Genome assembly with Flye

Assemble long reads with Flye, then view assembly statistics and assembly graph

  • Author(s):
  • Anna Syme
  • Release: 0.2
  • License: MIT
  • UniqueID: 83ef6fdc-b8a9-41af-a824-0225f0199e63

Genome assembly with Flye workflow

Why use this workflow?

  • This is a fairly simple workflow that assembles a genome from long sequencing reads.
  • It takes in sequencing reads from PacBio (Hifi or non-Hifi), or Oxford Nanopore.
  • If you have PacBio Hifi reads, you may prefer to use a workflow with the assembly tool Hifiasm, such as the those in the suite of VGP workflows.


Raw sequencing reads from PacBio or Oxford Nanopore in format: fasta, fasta.gz, fastq, fastq.gz, fastqsanger.gz or fastqsanger

What does the workflow do

  • Assembles the reads with the tool Flye
  • Summarizes the statistics with the tool Fasta statistics
  • Report with the tool Quast
  • Renders the assembly graph with the tool Bandage


Run as-is or change parameters at runtime

For example:

  • change the Flye option of "mode" to the correct sequencing type
  • change the Quast option for "Type of organism" to correct taxon


  • Flye assembly output - four files: fasta, gfa for bandage, graph_dot file, assembly info
  • Fasta statistics
  • Bandage image
  • Quast report