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Vue Component

The GalaxyCharts core component serves as a container for embedding JavaScript-based visualizations. Visualization code is placed within its #default slot. The component automatically retrieves static data-incoming options from the #app container, provided by Galaxy, to render both the visualization viewport and the input form.

    <GalaxyCharts :credentials="credentials" :incoming="incoming">
        <template #default="{ datasetId, datasetUrl, root, settings, specs, tracks }">
            <!-- Place your plugin code here! -->

Overview of Props

credentials(Optional) Specifies whether to include or omit credentials in the request. Acceptable values are "include" or "omit."
incoming(Optional) Use this when parsing incoming data prepared by Galaxy as a property. If not specified, the component will look for data in the #app container's data-incoming attribute. This incoming data includes details and settings for visualization plugins.

Overview of Slot Values

datasetIdThe ID of the main dataset to be visualized. Every visualization requires a primary dataset, although additional datasets can be added later if needed.
datasetUrlThe URL of the dataset to be visualized. The entire dataset may be requested for visualization, or only parts/metadata may be retrieved via the Galaxy API.
rootThe proxy route to the Galaxy server (default is '/').
settingsConfiguration settings specific to the visualization, as declared in the XML wrapper.
specsStatic specification values defined in the XML wrapper.
tracksTrack configuration values for the visualization, as specified in the XML wrapper.