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Server Maintenance: Cleanup, Backup, and Restoration




last_modification Published: Jan 31, 2019
last_modification Last Updated: Aug 9, 2024

Server Maintenance

Speaker Notes

Dataset Cleanup

Can only delete (or purge) dataset when all ‘associations’ pointing at it have been marked deleted.

method description
scripts/cleanup_datasets/ PostgreSQL-optimized fast cleanup script
scripts/cleanup_datasets/ General cleanup script
gxadmin cleanup <days> calls pgcleanup

Speaker Notes

class: reduce70

pgcleanup invocation

$ ./scripts/cleanup_datasets/ --help
usage: [-h] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [-d] [--dry-run] [--force-retry]
                    [-o DAYS] [-U] [-s SEQUENCE] [-w WORK_MEM] [-l LOG_DIR]
                    [ACTION [ACTION ...]]

positional arguments:
  ACTION                Action(s) to perform, chosen from: delete_datasets,
                        delete_exported_histories, delete_inactive_users,
                        delete_userless_histories, purge_datasets,
                        purge_deleted_hdas, purge_deleted_histories,
                        purge_deleted_users, purge_error_hdas,
                        purge_historyless_hdas, update_hda_purged_flag

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE, --config CONFIG_FILE
                        Galaxy config file (defaults to
                        $GALAXY_ROOT/config/galaxy.yml if that file exists or
                        else to ./config/galaxy.ini if that exists). If this
                        isn't set on the command line it can be set with the
                        environment variable GALAXY_CONFIG_FILE.
  -d, --debug           Enable debug logging (SQL queries)
  --dry-run             Dry run (rollback all transactions)
  --force-retry         Retry file removals (on applicable actions)
  -o DAYS, --older-than DAYS
                        Only perform action(s) on objects that have not been
                        updated since the specified number of days
  -U, --no-update-time  Don't set update_time on updated objects
  -s SEQUENCE, --sequence SEQUENCE
                        DEPRECATED: Comma-separated sequence of actions
  -w WORK_MEM, --work-mem WORK_MEM
                        Set PostgreSQL work_mem for this connection
  -l LOG_DIR, --log-dir LOG_DIR
                        Log file directory

Speaker Notes

class: reduce70

pgcleanup actions

action description
delete_userless_histories <ul><li>Mark deleted all “anonymous” Histories (not owned by a registered user) that are older than the specified number of days.</li></ul>
delete_exported_histories <ul><li>Mark deleted all Datasets that are derivative of JobExportHistoryArchives that are older than the specified number of days.</li></ul>
purge_deleted_users <ul><li>Mark purged all users that are older than the specified number of days.</li><li>Mark purged all Histories whose user_ids are purged in this step.</li><li>Mark purged all HistoryDatasetAssociations whose history_ids are purged in this step.</li><li>Delete all UserGroupAssociations whose user_ids are purged in this step.</li><li>Delete all UserRoleAssociations whose user_ids are purged in this step EXCEPT FOR THE PRIVATE ROLE.</li><li>Delete all UserAddresses whose user_ids are purged in this step.</li></ul>
purge_deleted_histories <ul><li>Mark purged all Histories marked deleted that are older than the specified number of days.</li><li>Mark purged all HistoryDatasetAssociations in Histories marked purged in this step (if not already purged).</li></ul>
purge_deleted_hdas <ul><li>Mark purged all HistoryDatasetAssociations currently marked deleted that are older than the specified number of days.</li><li>Mark deleted all MetadataFiles whose hda_id is purged in this step.</li><li>Mark deleted all ImplicitlyConvertedDatasetAssociations whose hda_parent_id is purged in this step.</li><li>Mark purged all HistoryDatasetAssociations for which an ImplicitlyConvertedDatasetAssociation with matching hda_id is deleted in this step.</li></ul>

Speaker Notes

class: reduce70

More pgcleanup actions

action description
purge_historyless_hdas <ul><li>Mark purged all HistoryDatasetAssociations whose history_id is null.</li></ul>
purge_error_hdas <ul><li>Mark purged all HistoryDatasetAssociations whose dataset_id is state = ‘error’ that are older than the specified number of days.</li></ul>
purge_hdas_of_purged_histories <ul><li>Mark purged all HistoryDatasetAssociations in histories that are purged and older than the specified number of days.</li></ul>
delete_datasets <ul><li>Mark deleted all Datasets whose associations are all marked as deleted (LDDA) or purged (HDA) that are older than the specified number of days.</li><li>JobExportHistoryArchives have no deleted column, so the datasets for these will simply be deleted after the specified number of days.</li></ul>
purge_datasets <ul><li>Mark purged all Datasets marked deleted that are older than the specified number of days.</li></ul>

Speaker Notes

Additional cleaning scripts

Speaker Notes

Other disk space cleanups

Speaker Notes


Speaker Notes

class: left

What to backup

Must be backed up:

item path (from tutorials)
Database (PITR, enable in galaxyproject.postgresql) system dependent
Installed shed tools /srv/galaxy/var/shed_tools
Managed (aka mutable) configs /srv/galaxy/var/config
Logs (if you like…) systemd-journald
Datasets (if you can…) /data

If absolute reproducibility matters:

item path (from tutorials)
Tool dependencies /srv/galaxy/var/dependencies
Data manager-installed reference data /srv/galaxy/var/tool-data

Speaker Notes

class: left

What not to back up

Restorable from Ansible Playbook:

item path (from tutorials)
Galaxy /srv/galaxy/server
Virtualenv /srv/galaxy/venv
Static configs /srv/galaxy/config

Recreatable at runtime:

item path (from tutorials)
Anything in managed/mutable data dir not previously mentioned /srv/galaxy/var
Job working directories /srv/galaxy/jobs

Restoring from backups

If lost database or managed/mutable configs, then restore these first

Then run playbook

Speaker Notes

Key Points

Thank you!

This material is the result of a collaborative work. Thanks to the Galaxy Training Network and all the contributors! page logo Tutorial Content is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.