Dave Clements
The following list includes only slides and tutorials where the individual or organisation has been added to the contributor list. This may not include the sum total of their contributions to the training materials (e.g. GTN css or design, tutorial datasets, workflow development, etc.) unless described by a news post.
- Using Galaxy and Managing your Data / Extracting Workflows from Histories ✍️
- Using Galaxy and Managing your Data / Using dataset collections 🧐
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / Introduction to Genomics and Galaxy ✍️ 🧐
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / Galaxy Basics for genomics 🧐
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / Galaxy Basics for everyone ✍️
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / From peaks to genes 🧐
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / NGS data logistics ✍️
- Microbiome / 16S Microbial Analysis with mothur (short) ✍️
- Microbiome / 16S Microbial Analysis with mothur (extended) ✍️
- Variant Analysis / From NCBI's Sequence Read Archive (SRA) to Galaxy: SARS-CoV-2 variant analysis ✍️
- Using Galaxy and Managing your Data / Getting data into Galaxy ✍️ 🧐
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / Options for using Galaxy ✍️ 🧐
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / Introduction to Galaxy ✍️ 🧐
Video Recordings
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / Introduction to Genomics and Galaxy 💬 🗣
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / Galaxy Basics for everyone 💬
GitHub Activity
github Issues Reported
8 Merged Pull Requests
See all of the github Pull Requests and github Commits by Dave Clements.
Compressed all JPG and PNG files in the repoisitory.
improvement -
Mothur rewrite dc
metagenomics -
FAQ edits
work-in-progress -
Intro strands
work-in-progressintroduction -
Fixed broken link reported by Travis.
Reviewed 5 PRs
We love our community reviewing each other's work!
- github Auto Compress Images
Update introduction.html
Update Introduction to Genomics and Galaxy
paper-cut -
Galaxy intro slides
review-neededintroductionCoFest -
Change the license to CC BY 4.0