Tool Shed: sharing Galaxy tools
What is a Tool Shed?
How to install tools and workflows from a Tool Shed into a Galaxy instance?
What are the Tool Shed repository types?
How to publish with Planemo?
Discover what is a Tool Shed
Be able to install tools and workflows from a Tool Shed into a Galaxy instance
Be able to publish tools with Planemo
1. What is a Tool Shed?
= Galaxy App Store
= Galaxy App Store
- Galaxy tools
Recipes for installing and compiling tools,- Data Managers,
- Custom datatypes,
- Exported workflows.
= Galaxy App Store
- For Galaxy administrators, facilitates:
- installing/updating tools
- For tool developers, facilitates:
- sharing of Galaxy utilities
- versioning
Available Tool Sheds
- Galaxy community Tool Shed -> Main Tool Shed
- Galaxy community test Tool Shed -> Sandbox for testing
- List of public Tool Sheds
Tool Shed interface
Example of tool
2. Installing tools from a Tool Shed
Connect your Galaxy to a Tool Shed
- Only for third party toolsheds (Main and Test by default)
- Add
<tool_shed />
block inconfig/tool_sheds_conf.xml
- Restart Galaxy
Install a tool from the Tool Shed
- Go to the admin interface and click on “Search Tool Shed”
- Select a Tool Shed
Install a tool from the Tool Shed
- Search your tool
Install a tool from the Tool Shed
- Types of repository</span>
- Tools (
) - Tool suites (
) - Tool dependencies (
) (gradually removed, replaced by Conda dependencies)
- Tools (
Install a tool from the Tool Shed
- Install the tool
Install a tool from the Tool Shed
- Install the tool
- Selecting Tool Shed AND conda will make Galaxy to install both
- Recommended: use conda
Install a tool from the Tool Shed
- Check
Manage installed tools
- Admin > Manage installed tools
Manage installed tools
- Click on the name of a tool
- Manage and browse the repository
Tips: How to install workflows
How to install a workflow?
- Admin > Search Tool Shed
- Search the workflow
- Tools can come with the workflow if they are not yet installed
How to install a workflow?
- No workflow?
How to install a workflow?
- Click on the imported workflow
How to install a workflow?
- Click on the workflow at the bottom of the “Contents of this repository” section
How to install a workflow?
- Repository Actions > Import workflow to Galaxy
How to install a workflow?
- Done!
3. Tool Shed repository types
3.1 Tool with dependencies
Tool with dependencies
3.2 Tool suite
Group of related repositories
Tool suite
- Works but no way to install a single tool
Tool suite
- One repository per individual tool
- A special ‘Tool suite’ repository listing the individual repositories
Tool suite
- relationship between a dependent repository and one or more required repository (tools, datatypes, workflows,…)
- -> One XML file ```xml <?xml version=”1.0”?>
No need to write it yourself, Planemo does it for you
### Tool suite

### 3.3 Workflow
### Workflow

- A succession of tools to perform a complete analysis
### Workflow
- In galaxy

### Workflow

- You get a file:
### Workflow
- You have your file
- How to automatically install the tools used in the workflow?
- -> `repository_dependencies.xml`
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<repositories description="Phylogeny workflow">
<repository name="suite_phylogeny" owner="galaxy" />
- Everything must be on the same toolshed
What about tools working with *.loc files or new datatypes
Tools with *.loc
files or new datatypes
- add them to the Tool Shed repository.
files anddatatypes
files should be provided as*.sample
file in atool-data
files come along withtool_data_table_conf.xml.sample
Their content or the file themselves are put to the right location on tool set up.
Tools with *.loc files or new datatypes
<!-- Locations of indexes in the Bowtie2 mapper format -->
<table name="bowtie2_indexes" comment_char="#">
<columns>value, dbkey, name, path</columns>
<file path="tool-data/bowtie2_indices.loc" />
On install, the content of the file and the right
path to the *.loc file is added to shed_tool_data_table_conf.xml
4. Publishing with Planemo
warning There are automated ways to publish to a ToolShed using GitHub and Continuous Integration
Check out these slides, “Publishing tools” section
Configure the target Tool Shed
planemo config_init
- Creates
file in your home directory:
## Planemo Global Configuration File.
## Everything in this file is completely optional - these values can all be
## configured via command line options for the corresponding commands.
## [...]
#key: "<TODO>"
#email: "<TODO>"
#password: "<TODO>"
#key: "<TODO>"
#email: "<TODO>"
#password: "<TODO>"
#key: "<TODO>"
#email: "<TODO>"
#password: "<TODO>"
Configure the target Tool Shed
- Add your Tool Shed API key in
## Planemo Global Configuration File.
## Everything in this file is completely optional - these values can all be
## configured via command line options for the corresponding commands.
## [...]
key: "xxxxxxxxxmytoolshedAPIkeyxxxxxxx"
#email: "<TODO>"
#password: "<TODO>"
#key: "<TODO>"
#email: "<TODO>"
#password: "<TODO>"
#key: "<TODO>"
#email: "<TODO>"
#password: "<TODO>"
Configure repository
planemo shed_init --name="tandem_repeats_finder_2"
--description="Tandem Repeats Finder description"
--long_description="A long long description."
--category="Sequence Analysis"
[--remote_repository_url=<URL to .shed.yml on github>]
[--homepage_url=<Homepage for tool.>]
- Creates
file in the current repository (tool repository):
categories: [Sequence Analysis]
description: Tandem Repeats Finder description
long_description: A long long description.
<span id="tandem_repeats_finder_2"><i class="fas fa-link" aria-hidden="true"></i> tandem_repeats_finder_2</span>
owner: gandres
Configure repository
Naming conventions
Repository Type | Recommended Name | Examples |
Data Managers | data_manager_$name |
data_manager_bowtie2 |
Packages | package_$name_$version |
package_aragorn_1_2_36 |
Tool Suites | suite_$name |
suite_samtools |
Tools | $name |
stringle , bowtie2 |
</small> Planemo will determine the repository type based on these conventions
Configure repository
Tools and tool suite
: implicitly define repositories for each individual tool in the directory and build a suite for those tools. -
name_template: ""
description_template: " (from the Trinity tool suite)"
name: "suite_trinity"
description: Trinity tools to assemble transcript sequences from Illumina RNA-Seq data.
planemo shed_lint --tools
Linting repository […]/tandem_repeats_finder
Applying linter expansion... CHECK
.. INFO: Included files all found.
Applying linter tool_dependencies_xsd... CHECK
.. INFO: tool_dependencies.xml found and appears to be valid XML
Applying linter tool_dependencies_actions... CHECK
.. INFO: Parsed tool dependencies.
Applying linter repository_dependencies... CHECK
.. INFO: No repository_dependencies.xml, skipping.
Applying linter shed_yaml... CHECK
.. INFO: .shed.yml found and appears to be valid YAML.
Applying linter readme... CHECK
.. INFO: No README found skipping.
+Linting tool […]/tandem_repeats_finder/tandem_repeats_finder_wrapper.xml
Create repository
planemo shed_create --shed_target testtoolshed
- Don’t forget –shed_target. Default is main toolshed
Create repository
planemo shed_create --shed_target testtoolshed
Repository created
cd '[…]/tandem_repeats_finder' && git rev-parse HEAD
Repository tandem_repeats_finder_2 updated successfully.
Update repository
planemo shed_diff --shed_target testtoolshed
wget -q --recursive -O - '' | tar -xzf - -C /tmp/tool_shed_diff_DMcOrR/_testtoolshed_ --strip-components 1
mkdir "/tmp/tool_shed_diff_DMcOrR/_local_"; tar -xzf "/tmp/tmp5ousfg" -C "/tmp/tool_shed_diff_DMcOrR/_local_"; rm -rf /tmp/tmp5ousfg
cd "/tmp/tool_shed_diff_DMcOrR"; diff -r _local_ _testtoolshed_
diff -r _local_/tandem_repeats_finder.xml _testtoolshed_/tandem_repeats_finder.xml
< <param name="fileout_label2" type="text" value="Unused" label="none" help="Output name for files" />
- The repository needs to be updated
Update repository
planemo shed_update --check_diff --shed_target testtoolshed
wget -q --recursive -O - '' | tar -xzf - -C /tmp/tool_shed_diff_DMcOrR/_testtoolshed_ --strip-components 1
mkdir "/tmp/tool_shed_diff_DMcOrR/_local_"; tar -xzf "/tmp/tmp5ousfg" -C "/tmp/tool_shed_diff_DMcOrR/_local_"; rm -rf /tmp/tmp5ousfg
cd "/tmp/tool_shed_diff_DMcOrR"; diff -r _local_ _testtoolshed_
diff -r _local_/tandem_repeats_finder.xml _testtoolshed_/tandem_repeats_finder.xml
< <param name="fileout_label2" type="text" value="Unused" label="none" help="Output name for files" />
Repository tandem_repeats_finder updated successfully.
Repository metadata updated.
- The repository has been updated
Update repository
planemo shed_update --check_diff --shed_target testtoolshed
- The repository has been updated
Publishing to the Tool Shed
Command-line utilities to assist in building and publishing Galaxy tools.
Checklist (3/3)
- Initiate the
file withplanemo shed_init
- Create the repository on ToolShed with
planemo shed_create
- Install and test the wrapper on a Galaxy instance
- Improve the wrapper and push modification on toolshed
planemo shed_update
The goal
Publish your tool (seqtk_seq) in your local toolshed with Planemo
Step 1: Start and configure your toolshed
- Start your toolshed (in galaxy home directory):
- Toolshed available at
Step 2: Use planemo to publish your tool
Step 2: Use planemo to publish your tool
planemo config_init
- Creates file
in your home directory.
[...] local:
#key: "<TODO>"
email: ""
password: "azerty"
planemo shed_init --name=seqtk_seq --owner=galaxy --description="common transformation of FASTA/Q" --category="Fasta Manipulation"
planemo shed_lint .
planemo shed_create --shed_target local
Step 3: Update your tool and then use planemo to update your tool on the Tool Shed
Step 3: Update your tool and then use planemo to update your tool on the Tool Shed
planemo shed_diff --shed_target local
planemo shed_update --check_diff --shed_target local
Key Points
- Use Planemo
- Contribute to the Main Tool Shed
Thank you!
This material is the result of a collaborative work. Thanks to the Galaxy Training Network and all the contributors!