Single-cell and sPatial Omics | Collaboration Fest
Virtual course
The Single-cell and sPatial Omics Community of Practice (SPOC) are hosting their first Collaboration Fest, welcoming new and experienced contributors to our training materials.
“Many hands make small work, and together, we can continue offering free, comprehensive single-cell training resources to scientists across the globe!”
Join us for a day-long event (live on Zoom, although you’re very welcome to join asynchronously) to improve Galaxy single-cell training resources! Tasks range from editing typos or improving explanations, to testing a tutorial or adding automated workflow testing.
We expect four types of attendees:
- Single-cell bioinformaticians who do not use Galaxy
- New Galaxy single-cell users
- Experienced Galaxy contributors
- Experienced Galaxy SPOC contributors
To join
- Register via the link at the right - registration is not required, but welcome so that we can estimate numbers!
- See our event doc for more details, a link to add it to your 🗓️calendar, and information on what (brief) training you may need to do beforehand.
“First and foremost Galaxy CoFests are about growing the community of future contributors.”
Kick-off meeting for Pacific timezones | December 2nd
We’re aware that time-zone wise, our live session on the 6th is unlikely to work for many in the Pacific region. Therefore, we have added an extra ‘Kick-off’ meeting for these participants who will likely NOT be able to participate in the entire live CoFest (Dec 6th).
This kick-off will ideally give participants everything they need to participate in friendly working hours in their timezone, and we hope to touch base with them at the beginning of Dec 6th live session!
Organisers & Instructors
This event is brought to you by:
Organisers(s) |
![]() |
Instructor Zone
Check out our checklists for
- Organising a Workshop to check that you haven't forgotten any important step.
- Running a Workshop, helpful reminders closer to your event.
Add your event to the Galaxy Hub Event Horizon
To also list your event on the Galaxy Event Horizon, copy the text below, and add your event to the Galaxy Hub GitHub Repo. Create a folder for your event here, and add an file with the following contents:
title: "Single-cell and sPatial Omics | Collaboration Fest"
date: '2024-12-06'
days: 1
tease: The Single-cell and sPatial Omics Community of Practice (SPOC) are hosting their first Collaboration Fest, welcoming new and experienced contributors to our training materials.
#continent: EU
location: ""
external_url: ""
gtn: true
contact: ""
subsites: [all]
Promote the Event
Tootable/Tweetable version:
Single-cell and sPatial Omics | Collaboration Fest! 📢
The Single-cell and sPatial Omics Community of Practice (SPOC) are hosting their first Collaboration Fest, welcoming new and experienced contributors to our training materials.
📅 December 6, 2024
📝 Registration is open until 2024-12-06!
Slack-compatible version:
Single-cell and sPatial Omics | Collaboration Fest! 📢
The Single-cell and sPatial Omics Community of Practice (SPOC) are hosting their first Collaboration Fest, welcoming new and experienced contributors to our training materials.
:calendar: December 6, 2024
:pencil: Registration is open until 2024-12-06!
Version with schedule:
Single-cell and sPatial Omics | Collaboration Fest! 📢
The Single-cell and sPatial Omics Community of Practice (SPOC) are hosting their first Collaboration Fest, welcoming new and experienced contributors to our training materials.
📅 December 6, 2024
📝 Registration is open until 2024-12-06!