
Learn to analyse Ecological data through Galaxy.


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Data and Metadata Management

These tutorials are focusing on data and metadata management in Ecology.

Lesson Slides Hands-on Recordings Input dataset Workflows
Creating FAIR Quality assessment reports and draft of Data Papers from EML metadata with MetaShRIMPS
Creating metadata using Ecological Metadata Language (EML) standard with EML Assembly Line functionalities

Data access

These lessons focus on ways to access data classicaly used in Ecology

Lesson Slides Hands-on Recordings Input dataset Workflows
QGIS Web Feature Services

Data preprocessing

These lessons focus on manners to preprocess data used in Ecology

Lesson Slides Hands-on Recordings Input dataset Workflows
Biodiversity data exploration
Checking expected species and contamination in bacterial isolate
Cleaning GBIF data for the use in Ecology

Data analysis

These lessons focus on ways to analyse data in Ecology

Lesson Slides Hands-on Recordings Input dataset Workflows
Champs blocs indicators
Compute and analyze biodiversity metrics with PAMPA toolsuite
Ecoregionalization workflow tutorial
From NDVI data with OpenEO to time series visualisation with Holoviews
Marine Omics identifying biosynthetic gene clusters
Metabarcoding/eDNA through Obitools
Obis marine indicators
Preparing genomic data for phylogeny reconstruction
RAD-Seq Reference-based data analysis
RAD-Seq de-novo data analysis
RAD-Seq to construct genetic maps
Regional GAM
Sentinel 2 biodiversity
Species distribution modeling

Data visualization

These tutorials showcase data visualization in Ecology

Lesson Slides Hands-on Recordings Input dataset Workflows
Visualization of Climate Data using NetCDF xarray Map Plotting
Visualize EBV cube data with Panoply netCDF viewer

Frequently Asked Questions

Common questions regarding this topic have been collected on a dedicated FAQ page . Common questions related to specific tutorials can be accessed from the tutorials themselves.

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Editorial Board

This material is reviewed by our Editorial Board:

orcid logoYvan Le Bras avatar Yvan Le Bras


This material was contributed to by:

orcid logoSaskia Hiltemann avatar Saskia Hiltemann Soumya Jha avatar Soumya Jha orcid logoAnne Fouilloux avatar Anne Fouilloux Niall Beard avatar Niall Beard Miguel Roncoroni avatar Miguel Roncoroni Tanguy Genthon avatar Tanguy Genthon orcid logoBrigida Gallone avatar Brigida Gallone orcid logoHelena Rasche avatar Helena Rasche orcid logoClea Siguret avatar Clea Siguret Elisa Michon avatar Elisa Michon Marie Josse avatar Marie Josse orcid logoBjörn Grüning avatar Björn Grüning orcid logoYvan Le Bras avatar Yvan Le Bras Frédéric Boyer avatar Frédéric Boyer Eric Coissac avatar Eric Coissac orcid logoAnthony Bretaudeau avatar Anthony Bretaudeau Simon Benateau avatar Simon Benateau orcid logoGlinez Thibaud avatar Glinez Thibaud orcid logoPauline Seguineau avatar Pauline Seguineau orcid logoNate Coraor avatar Nate Coraor Gildas Le Corguillé avatar Gildas Le Corguillé orcid logoCristóbal Gallardo avatar Cristóbal Gallardo Dominique Pelletier avatar Dominique Pelletier Olivier Norvez avatar Olivier Norvez William Durand avatar William Durand orcid logoMartin Čech avatar Martin Čech Clara Urfer avatar Clara Urfer orcid logoColine Royaux avatar Coline Royaux orcid logoAnkerl Yassine avatar Ankerl Yassine Jean-Baptiste Mihoub avatar Jean-Baptiste Mihoub orcid logoNicola Soranzo avatar Nicola Soranzo orcid logoWendi Bacon avatar Wendi Bacon orcid logoBérénice Batut avatar Bérénice Batut


These individuals or organisations provided funding support for the development of this resource
