
This workflow takes as input a collection of fastqs (single reads). Remove adapters with cutadapt, map with bowtie2. Keep MAPQ30. MACS2 for bam with fixed extension or model.

  • Author(s):
  • Lucille Delisle
  • Release: 0.12
  • License: MIT
  • UniqueID: fe6bda9f-1fc2-4a86-bf8d-e779c79466fc

ChIP-seq single-read Workflow

Inputs dataset

  • The workflow needs a single input which is a list of fastqsanger files.

Inputs values

  • adapters sequence_forward: this depends on the library preparation. If you don't know, use FastQC to determine if it is Truseq or Nextera.
  • reference_genome: this field will be adapted to the genomes available for bowtie2.
  • effective_genome_size: this is used by MACS2 and may be entered manually (indications are provided for heavily used genomes).
  • normalize_profile: Whether you want to have a profile normalized as Signal to Million Reads.


  • The workflow will remove illumina adapters and low quality bases and filter out any read smaller than 15bp.
  • The filtered reads are mapped with bowtie2 with default parameters.
  • The BAM is filtered to keep only MAPQ30.
  • The peaks are called with MACS2 with a fixed extension of 200bp which at the same time generates a coverage file (normalized or not).
  • The coverage is converted to bigwig.
  • A MultiQC is run to have an overview of the QC.


  • The filtered bam still has PCR duplicates which are removed by MACS2.