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Plates, Batches, and Barcodes





last_modification Published: Feb 16, 2019
last_modification Last Updated: Feb 13, 2025

Sorting Plates


.left[Plates are N x M arrays of wells that cells are sorted, to then be individually amplified and sequenced.]

Speaker Notes

Sorting Plates


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Setting up Plates


.center[What is the problem with this plate setup?]

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Setting up Plates


.center[Batch effect (plate vs plate) cannot be separated from treatment effect in either scenario.]

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Setting up Plates


.left[Either of these are better set-ups. Mixing columns is good, but not required. Ultimately, batch effect can now be separated from variable effect.]

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Setting up Plates


.center[Can’t mix samples on plates? Separate replicates evenly and process together.]

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What about sequencing lanes?

.center[So now it’s time to sequence our samples! How do we combine samples into sequencing lanes?]


.center[This works well, but what if you have too many samples for one lane?]

Speaker Notes

What about sequencing lanes?

.center[So now it’s time to sequence our samples! How do we combine samples into sequencing lanes?]


.center[Does this look ok?]

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.center[No! You’ve turned each treatment (A & B) into a batch!]

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What about sequencing lanes?


.center[This is the way to balance your batches at the lane-level.]

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Distinguishing cells in a plate


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What are Cell Barcodes?

.image-100[Add Barcodes]

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What are Cell Barcodes?

.image-100[Barcodes in Plate]

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Questions about Cell Barcodes


.left[Assuming you sequence one 96-well plate:]

  1. How many cell barcodes are needed for a single lane?

  2. How many cell barcodes are needed if you combine 10 plates into a single sequencing lane?

  3. What would be the minimum length of the barcodes for each of the previous questions?

Speaker Notes


  1. 96 unique barcodes per lane
  2. 96 x 10 = 960 unique barcodes per plate ]

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Questions about Cell Barcodes

.left[3) What would be the minimum length of the barcodes for each of the previous questions?]


A single lane?

Barcodes Result
\(4^2 = 16\) No, 2 bases is not enough
\(4^3 = 64\) No, 3 bases is not enough
\(4^4 = 256\) Yes, 4 bases is enough to cover 96 barcodes (and more!)


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– .pull-right[

10 plates in a single lane?

Barcodes Result
\(4^4 = 256\) No, 4 bases is not enough
\(4^5 = 1024\) Yes, 5 bases is enough to cover 960 barcodes (just barely!)


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Barcode Safeguarding


.pull-right[ Edit distance = 1bp

                    · ]

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Guarding against Sequencing Errors



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\[4^{5-1} = 512\]

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Edit Distance : General Principle

.pull-left[ e.g. For barcodes of length N=3:

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– .pull-right[ Number of Barcodes :


.center[For barcodes of length N, and Edit Distance of E.]


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How many available barcodes are there?



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– .pull-right[

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Design Factors in Barcodes

Is it better to use Longer or Shorter Barcodes?

Longer Shorter
Offer larger range of barcodes Offer smaller range of barcodes
Prone to more sequencing errors More robust against sequencing errors
Must increase edit distance significantly A smaller edit distance is more acceptable
Can accommodate large edit distances Cannot accommodate large edit distances

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Cell Barcodes: Summary



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.pull-right[#### Need to balance: | | | | |-|-|-| | Edit Distance | vs. | Barcode Length | | Number of Barcodes | vs. | Plate and Lane Size | ] Speaker Notes - The number of reads wanted per cell determines how many cells you run in a sequencing lane, which in turn tells you how many barcodes you need. --- # Summary .pull-left[ * Cell Barcodes are sequences attached to transcripts to indicate what cell a transcript came from * Cell Barcodes are *designed* to the Plate/Lane setup ] Speaker Notes - From the content shown here, you have learned the following. - Cell Barcodes are sequences attached to transcripts to indicate what cell a transcript came from - Cell Barcodes are designed for the Plate and Lane setup. -- .pull-right[ * Indicates what cell a transcript came from. * Reduce sequencing errors ] Speaker Notes - Cell barcodes indicate what cell a transcript came from - They reduce sequencing errors when spaced appropriately

Key Points

curriculum Do you want to extend your knowledge?

Follow one of our recommended follow-up trainings: - [Single Cell](/training-material/topics/single-cell) - Pre-processing of 10X Single-Cell RNA Datasets: [tutorial hands-on](/training-material/topics/single-cell/tutorials/scrna-preprocessing-tenx/tutorial.html)

Thank you!

This material is the result of a collaborative work. Thanks to the Galaxy Training Network and all the contributors! Galaxy Training Network Tutorial Content is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.