FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research

These lessons will teach you how to make your research objects more FAIR with practical, hands-on advice.


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FAIR Data Management

The FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) data stewardship created the foundation for sharing and publishing digital assets. These lessons will apply to machine accessibility and emphasize that all digital assets should share data in a way that will enable maximum use and reuse.

Lesson Slides Hands-on Recordings Input dataset Workflows
FAIR in a nutshell
Introduction to Data Management Plan (DMP) for Peatland Research and PeatDataHub
Making clinical datasets FAIR
Sequence data submission to ENA
FAIR data management solutions
FAIR Galaxy Training Material
FAIR Bioimage Metadata
REMBI - Recommended Metadata for Biological Images – metadata guidelines for bioimaging data
FAIRification of an RNAseq dataset

Make workflows FAIR with RO-Crate

This section brought to you by the BY-COVID project, and will teach you how to make your research objects more FAIR with practical, hands-on advice.

Lesson Slides Hands-on Recordings Input dataset Workflows
RO-Crate - Introduction
Workflow Run RO-Crate Introduction
Exporting Workflow Run RO-Crates from Galaxy
RO-Crate in Python
Best practices for workflows in GitHub repositories
Submitting workflows to LifeMonitor

FAIR Pointers

This series of lessons will tackle FAIR from the perspective of the 15 FAIR Principles published in 2016. You will learn about: FAIR and its origins The FAIR Principles and its basic characteristics.

Lesson Slides Hands-on Recordings Input dataset Workflows
FAIR and its Origins
Data Registration
Persistent Identifiers


This set of tutorials will introduce you to DataPLANT ARCs, and all the relevant tools to create your own ARCs

Lesson Slides Hands-on Recordings Input dataset Workflows


Assorted Tutorials

Lesson Slides Hands-on Recordings Input dataset Workflows
An earth-system RO-Crate
Data management in Medicinal Chemistry

Frequently Asked Questions

Common questions regarding this topic have been collected on a dedicated FAQ page . Common questions related to specific tutorials can be accessed from the tutorials themselves.

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orcid logoNick Juty avatar Nick JutyKellie Snow avatar Kellie SnowSandra Ng avatar Sandra Ngorcid logoAndrew Mason avatar Andrew Masonorcid logoMunazah Andrabi avatar Munazah AndrabiTim Beck avatar Tim Beckorcid logoKevin Frey avatar Kevin Freyorcid logoMartin Kuhl avatar Martin Kuhlorcid logoSaskia Lawson-Tovey avatar Saskia Lawson-Toveyorcid logoSaskia Hiltemann avatar Saskia Hiltemannorcid logoBranka Franicevic avatar Branka FranicevicSonal Henson avatar Sonal Hensonorcid logoKhaled Jum'ah avatar Khaled Jum'ahorcid logoBjörn Grüning avatar Björn Grüningorcid logoLuca Pireddu avatar Luca PiredduKorneel Hens avatar Korneel Hensorcid logoKrzysztof Poterlowicz avatar Krzysztof Poterlowiczorcid logoJulia Jakiela avatar Julia Jakielaorcid logoPeter Sefton avatar Peter SeftonMarie Josse avatar Marie Josseorcid logoStian Soiland-Reyes avatar Stian Soiland-Reyesorcid logoEli Chadwick avatar Eli Chadwickorcid logoPhilippe Rocca-Serra avatar Philippe Rocca-Serraorcid logoCristina Martins Rodrigues avatar Cristina Martins Rodriguesorcid logoSara Morsy avatar Sara Morsyorcid logoDominik Brilhaus avatar Dominik BrilhausLaura Cooper avatar Laura CooperLaura Cooper avatar Laura Cooperorcid logoYvan Le Bras avatar Yvan Le Brasorcid logoNicola Soranzo avatar Nicola SoranzoGareth Price avatar Gareth Priceorcid logoRobert Andrews avatar Robert Andrewsorcid logoGabriela Lopez-Gonzalez avatar Gabriela Lopez-Gonzalezorcid logoXenia Perez Sitja avatar Xenia Perez SitjaStella Eggels avatar Stella Eggelsorcid logoHelena Rasche avatar Helena Rascheorcid logoSabrina Zander avatar Sabrina Zanderorcid logoWendi Bacon avatar Wendi Baconorcid logoMarco Enrico Piras avatar Marco Enrico Pirasorcid logoEmily Angiolini avatar Emily Angioliniorcid logoKatarzyna Kamieniecka avatar Katarzyna Kamienieckaorcid logoPaul De Geest avatar Paul De Geestorcid logoSimone Leo avatar Simone Leoorcid logoBruno P. Kinoshita avatar Bruno P. Kinoshita


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