for your community 🧐
- Galaxy Community Building / Creating community content ✍️ 🧐
- Galaxy Community Building / What's a Special Interest Group? ✍️ 🧐
- Galaxy Community Building / Make your tools available on your subdomain 🧐
- Ecology / Sentinel 2 biodiversity 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Python - Type annotations 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Python - Testing 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Python - Try & Except 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Python - Globbing 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Python - Introductory Graduation 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Python - Multiprocessing 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Python - Loops 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Python - Math 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Python - Subprocess 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Python - Functions 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Python - Files & CSV 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Python - Flow Control 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Python - Basic Types & Type Conversion 🧐
- Foundations of Data Science / Python - Lists & Strings & Dictionaries 🧐
- Single Cell / Generación de una matriz de datos de secuenciación de ARN de células únicas utilizando Alevin ✍️ 🧐
- Single Cell / Generación de una matriz de datos de secuenciación de ARN de células únicas utilizando Alevin ✍️ 🧐
- Single Cell / Filtrado, representación y exploración de secuenciación de ARN de células únicas ✍️
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / Breve introducción a Galaxy - en español 🧐
- Single Cell / Automated Cell Annotation 🧐
- Single Cell / An introduction to scRNA-seq data analysis 📝 🧐
- Single Cell / GO Enrichment Analysis on Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data ✍️
- Single Cell / Plates, Batches, and Barcodes 📝 🧐
- Single Cell / Single-cell Formats and Resources 📝 🧐
- Single Cell / Trajectory analysis 🧐
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / A Short Introduction to Galaxy 🧐
- Single Cell / Introducción al análisis de datos de scRNA-seq ✍️ 🧐
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / Una breve introducción a Galaxy ✍️
- Single Cell / Una introducción al análisis de datos scRNA-seq 🧐
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / Una Breve Introducción a Galaxy 🧐
- Add Toolshed category to a tool
- Why is Alevin is not working?
- Why is Alevin is not working?
- Why is amplification more of an issue in scRNA-seq than RNA-seq?
- AnnData Import/ AnnData Manipulate not working?
- How do I add my community to the Galaxy CoDex?
- How can I add my SIG meetings to the Galaxy Community Activities calendar?
- How do I find the Community Home pages?
- Cambiar el tipo de datos
- Importación por medio de enlaces
- Importing via links
- Uso del cuaderno de apuntes para ver varios conjuntos de datos
- My Scanpy FindMarkers step is giving me an empty table
- What's the Galaxy Community Board?
- How do I join the Galaxy Community Board?
- What is the Galaxy Governance Structure?
- Using tutorial mode and the Case Study suite
- Using Answer Key Histories
- Making a minor correction to any training material
- Archive a history
- Para la creación de un historial nuevo
- Créer un nouvel history
- Creating a new history
- Cambiando el nombre de un historial
- Compartiendo un historial
- Input Histories & Answer Keys
- Launch JupyterLab
- How do I find the Maintainer Home pages?
- How do I add a news feed to a Matrix channel?
- How can I plan meetings across timezones?
- Notebook-based tutorials can give different outputs
- On Scanpy PlotEmbed, the tool is failing
- On the Scanpy PlotEmbed step, my object doesn’t have Il2ra or Cd8b1 or Cd8a etc.
- How do I know what protocol my data was sequenced with?
- Are Barcodes always on R1 and Sequence data on R2?
- Request Galaxy tools on a specific server
Why is my tool erroring as 'Above error raised while reading key '/layers' of type
from /.' - Use our Single Cell Omics Lab
- Can RNA-seq techniques be applied to scRNA-seq?
- Para volver a ejecutar una herramienta
- Using tutorial mode
- The UMAP Plots errors out sometimes?
- Are UMIs not actually unique?
- How can I talk with other users?
- Extraer un flujo de trabajo de tu historial
Video Recordings
- Single Cell / Generating a single cell matrix using Alevin 💬 🗣
- Single Cell / Inferring single cell trajectories with Scanpy (Python) 💬 🗣
- Single Cell / Combining single cell datasets after pre-processing 💬 🗣
- Single Cell / Pre-processing of 10X Single-Cell RNA Datasets 🗣
- Single Cell / Filter, plot and explore single-cell RNA-seq data with Scanpy 💬 🗣
- Single Cell / Understanding Barcodes 🗣
- Single Cell / Bulk RNA Deconvolution with MuSiC 💬 🗣
- Single Cell / Clustering 3K PBMCs with Scanpy 🗣
- 2024 Bioinformatics Bootcamp - The Open University 🎪 🧑🏫
- Single-cell and sPatial Omics | Collaboration Fest 🎪
- Galaxy Training Academy 2025 🧑🏫
- Galaxy Training Academy 2024 🧑🏫
GitHub Activity
github Issues Reported
138 Merged Pull Requests
See all of the github Pull Requests and github Commits by Wendi Bacon.
Blog post
news -
Deconvolution learning pathway and blog
template-and-toolsnews -
Update request-galaxy-tools-on-a-specific-server.md
faqs -
Update tutorial listing and archive tutorials
single-cellSpocathon-HDR-ELIXIR -
add follow up training to cell annotation slide deck
Reviewed 104 PRs
We love our community reviewing each other's work!
Update request-galaxy-tools-on-a-specific-server.md
faqs -
Hdr cofest blog
newsSpocathon-HDR-ELIXIR -
New FAQ post: Making a minor correction to any training material
faqsSpocathon-HDR-ELIXIR -
Update contributors
single-cellSpocathon-HDR-ELIXIR -
Fixed typo in tag 'introcuction'

¿Hablas español?: The first curated tutorial in Spanish!

New Topic: Single Cell Analysis!

New Tutorial Suite: Deconvolution with MuSiC, from public data to disease interrogation!

Single cell subdomain re-launch: Unified and feedback-driven

Galaxy Single-cell Community: Year in Review

GTN in Discourse

From GTN Intern to Tutorial Author to Bioinformatician

Credit where it's due: GTN Reviewers in the spotlight

An Ode to Helena - from the 🥓Bacon Brigade
External Links
Favourite Topics
Favourite Formats